I want to kick start a beginners guide to the topics I have
been exploring and discussing over the past few years. These topics include
money, banking and economics. So this beginners guide will be attempting to
cover a lot of ground eventually. I’m not aiming high initially. Lego Land will
do for now. Some basic building blocks and rules. But I’m hoping that STFU can
help me to incubate this project and one day it might become a kind of Kahn
Academy meets SimCity.
I’m going to tackle a few controversies as well starting
with one about the GLD ETF. When I explore a controversy I’m
going to collate the opposing arguments and present it as a debate between two
teams. Please take into account that I will be giving you my
interpretation of the arguments and positions of each of the teams.
If you want to be certain that you have a complete and accurate understanding of
the views of any individual who is identified with either side of one of these controversies then please go directly to the source.
I will be striving for brevity in my posts in order to increase
the accessibility of some of these topics. So this first post is about as long
as any future posts will be. If this is too long for you then I’m going to fail to meet
your definition of brevity. I’m also going to try to put the topics that I want to cover into a
more conventional frame of reference than readers are used to seeing from me in the past and to make a habit of defining my terms.
In another break with blogosphere tradition I’m reserving
the right to change my posts after they’re posted. If anyone can point out any
glaring omissions or errors in one of my posts I will amend it and acknowledge the
source in a footnote. But you will have to make a convincing argument in order
to persuade me to do this. Periodically I’m going to revisit some earlier posts and
update them. In the update I’ll incorporate feedback from comments and any new information on
the topic I have unearthed in the meantime.
Another elusive goal I’m pursuing is to try to simplify the
explanation of the reasons why a return to a gold-based international monetary
and financial system (IMFS) has such a high probability that it approaches
inevitability. I wanted to come up with a label for my writings on this subject that would help
to distinguish them from the work of the well known “freegold” blogger
FOFOA and the work of the earlier writers he set up his blog in tribute
to. (I will be discussing many of the same topics FOFOA writes about but in
order to understand his writings and his thinking you must read his work.)
I came up with the label New
Gold for these writings and Warren tacked the words “Supra-Theory”
onto it. It sounds a bit grandiose to me but I’m going to adopt Warren’s
term anyway. I hope it will help to make it clear that my writings on this
topic have nothing whatsoever to do with the mining company of the same name.
So I’ll label these probability-approaching-inevitability
writings as A New Gold Supra-Theory
and make that the aspiration of the discussion. Coming up with a big picture theory about what this new system will look like and addressing questions like this along the way: What elements of the present
IMFS can survive the transition into a new gold-based system? What changes
would be required to allow gold to return to the system? What elements of a new system are already in place?
You are all cordially invited to join me in this discussion at STFU if you feel you have something to contribute. If you have nothing to contribute but still want to speak anyway I reiterate my invitation to STFU (with a somewhat different emphasis).
You are all cordially invited to join me in this discussion at STFU if you feel you have something to contribute. If you have nothing to contribute but still want to speak anyway I reiterate my invitation to STFU (with a somewhat different emphasis).
OMG this is so awesome - my vote is to keep the posts long.
Welcome aboard Uncle Costata.
Thank you LC.
This is as long as it gets BH. I worship the God of brevity nowadays.
I was missing you Uncle C. good to read you again in this very interesting blog.
Looking forward to it.
Just a note, without a title it's not possible to open the post separately, so remember those. :)
Having seen some of the draft material, I welcome this discussion on the role and function of GLD. My role in this will probably be limited to forum moderation (yes). Connecting the different islands of thought about Gold is a very worthwhile effort.
Just wanted to add my appreciation for your effort. Looking forward to your posts.
Thank you everyone. Back soon.
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