A whistleblower who contacted me (at a Cleveland bus station) -- let's call this person "Instant Retch" -- really blew my mind. Turns out that the US Government follows my Screwtape posts fairly religiously. And apparently, my
post back in March, when I unveiled the $DJIA:GDXJ three-line break chart and stated that the correction in gold would not be over until we see a reversal on said chart, created quite a stir in top circles.
Well, Instant Retch told me on Thursday night (we've had repeated rendezvous since that first encounter in the bus station) to take a screenshot of the $DJIA:GDXJ chart, which at that point was one day away from completing an all-important weekly three-line break. A"smashdown" was being planned for Friday to prevent what would have been the signal of a huge forthcoming rally!
And indeed that happened.
Thursday |
Friday |
The words were garbled, but I made out "looks like this b#tch is going down hard."
Sounds a little farfetched... what department do you think is doing the watching?
Well I never. So it's your fault the price of Gold is going down.
I often wondered where the butterfly lived that operated the Chaos Theory.
Wouldn't it be simpler for the "evil ones" to swat you with a big fly-swat?
Seriously though GM isn't it time to take your anti-paranoia medication again?
Uhhh guys...I think GM is playing a little tongue-in-cheek music here :)
Anyone trading/daytrading gold Nick Laird at Sharelynx has just developed a pretty handy tool:
Subscription is inexpensive, and this is a very clear indicator of recent daily/weekly patterns. They may not repeat, but they certainly rhyme.
@S Roche
So for all the talk how much real money do you make? Is it really worth it. Does it really change your life-style significantly. Maybe you are like all gamblers. you only remember your winnings never your losses. I see them all the time in France. People in the PMU gambling their pay-packet. What's it all about? What's missing in their lives?
So. Have you made your first $million yet?
By way of clarification I think you will find that the only time I get interviewed by the rat is when I lose money, spectacularly. I co-operate so that others may learn from my errors, which are legion.
Yes, it has changed my life-style significantly. I no longer socialise during the trading week, I am a recluse. On that basis alone I am better off, my bar tab is almost non-existent and my health has improved. My thinking has changed as well, in line with Norman Doidge's research on the brain, so that I am my own research project...a small consolation.
My Sharpe Ratio is the give-away, it can only improve...
@ S Roche
Please don't refer to Prosimians as 'rats'. This is a proto-mammalian hate-speech free area.
As well you know, the Prosimians will soon advance from their default position as uber-masters of the metalsphere to rulers of the known world.
@Jeanne d'Arc and S Roche
SR says " so that I am my own research project." and mentions "rats".
I too am my own "research project" with alternative health.
Did you know they increased the life span of rats to at least double normal. In fact they had to kill the last rat so they could publish the results. It just wouldn't die. Non of the rats suffered age related diseases or any diseases including cancer.
The substance used was C60 Buckminsterfullerene in Olive Oil. So bearing in mind that there was a 170lbs. rat living in my house I started the experiment. The first results are a feeling of paranoia when my cat walks in. I also seem to spend an awful lot of time on the internet looking at plans to build a large wheel to run in.
Duggo, S Roche, GM,
It seems most of us are on the path to a better me and all trying differing approaches. I am trying the pharmaceutical approach plus a steady diet of cockroaches and baby seal blood per UN advisory.
Would you guys care to write up what has and hasn't worked and anything that caught your eye worthy of investigation?
Duggo email me @ louiscypher02 @ gmail dot blah if you are interested.
In all seriousness, something that has seemed to have positive results over the past couple of months that I have been taking it is an anti-inflamitory tobacco derivative (also found in other Solanaceous vegetables such as tomatoes and capsicum) which is sold under the brand name 'Anatabloc'.
@ Slow Loris
As I'm an "alternative" person as well as an "alternative health" person Anatabloc sounds interesting. My only thought is that we are suckered into thinking along the "pharmeceutical-petro-chemical" system . Where symptoms are attacked rather than the underlying cause of our "dis-ease".
Anyway: whatever the problem Anatabloc combined with DMSO might prove a rocket-propelled solution.
One thing people do not get enough of is potassium bicarbonate. Worth a shot.
Not spamming here, but I signed up to this guy's newsletter, and it has loads of useful health info, debunking the drug company's mainstream views.
It's mostly about primal eating and exercising. I have cut out bread, sugary crap, and eat loads of protein, meat, eggs fish and veg. Mmmm.
Also, I can recommend DGL and organic apple cider vinegar if you suffer heartburn or other stomach issues. I had side-effects with the prescription drugs, but these two have been totally effective.
@SLL - I will check that one out - I've always been convinced that tobacco/nicotine per se is essentially healthy, that the dangers are mostly through smoking it (though I'm not sure if in the long term it is still carcinogenic even without smoking it. But then, barbecued meat is carcinogenic too). Whenever I feel a sore throat coming on, a nicotine lozenge takes care of it. I've had one mild cold in the past 6 years. (But i'm not attributing that to the nicotine alone or even necessarily, and in fact i'd urge caution since the stuff is damn addictive to some people, including me)
@SL: I agree. Most people try to make the transition immediately, which is hard. My advice, start by cutting out wheat and legumes and just reducing sugar (which is very easy to count in grams), but allowing all the "paleo" starches you want, e.g. rice, potatoes, yams, tapioca (vegetables shouldn't even be counted as carbs as they have no effect on blood sugar; fruit is always fine to snack). Slowly phase out sugar, and lower the paleo starch consumption until you're at ~200 grams of carbs a day (~800 calories). Eventually you should also cut out polyunsaturated vegetable oils, such as soybean, canola, safflower, corn oil etc. - as that stuff is actually inflammatory, like that other 20th century invention, high-fructose corn syrup that's toxic. Butter, lard, olive oil, coconut oil, red palm oil, duck fat, the traditional way is the way to go.
@duggo: i've been free-basing buckminsterfullerene from a crack pipe for years now.
Interesting read on the current bubble bursting with some historical perspective.
Conclusion is very bearish bonds, very bullish gold.
Latest headlines over a King World News
"Expect Panic & Devastation As Control Of Market Is Lost"
"Financial Chaos, Disappearing Freedom & Hyperinflation"
"Stocks To Plunge As World Enters Massive Bank Panic"
I've just looked out of the window expecting the End of the World or at least an Alien invasion but everything looks normal. Presumably the people on KWN haven't been taking their medication lately.
Since GMJ, who started this thread after all, showed some interest in my little report on Anatabloc, I will continue a bit.
First of all, Anatabloc contains no nicotine.
It's short story is that a very entrepreneurial fellow inherited a small family tobacco company and devised a new curing proceedure designed to avoid producing carcinogenic byproducts, and in the process isolated what he regarded as the tobacco component that worked on the pleasure centers of the brain, leading to addiction in some folks. When it appeared to also have anti-inflammatory properties, he investigated further and had proper medical tests conducted.
As far as carbohydrates are concerned, there is nothing more or less 'paleo' about rice and the mentioned root crops than wheat and other grains - all of our basic 'carb' foods are neolithic developments that magnified their starch components and/or made them easier to cultivate or harvest.
Starches are just more or less complexly folded sugars, and they differ in terms of how quickly our digestive system unfolds them and allows the sugars to be absorbed into the blood stream. That is measured, experimentally, by their 'Glycemic Index', or GI, and lower is better. You can easily look up the GI of any particular food using Google (if you don't mind elaborating your NSA profile).
'Rices ain't rices'! For instance, jasmine rice has a high GI, and basmati rice has a low GI, whereas most common white rices are more in the middle of the range.
One low GI and particularly delicious seed crop is buckwheat, which is a cool climate cultigen gown from northern Japan and Korea through Russian into Scandinavia and Canada. It is only widely known in the US as a component in buckwheat pancakes, but can be obtained in health food stores and even supermarket aisles under the name 'kasha', which is the Russian word for 'porridge' as that is the form in which it is mainly consumed there. You can prepare it as you would steamed rice. The smoked variety is particularly tasty, but no doubt carcinogenic.
Hey SLL -
That description sounds intriguing. I wonder though what you make of all the negative reviews on Amazon for the product. True, I generally value the insight of Amazon commenters only slightly above that of Youtube commentators, but I wonder what you make of it: http://www.amazon.com/Anatabloc-10-Pack-Carton-Lozenges/product-reviews/B005LVLYN0
Re: paleo - I should've been more precise. There's been something of a schism in the Paleo movement (and i say that only half ironically, since Dieting is a lot like Religion, not least in that different people have different mental and physiological needs that different religions/diets (or none!) satisfy.) The idea is that one can safely add a certain amount of "safe" starches to the old school caveman diet, while removing a rather large list of ostensibly "paleo" plant foods for which there's some decent clinical evidence generate an inflammatory response. I try different things and see how i feel, and I can vouch for the idea that the difference between 200 grams of "safe" starches vs. very low carb diets (i.e. <50 g) is negligible when it comes to effects on well-being/physique, but has the advantage that my physical and mental performance seems to respond well to some carbs. Things like rice and potatoes (basically that convert to glucose, which fuels the brain, vs. e.g. fructose, a by-product of sugar, which gets shunted to the liver like alcohol) digest easily and in limited amounts with ample protein and fat do not appreciably raise blood sugar. (Insulin spikes are not always bad either, since e.g. it's required for the protein you eat to make its way into muscle, which is why there's a cottage industry of "recovery formulas" and the like. Anyway, if you're interested, here are some websites that explain the stafe starches thing:
these guys wrote a fantastic book (very heavy on the molecular bio and clinical evidence, RDBCTs etc.)
Thanks for the URLs.
I was quite interested to see that the Amazon 'reviews' for Anatabloc are really strongly bipolar - almost a perfect inverse of a normal distribution.
Opinions seem around evenly divided between 'best thing since sliced bread' and 'what a bunch of crooks'!
The positive ones are raves about rapid improvements to whatever ailed me, while the negative ones mainly complain about marketing ploys and unauthorized credit card charges.
As I mentioned, I have had some positive health results, but also no billing problems, perhaps because no salespersons are active down under here.
I can send you the full story on Anatabloc development if you are interested.
As far as 'paleo' foods are concerned, I have never read anything about the so-called diets and their supposed benefits, but as I have grown older (much older) my food preferences have gradually changed to high animal protein with ample fat including butter and fewer and fewer carbs of any kind in daily quantity, so my diet seems to be close to what the 'paleos' recommend.
I would agree with you that moderate refined grain intake is fine so long as your insulin reactions are normal. Even sugar in your coffee, although I prefer honey.
It may well be that starchy root crops go a long way back in the human diet, as they were an ample source of nourishment on the African veld for any biped with rudimentary digging tools. Outside of Africa, maybe not so much, depending on the environment.
Anyway, the modern starchy root crops are mainly developed cultigens with Neotropical roots (pun intended), and are therefore less than 10,000 years old, much like the cultivated grains, which I strongly prefer in their fermented forms.
SLL - yes, if you'd email that to me, I'd be ,much obliged.
Interesting about modern root crops.
What is an example of fermented forms of cultivated grains? Sounds good. I think it's Pollan's fine book where he talks about how every culture has some kind of fermented food for probiotic content or what not
Here's a question ... when did Homo first start commanding fire? I recall reading a hypothesis (Wrangham?) that it occurred 2 million years ago, but not sure how controversial that is. If so, though, it makes sense that we're physiologically adapted for starches.
Have you never heard of beers?
Although nowadays normally produced from malted barley, beer can be made from wheat, rice (usually called 'rice wine'), and even maize and millets/sorghum, although the latter are normally distilled now. Slightly off topic, the Mongols, being pastoralists who had to trade for their grains, fermented their mares' milk, which tastes just as bad as you might imagine.
The 'Columbian Exchange' (title of the seminal book by Alfred Crosby) was the greatest transformation in so-called 'modern' world history, involving the introduction of New World cultigens to the Old World - maize, potatoes (the so called 'Irish' or white varieties), sweet potatoes (but not yams), squashes, cassava (manioc, or its processed derivative, tapioca), and chillies/capsicums and tomatos; the introduction of Old World animals to the New World - horses, cattle, sheep and goats, and of course people as well; plus of course endemic diseases both ways, including the introduction of syphilis to Europe by Columbus' sailors.
Crosby's follow-up book on The Neo-Europes ('Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe') is also essential in understanding the post-Columbian course of World History following the Columbian Exchange that transformed the food ecologies and demographics of the Old World.
On the antiquity of fire, there is of course much controversy and I have not been following it closely in recent decades. However, a date of two million BP is not credible, although there is some evidence for later lower paleolithic advantageous capture and use of fire. Generally accepted evidence for widespread and controlled use of fire is associated with middle-paleolithic sites, some perhaps dating from as early as half a million years BP although they are far more numerous from the last quarter of a million years ago in association with both early modern Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals (and perhaps Densiovans in Eastern/Southeastern Asia).
Cooking, as well as the later Neolithic developments of food production, including pastoralism and herding/dairying, were transformational in the ecological basis of human societies.
Your gmjenkins@gmail.com doesn't seem to work, so send me an email address to slowlorislarry@fastmail.com.au
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