Kid Dynamite: Sell Gold, Crash JP Morgan

Kid Dynamite launched a new campaign today to turn the tables on the evil manipulators. If you ever wondered which side of the coin he is on, then look no further than his great satirical article. Whatever happened to the original 'Buy Silver, Crash JP Morgan' campaign anyway? Did anyone ever do any proper mathematics to figure out whether it would work? Did Max ever declare it a failure? What I mean is, the campaign idea itself worked really well - it got a huge amount of social media traction and many (myself included) bought ounces of silver, and across the world millions of ounces of silver were bought during that time period. Yet JP Morgan seems to be unscathed ...

JP Morgan appears to be losing itself several billions of dollars anyway - through various fines of misconduct and illegal whatever, but I suspect the driver is more about cash-starved governments than it is about justice, and in any case the bank just shrugs off those massive fines and goes about its business. No, if you want to take out JP Morgan you gotta do it properly - Wynter Benton style with the $36/oz silver bomb kneecapping exercise. Damn those guys were smart. Funny though, we haven't heard a word from them ever since they publicly failed to move the price of silver ...

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