As one liar said to another ....

This is petty funny. Jimmy Cramer and Simon Hobbs go at it this morning.

Martin Armstrong has a new article and it sounds like he is giving up on the notion of Europe ever agreeing to fix the problem.

New trading strategy yields some interesting results.
Here is the super organism at work. Using Twitter rather than 150,000 Elliot wave / Prechter rules to figure out what emotional state the market is in and will be in seems more likely to achieve results.


  1. The Cramer/Hobbs throwdown was amusing to say the least. "I WAS CRUCIFIED! I WAS CRUCIFIED IN THIS COUNTRY!!!" Classic.

    Martin Armstong's article was pretty dead on as far as I'm concerned. He talked about dividend stocks being more interesting than bonds and the stock market eventually popping which I see as well. A good read as always.

    The Twitter hedge fund is really just all about trader psychology and it being easier than ever now to gauge it. There's a whole ton of websites I lurk on just to gauge what the psychology of the people who post on the site is. The most valuable ones are those who can maintain a balanced viewpoint and those who are over the top in their zeal so that any deviation from that really sticks out.

    Trader psychology is the greatest early warning system ever. It's not always accurate, but it's accurate more times than not and it will tell you which way things are headed before the fundamentals and charts show things have changed.

  2. Agreed on the sentiment thing. I do some lurking and it's amazing how just by reading sentiment you can make a fairly accurate prediction of what's going to happen. Never mind the charts.
