Martin Armstrong "End Times"


  1. Holy shit, what an awesome piece by Mr. Armstrong. So much to think about in this one. The man is a treasure trove of historical knowledge, truly impressive. How I'd love to sit down for a year or so and learn firsthand from him.

    Another thing I really dig is how I feel inspired when I read his writing, he'd make a great mentor and leader. The cycles, waves and time patterns really hit home, too. Could be all the Acid I ate...

    I'm lookin' forward to reading his book.

  2. Ditto. If he ever ran a class I would be all over it. If you like the historical perspective stuff there was a fantastic documentary series on the BBC called "Connections" by James Burke. you could get lost in that stuff for days.

  3. Hi have lurked - enjoy the discussions. Have enjoyed reading Armstrong for a while. If any of you like history particularly on Silver then read two things Charles Savoie


    And notice the trend that China is about to be screwed the third time round with a devaluing dollar and Treasuries - ie the west trying to get out of paying for their excessive trade. The first was the opium trade - the second SILVER and the third the dollar now.

    History shows that the west did this before - trying to paying with Silver and subsequently devaluing it....

    Wouldn't you think they have had enough???

  4. Thx Mrttt63,
    Added to the weekend reading list.

  5. In earlier thread - Osama was mentioned. Perhaps this would be an interesting read to some of you too. The question to ask about SLV etc is do we believe any of the elite managing the information?? Secondly according to Silverstealers is Silver not the second biggest resource for the war machine - second only to energy??

    This article - its really difficult to dicern the truth anymore! And what would one do if that is the case??
