In support of Lisa

“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you,
then you win.”
Mahatma Gandhi AKA Lisa Epstein Under Attack by Nationwide Title Clearing

Well well well
For the longest time, we were all ignored by everyone we tried to call out or warn.
Once they did start listening, they ridiculed us and treated our allegations and findings as irrelevant, then technicalities (felonies)…
Now that they all starting realize that the gig is up and their games are coming to an end, and have nowhere else to turn, they want to fight us.
Next stage? Only time will tell…
We have wondered when a day like this would come. Now it has arrived and it is time to fight. It will be an interesting fight if NTC chooses to proceed with their threats. It is hard to take someone down when they have nothing to lose.
You see, the banksters already have taken everything from my friend Lisa, except for her freedom of speech. Now they are coming for that, and she will not allow it.
Below is a cease and desist letter with exhibits from Nationwide Tile Clearing Attorney Michael B. Colgan with GLENN RASMUSSEN FOGARTY & HOOKER to Lisa Epstein and Lisa’s response through her attorney.
The letter and the response speak for themselves but here are some excerpts from NTC's cease and desist.
From Nationwide’s cease and desist letter…
Dear Ms. Epstein:
We are counsel to Nationwide Title Clearing, Inc. ["NTC"). I am notifying you that
your firm's website, contains materially false statements
regarding NTC, Bryan Bly, and Crystal Moore, claiming that NTC creates false documents for financial institutions that are subsequently submitted to courts in mortgage foreclosure proceedings. More specifically, your website contains the following postings which are materially false and misleading:
On November 77,201,0, your site states:
This posting falsely accuses Crystal Moore of being a "criminal perpetrator" when
she executes documents on behalf of NTC. The posting must be removed immediately. In addition, on November L9, 20L0, Sarasota Circuit Judge Rick DeFuria entered a temporary and mandatory injunction against Christopher Forrest and The Forrest Law Firm, and all persons acting in concert with either, enjoining those individuals from "posting, publishing, disseminating, or maintaining materials from the video depositions of [Bryan Bly, Crystal Moore, and Dhurata Doko] until further order by this Court.” A copy of |udge DeFuria’s injunction is enclosed for your review.
Your site’s November 8,2010, post contains a post with the heading
“Mortgage Fraud” that reads as follows:
Not only does your post summarize Mr. Bly’s deposition post which is in violation of
judge DeFuria’s injunction as stated above, your website falsely implies that it was
improper for Mr. Bly to sign numerous mortgage assignments each day as an officer of over 20 banks and mortgage companies, even though he was told there were corporate resolutions from those companies authorizing him to sign as an officer of those banks and mortgage companies. You go on to falsely imply that Mr. Bly was guilty of wrongful conduct because he did not read the assignments before signing them and had no knowledge of their contents. All of this of course, is posted under the heading “Mortgage Fraud.”
As I am sure you know by now, NTC has duly-executed resolutions or powers of
attorney for the financial institutions on whose behalf Mr. Bly executed the assignments. Assignments simply need to be executed; the signer is not required to read them before signing, and your posts suggest otherwise. It is false and misleading and must be removed immediately.
Your post of October 11,2010, entitled “Pigs Ass” wrongfully implies that any
documents created by NTC, Bryan BIy, or Crystal Moore should be presumed to be false. The post states:
NTC, Bryan Bly or Crystal Moore, should be presumed by others to be false is materially false and misleading, as well as legally actionable. This post must be removed immediately.
Your post dated September 14,2010, and entitled
Your post of fune 29,2010, entitled
The statement that Mary Jo McGowan of NTC is a “fraudulent signer” and that the
“fraud . . . is coming out of Pinellas Counly/” (where NTC has its offices) is false and
materially misleading. It must be removed immediately.
Complete copies of these website posts are attached hereto for your review. (below)
You must remove all references to Mr. Bly, Ms. Moore, NTC, or any of its other employees within five [5J days of the date of the letter and cease and desist making any false statements about Mr. Bly, NTC, or its employees, whether on the Internet or
To the extent that you contend that you published these comments in good faith; or
that their falsity was within the protective mechanism outlined in Section 770.02, Florida statutes which NTC disputesJ, NTC, Mr. Bly, Ms. Moore, Ms. Doko and Ms. McGowan hereby demand that a full and fair correction, apology, or retraction be made as provided by law.
If you do not remove these false statements and cease your wrongful activity, NTC
intends to avail itself of all available legal remedies against you and anyone else associated with www.
You have been duly notified. Govern yourself accordingly.
Now we all know who these people are don't we?
They are the "robosigners" from the video depositions last fall that were posted here on Zero Hedge.
If you do not know who they are or have not seen their depositions, they still can be found on youtube by searching their names.
Or you can read some of the transcript courtesy of the Huffington Post.
The three employees of Nationwide Title Clearing — notary Crystal Moore, “signer in charge” Bryan Bly and witness Dhurata Doko — gave depositions to lawyer Christopher Forrest, reports the St. Petersburg Times. Their testimony presents a detailed and often shocking portrait of the assembly-line like process for approving documents.
The employees admit they didn’t read the thousands of documents they signed daily, and they betray ignorance of key aspects of the mortgage industry. In some cases, according to the testimony, their signatures were affixed to documents without their knowledge.
The three employees of Nationwide Title Clearing — notary Crystal Moore, “signer in charge” Bryan Bly and witness Dhurata Doko — gave depositions to lawyer Christopher Forrest, reports the St. Petersburg Times. Their testimony presents a detailed and often shocking portrait of the assembly-line like process for approving documents.
The employees admit they didn’t read the thousands of documents they signed daily, and they betray ignorance of key aspects of the mortgage industry. In some cases, according to the testimony, their signatures were affixed to documents without their knowledge.
One employee admits he doesn’t know how many companies he had signed for as a vice president. Another suggests she doesn’t know anything at all about the mortgage industry. And the third says she didn’t know exactly what she was authorized to do on behalf of her employer — her job was, simply, to “sign the documents.”
1. ‘Just Sign The Documents’
“Do you know specifically what you’re authorized to do for MERS?”
“Just sign the documents.”
“Do you know specifically what you’re authorized to do for City Residential Lending?”
“Just sign the documents.”
“Why did you sign this document indicating that your address was in California if that in fact was not your address?”
“Because my name was on the document.”
“So it was presented to you to sign and you signed it.”
2. A Vice President At More Than 20 Companies
“In addition to notarizing assignments of mortgage, do you ever sign assignments as a vice president of a company?”
“For which companies have you signed as vice president?”
“I couldn’t list all.”
“Could you give me some examples?”
“Chase Morgan. Wells Fargo. I’m on pretty much every corporate resolution.”
“Would it be accurate to say that there are maybe an excess of 20 companies or banks that you sign as vice president?”
“That would be fair to say.”
3. “Just Look For My Name, And Then Sign”
“Do you have any understanding as to what that term means, ‘for good and valuable consideration’?”
“I don’t usually read the docs when I sign.”
“So it’s not part of your job to review the document. Your job is just to sign it.”
“Just look for my name, and then sign.”
4. No Experience Necessary
“What did you study [in the one year of college]?”
“Nothin’. It was just the basic.”
“General courses?”
“Do you have any other additional training or education in banking or finance?”
“Real estate?”
5. Signing 5,000 Documents Per Day At Less Than A Minute Each
“Can you tell me on any given day how many assignments or other documents you sign?”
“Are you looking for a ballpark average?”
“Ballpark. I certainly don’t expect you to remember exactly.”
“I’d say 5,000.”
“Would that be an average day for you?”
“That would be average.”
“Would it be fair to say that during your tenure at NTC you’ve probably signed an excess of 50 or 60 thousand documents?”
“Could be higher than that?”
“With signing so many on any given day, can you estimate for me the amount of time you spend on any given document?”
“Less than a minute.”
“When you’re presented with a document to sign or notarize, do you take any steps to verify any of the information contained in the document?”
“Not in the body.”
“When you say ‘not in the body’ are there any other steps that you take?”
“I’m just looking to make sure it’s been fully signed.”
“Would it be accurate to say that you are presented with a stack of documents to sign, and your practice is to look at the document, see if it’s been signed, affix your signature to it and then move on to the next document?”
6. A Disturbing Lack Of Experience
“When you say ‘financial’ are you referring to matters relating to banking?”
“No. We don’t do mortgages in my country. … I don’t have any idea about mortgages when I started here.”
7. A Strange Definition Of A Mortgage
“Did you take any steps to verify any of the information contained in this assignment before you signed it?”
“Do you ever take any steps to verify any of the information in the documents you sign at NTC?”
“What is your understanding of what exactly is a mortgage?”
“When somebody goes to buy a house, they take a loan. And then the mortgage is their paying the banks bank.”
“Can you tell me what your understanding is of the term ‘promissory note’?”
“That’s just the note. Like it says the interest rate and stuff like that on it.”
8. Management May Have Electronically Signed Documents For One Employee
“Do you play any role in the creation of the documents to which your signature is electronically affixed?”
“No role.”
“Do you have any idea what documents or how many documents your signature has been electronically affixed to?”
“Do you ever review those electronic documents after your signature has been affixed?”
“So would it be accurate to say that entire process takes place outside of your presence and knowledge?”
“That would be fair.”
“You play no role in the determination as to whether or not you should be signing the document physically, or whether your electronic signature should be inserted?”
“Who makes that decision?”
“That would be someone in management.”
“So someone else in management is making a decision as to whether or not to use your signature to affix it electronically to a document?”
“And you have no role in that process?”
9. Signing More Than 50,000 Documents
“Have you signed assignments or other documents as vice president of any other companies?”
“What companies have you signed as vice president?”
“I don’t know.”
“You can’t recall any?”
“Mm-mm [No].”
“Can you estimate for me the number of different companies that you’ve signed assignments as vice president?”
“I don’t know.”
“Can you estimate for me how many assignments or other documents in total during your tenure at NTC you signed as an officer or a vice president of a company?”
“I don’t know.”
“Is it more than 10?”
“More than 500?”
“More than 5,000?”
“More than 20,000?”
“More than 50,000?”
“And out of those 50,000, the only company that you can recall signing as a vice president or an officer is City Residential Lending?”
Well, being an advocate for the People in the public arena, along with her strengths in her First Amendment rights as a journalist, my good friend Lisa decided to fight back.
Below is her response, through her attorney, to Nationwide Title Clearing... aka Lisa Esptein’s Response to Nationwide Title Clearing Cease and Desist Letter

TEL:  954-677-8888; FAX: 954-677-8881

March 30, 2011
Michael B. Colgan
100 South Ashley Drive
Suite 1300
Tampa, Florida 33607
RE:  Cease and Desist Demand Letter to Lisa Epstein dated March 14, 2011
Dear Attorney Colgan:
Please be advised that this Law Firm has been retained to represent Lisa Epstein regarding your Cease and Desist Letter to Lisa Epstein dated March 14, 2011 seeking to silence Lisa Epstein regarding matters of great public interest in order to discourage debate on these important issues of public concern directly impacting and complicating the foreclosure crisis in Florida.
My first concern with regard to your letter is that you state that your Office is counsel to Nationwide Title Clearing, Inc. (“NTC”) but your Office seems to be seeking redress concerning individuals who are employees of NTC but who are not represented by your law firm.  For instance, the first example involving Crystal Moore does not even mention your client, NTC, yet your Office insist that Lisa Epstein remove this very old posting (September 20, 2010) directing her attention to an Order by Sarasota Circuit Judge Rick DeFuria enjoining Christopher Forrest and The Forrest Law Firm, implying that the Judge’s Temporary Injunction somehow applies to her and her blog, Not only is the Judge’s Order not directed at her or her blog, but you failed to inform her that on or about December 10, 2010 that Order was appealed by the ACLU, who is representing Christopher Forrest and The Forrest Law Firm, to the Second District Court, which places its viability in question.
I would note that these videotaped depositions can be found in a number of places on the internet including some State Governmental sites.  Furthermore, posting a third party article directing people to a YouTube site is not defamation nor can it be considered “posting, publishing, disseminating, or maintaining materials” related to those depositions.  All of which is done on YouTube.
In fact, in a letter to the Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice Canady, Howard Simon, ACLU of Florida, Executive Direct said, “Putting the videotaped depositions of ‘Robosigners’ on YouTube give the world an opportunity to see how the practices of Banks and Title Companies are affecting homeowners facing financial problems.  This is a public service that shouldn’t be subject to a court imposed gag order.”  This Letter was co-signed by the Florida Association of Broadcasters, Florida Society of News Editors, Florida Press Association, Florida Times-Union Newspaper, and the First Amendment Foundation.  More information can be found at a site that my Office sponsors,, authored by Michael Redman.
Example two in your letter is an objection to Attorney Lynn Szymoniak’s summary of Brian Bly’s deposition.  Now if summarizing the sworn testimony or statements of an individual is actionable then every newspaper and newsroom needs to be shut down immediately.  The public would instantly be cast into the dark ages – a time when a few powerful individuals attempted to control the people by keeping the masses in ignorance.  As with Example one, NTC is not even mentioned, with the exception that example two indicates that Brian Bly is employed by Nationwide Title Clearing.   However, your letter adds the additional information that, in your legal opinion, it is not legally improper for NTC to direct Brian Bly to sign documents as an officer of over 20 banks although Mr. Bly has no knowledge of what he is signing or the contents of the assignments.   In other words, your letter admits that he just “robo signs” documents put in front of him because NTC directs him to do it.
Since your are being so open an honest, I will also be open an honest.  I have in my office sworn Affidavits – not assignments – signed by both Crystal Moore and Brian Bly.  Based on your candid statement, I can surmise that Crystal Moore and Brian Bly sign these affidavits without any knowledge of the contents because they are directed by NTC to sign these documents as an officer of over 20 banks.  Does your Law Firm find this policy regarding sworn Affidavits also legally permissible?
It may be your legal opinion that your clients do not need to read the documents that they sign but, in my legal opinion, I inform all my clients to read and understand everything that they sign; especially, if that document is going to be recorded in the county records and used in a court of law as evidence.  Moreover, if – as you state – “the signer is not required to read them before signing” – then how do you, as the attorney for NTC, know that Crystal Moore and Brian Bly only signed Assignments since “not reading” a document means, by definition, that neither of them knows what kind of document they signed – whether it be an Assignment, Lost Note Affidavit, Affidavit in Support of Summary Judgment, Satisfaction of Mortgage or any other document – because neither of them had any knowledge of the contents of the documents that they signed.  To use your phrase, “I am sure you know” that both Crystal Moore and Brian Bly signed sworn Affidavits of all kinds.
By Mr Bly’s own admission, he signed 5000 documents a day in batches of 200.  Assuming an 8 hour day, Mr. Bly  would have had to sign over 600 documents every hour or 10 documents every minute.  Mr. Bly accomplished this feat by not reading the documents, which prevents him from having any knowledge of the content of the document or what type of document he was signing.  I am sure he did not even care what he was signing as his job was signing – not reading, understanding, or knowing.   As pointed out in Example 3, the document signed is a Satisfaction of Mortgage – not an Assignment of Mortgage.  To sign a Satisfaction of Mortgage, Mr. Bly would have to have some knowledge of whether or not the mortgage was in fact paid off.  However, he was not reading the documents he signed, which, of course, begs the questions – Was the mortgage really satisfied?
Example 4, relates to Crystal Moore and Brian Bly signing Affidavits and Example 5 relates to a question posted by a reader of regarding another employee of NTC, Mary Jo McGowan.   Although you state that these statements are false and materially misleading, you don’t explain your statement.  In my legal opinion, a person who signs an Affidavit swearing to facts set forth therein without any personal knowledge of those facts is making a false statement.  It is fraud on the Court to utilize such fraudulent affidavits as evidence in a court of law.  One law firm has, this very week, agreed to pay a paltry $2 Million in fines to Florida regarding the filing of such false affidavits and paper work.  I guess that the Attorney General’s Office in Florida is seeking to hold someone “accountable” for these “sworn false statements.”
Twice you make the rather amazing statement that my client “knows” that NTC has duly executed resolutions or power of attorney for the financial institutions for which its employees executed assignments.  Need I point out that my client does NOT “know” anything of the sort.  I have been practicing in this area of the law (Mortgage Defense Law) since early 2008 and I have never seen such a resolution or power of attorney.  So not even I know anything about “resolutions” or “power of attorneys” authorizing Mr. Bly, Ms. Moore, or anybody else to sign for any bank, lender or financial institution.  Since these resolutions you mention deal only with “assignments”, can I assume that there are not resolutions authorizing the signing of Affidavits, Satisfactions of Mortgages, or other sworn statements, which have been filed in courts throughout Florida?
Your statement that such confidential resolutions or power of attorneys exists secretly, hidden from view, is meaningless, pointless, and not trustworthy.  For example, you provide a copy of a three year old, November 20, 2008 “Unanimous Written Consent of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of Citi Residential Lending Inc.” which is neither “unanimous”, as it is signed by only two out of three people, nor does it authorize the signing of any and all assignments no matter what State or legal case the assignments relates.  Half the resolution seems to be missing. (See, Page 2).  Its not authenticated – but just a copy.  Its old.  I have no idea if Sanjiv Das and Paul R. Ince have really signed this alleged resolution or are authorized to sign this resolution.  The resolution “specifically” relates to something happening in Colorado, not Florida.  The resolution is not even valid until NTC executes an Indemnity Agreement.  Who knows if NTC executed this Indemnity Agreement.  Since this alleged resolution is no longer confidential, can I assume that your Law Office will be making all these “confidential” resolutions or power of attorneys available for discovery should your Client decide to sue my Client?
Again your letter states that these duly-executed corporate resolutions or powers of attorney allows the employees of NTC to execute assignments only. Again, can I assume that there are no secret, confidential resolutions or power of attorneys granting the employees of NTC the right to sign sworn affidavits, satisfactions of mortgages, or other sworn statements? If that is true, as you imply, then any Affidavit, Satisfaction of Mortgage, or sworn statements signed by Mr. Bly, Ms. Moore or other employees of NTC are, consequently, legally invalid.
Now let me tell you a little bit about Lisa Epstein and her blog,  The blog specifically states that it is for “Supporting, Informing, & Connecting People in Foreclosure.”  The blog posts every day the latest news in this very important public interest subject of foreclosure and foreclosure fraud.  This area is of such importance that the ACLU has become involved in Florida due to the blatant violations of Floridian’s constitutional due process rights.  The Florida Attorney General is actively investigating several law firms for filing false affidavits and false documents in the courts.  A paralegal at the now defunct law firm of David Sterns gave a deposition to the Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum’s Office indicating that virtually every affidavit, assignment, or other sworn document coming out of the firm was faked.  All these issues and many, many more are tracked on Lisa Epstein’s blog,
On a daily basis, Lisa Epstein’s blog provides its readers with up to date information and news regarding events surrounding Foreclosures; including, but not limited to changes in the court administrative rules and recent rulings from Judges throughout Florida.  The Blog receives over 3,000 hits every day from people seeking information on this vitally important area of public importance in Florida.  In short, receives approximately 100,000 hits per month.  Every day the number of hits increase.
Lisa Epstein’s name is known even in Tallahassee.  Recently she was one of the leaders in the Rally to Tally where she traveled with two bus loads of fellow advocates to Tallahassee to protest the new attempts to cut short the due process rights of homeowners in Florida.  There in Tallahassee, she met with representatives of the Attorney General’s Office as well as members of the State Legislator regarding bills presently pending before the House of Representatives and State Senate.
Lisa Epstein has been named the Homeowners Advocate by the Palm Beach Post.  In December, 2010, Florida Trend named Lisa Epstein and Michael Redman the Florida News-makers of the Year for 2010.
Lisa Epstein and Michael Redman have assisted the Florida Attorney General’s Office in investigating and providing evidence of the the fraudulent documents that have been filed in the county records and in different courts throughout the States.  Both Lisa Epstein’s,, and Michael Redman’s,, investigative journalism have been responsible for exposing how different signatures appear for the same robosigners, how the banks have filed two blue ink notes, and exposed all the different kinds of fraudulent affidavits, assignments of mortgages, and other fraudulent documents have been filed in the courts and in the county records.  Lisa Epstein and Michael Redman have investigated and reported on many issues that are now in the forefront of newspapers and the nightly news.  In addition, both web blogs are considered the two most important sites for seeking information in this most critical area for Floridians who are losing their homes and their finances.  Without a doubt, Lisa Epstein’s blog,, concentrates on gathering, selecting, and preparing, for purposes of publication to a mass audience, information about current events of interest and concern to her audience  — specifically, “Supporting, Informing & Connecting People in Foreclosure.”
It is well settled law that Lisa Epstein is entitled to the protections provided by the First Amendment with respect to the freedom of free speech.  In addition to her investigative work, Lisa Epstein’s  republishes articles picked up from other new sources, blogs or internet news sites.  In the Pentagon Papers case, New York Times Co. v. United States, 403 U.S. 713, 714 (1971), the federal government sought to enjoin The New York Times and The Washington Post from publishing a stolen classified documents on United State decision-making policy in Vietnam.  The documents contained highly classified information that presumably threatened national security.  Nevertheless, the Supreme Court held that even those threats to important governmental interests could not overcome the established presumption against prior restraint on speech.  It is a “hallowed First Amendment principle that the press shall not be subjected to prior restraints.”
Moreover, the activities of Brian Bly and Crystal Moore have made them infamous throughout the United States.  These two names are well-known.  Whether Brian Bly or Crystal Moore intended the notoriety, these two people – along with many others – have become famous and will be forever linked to the name “robosigner”.  Consequently, any defamation action will need to meet a higher standard to state a cause of action.
My client will not waive her First Amendment Rights which protect and guarantees the full and uninhibited discussion of the vitally important public issues surrounding foreclosure litigation in Florida; especially since there has been no statements that can be reasonably interpreted as stating false and defamatory facts about Mr. Bly or Crystal Moore or NTC reputations, which may warrant stifling the First Amendment rights to public debate.  The First Amendment guarantees a full and uninhibited discussion of public issues.  In the arena of public discussion, differing views may be voiced within the established limits of verbal discord or rhetorical hyperbole’, and even offensive utterance, without violating the law of defamation; especially, where such statements cannot reasonably be interpreted as stating actual facts about an individual’s reputation.   The public has a right to weigh all the facts in arriving at conclusions related to any individual who signs for companies he or she is not employed with or who swears to facts in affidavits where the individual admittedly has no personal knowledge.    Fifty States are now investigating these activities.  The Florida Bar has now stated that lawyers may loose their Florida Bar licenses over filing such false and fraudulent paper work in the courts.
To the extent that your Law Firm does not represent the individuals you seek redress for, my client declines to comply with your demand letter to abridge her Constitutional Right guaranteed under the First Amendment in favor of demands your Law Firm has no legal right to make.  With regard to NTC, you letter simply refers to “implications” you have drawn from statements your Law Firm have interpreted as being defamatory to the reputation of NTC.  My client declines to accept those interpretations; therefore, she will continue to exercise her Constitutional Rights of free speech.
As far as Matthew Weidner’s actions with regard to NTC’s law suit, he has chosen the higher ground and the better fight.  His energy is better served in the court room and not being drawn off into some legal battle that draws his attention away from the real battle.  On the other hand, my client, Lisa Epstein, is an advocate for the People of Florida and her arena is the public.  Her strengths are in her First Amendment rights as a journalist and an Advocate.  That is why your letter and this response will be posted on her Blog,, as well as,
Carol C Asbury
Senior Attorney
Oh, and one more thing before I go…
How amazing is this? Have you all seen the movie Office Space?
Do you remember one of the best cultural icons of America, Milton Waddams?
Look at this picture of Bryan Bly and Milton Waddams side by side…
The resemblance is AMAZING!
Same haircut, same glasses, same mustache, same look! They are even wearing the same gray short sleeved shirt!
How cool would it of been if they put a red swingline in front of Bryan Bly while taking his depo?

HA! And I thought Robo-Lisa was the funniest thing I ever saw…

Anyway, I am sure this is far from over so stay tuned…
Full NTC Letter with exhibits below...

Silver Mid Week Wednesday The longer term silver chart shows price at an upper momentum line and has been trading above and below it all week. Support is the 36.50-37.00 area at the moment. As long as silver remains above the 35-36 area ----- the trend is still up -- but keep in mind that this is an important area for silver --- even on the long term charts. Until the 36 area is taken out --- the potential to move higher remains. Resistance is 37.80-38.30 at the moment.

Gold Mid Week Update Wednesday

The pullback from has Thursday has found support near 1410 on three different pullbacks. The Wednesday low reached the lower purple trend line and price has bounced off it for the moment. Today's price failure at the 1430 area didn't look so pretty on he hourly chart and does raise a bit of concern. It seems the shorts don't want gold to close out the quarter much higher than we currently are at. The roll over from April to June is probably causing some of the volitility as well. THE key at this point from a chart perspective --- is to get a daily close above 1436 and then 1444. That would tilt the odds to higher. A close below the 1403-1405 area would be suggestive of a test of 1387-1392. The lower purple trend line should provide initial support --- and it would seem that the 1409-1410 area is an important area to hold on a closing basis as well. With the quarterly close on Thursday and the unemployment report on Friday -- its possible for gold to remain in a choppy fashion a bit longer. Once Friday morning is out of the way --- we should get a good glimpse if gold is heading higher. CLOSES Above 1436 and then 1444 would suggest higher into the first week of April.

Gold Mid Day Monday The gold market has pulled back into Options expiration and the roll from April to June contract has added to the downside we've been speculating on since late last week. Today's low near 1410 spot did not quite reach the lower purple channel line --- but seems to have found decent support there. The lower purple line is key support ---- say in the 1405-1409 area and WEEKLY SUPPORT is the lower dotted trend lines in the 1390-1400 area. We'd like to see gold close back above 1425 on a daily basis give more confidence of a Monday low is in place. Cycles and past history shows end of month and beginning of month as strong points for gold over the past six months --- so odds do favor one more push higher this week. A WEEKLY close above 1444 would add to the bullish potential that gold can push towards 1500. In summary --- with options expiration out of the way and the very short term favoring the bulls --- closes above 1425 should favor the upside. A close above 1436 WOULD ADD to the potential ---and as mentioned a close above 1444. As long as we hold the lows of today --- a push higher should develop into the week. Lets see if we can close back above 1425.

Silver Mid Day Monday The pullback in silver has reached the 36.50 area ---- and while support looks to be in the 35.80-36.20 area ---- the bounce at 36.45 may have been the extent of the pullback. There is no doubt that the 38 dollar area is an important resistance area --- but the potential squeeze in silver in not a normal occurance --- and the potential to move above this area cannot be discounted. Closes above the upper dotted line could project up to the 39-41.50 area --- but obviously --risk is high at these levels. The pullback into today was speculated late last week as the Gold Options expiration --- and the roll over from April to June probably played a large part in the pullback. End of month --and beginning of month (april) has in the past favored higher price --- so another push up this week is still certainly in the realm of potential. The price gap from last week is the 35.35 area ---- so support this week should be solid in the 35-36 dollar area. Global tensions and crisis remains strong in all fronts --- debt in Europe and USA, Nuke in Japan and revolt in the middle east. It is forming quite the powder keg. The Japan crisis is a wild card --- as silver is not only monetary -- but an industrial metal. At the moment -- price remains up --- but these resistance levels do need to be watched. A close above 38.25 should be constructive for a push to 39 and even 41.50.

Weekend Roundup. Focus on Japan

“When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?”
-       John Keynes

Sources: Zerohedge, BBC, Greenpeace and a smattering of CNN etc.

I thought long and hard before posting this. I hate to think or write based on conjecture.  It’s one thing to connect the dots but if I try to connect A to D, E, F etc. without knowing what B and C are I’m heading into tinfoil hat territory.  If I cling to this belief even after B and C turn up later to be entirely different than I supposed  then you may as well call the guys with the white coats to come get me.

Having said all that you are forewarned that if B and C  or X and Y are being deliberately withheld by the Japanese Authorities then make what you will of that.

Actual facts are had to come by. Even the experts can’t seem to agree on the basics of what constitutes too much radiation. Morons like Ann Coulter would have you believe a little Plutonium is something that should be sprinkled on your cornflakes in the morning. Only in moderation of course due to it’s expense.

What we do know;

A.     Tsunami hit almost without warning. We are told that the nuclear plants had enough time to shut the reactors down before the big waves hit. If this is the case then fail safes within the reactor cores will by their design keep the main reactor cores safe. Chernobyl had a test shut down that didn’t work as expected. What happened in Chernobyl obviously hasn’t happened in Japan where the reactor blew spewing all sorts of nasty radioactive stuff far and wide.

A1. However, at least one noted expert thinks one reactor may have a crack in it based on material detected outside the plant.

B.     I think we can all agree that there is limited information coming out of Japan. We all know the Chinese, Brits and Americans evacuated their people ASAP.  That could be read as knee jerk reaction or responsible move.  We also know various foreign naval ships are keeping their distance from Japanese islands.

C.     We do know the cooling towers have to have water continuously fed to them by any means possible and from any water source available. Seawater is a desperate attempt and very short term solution. Seawater evaporating will of course leave behind salt blocking valves etc.  

D.    We know there was an Israeli company contracted to monitor internal conditions in the plant long before this mess. They claim they have been denied access to their systems. Possible but not probable if you have ever worked in security then you will know the host company can only lock you out by physically severing the connection. You, as the security systems installer, always have a backdoor in by necessity. Again, what are the Japanese hiding? It would seem to be a simple matter to release this information if everything is not as bad as ZH etc. are saying.

E.     We know Japan is one of the most technologically advanced nations on the planet. We know they have had internal strife with their own home grown  crazies in the form of Doomsday cults etc. They have more than enough bomb disposal equipment and other remotely operated robots with cameras. Why did it take a week to get all terrain remote vehicle(s) on site? Why aren’t we seeing what these robot(s) are seeing? I am sure Geiger counters, infra red cameras, wireless feeds are all possible. Where is the information?

F.     We know they had to run a half mile of electrical cable from a generator to the nuclear sites in order to get power there. This one little point is very important. But I’ll get to it later on.

G.     We know they were desperate enough to risk pilots in unshielded helicopters to dump sea water on the cooling tanks for spent fuel. The radiation was so high that they couldn’t get in close enough to make an accurate drop most of the time.  Or was it simply a matter of the temperature being so high it forced the helicopters off course? The Temp sensors are unfortunately inadequate for the job of reading temperatures. They only read as high as 400 Celsius. These temps have been exceeded.

H.    We know the cooling towers are where they put the spent fuel rods for cooling. The big question is how many rods are in these containers? They can hold many more than the recommended max. The reason there is a maximum is not physical capacity or size but weight and content. The simplest chain reaction occurs when you gather sufficient material in one place to create a chain reaction. For that reason responsible people don’t put too many eggs in one basket. It’s a possibility that they may have put too many rods in the cooling tanks. If the rods melt because of lack of coolant is there enough material there to go critical? The Japanese have been quiet on how much material is in these cooling tanks. In order for critical mass to happen depends on a number of factors. Mostly shape comes into play. A perfect sphere will require a lot less material than a fried egg shape so it’s an unlikely scenario unless the Japanese were really stupid.

I.      One of the first things about the Japan situation that raised my suspicions was; Why is this taking so long? Chernobyl, 3 Mile Island etc. all were relatively contained / situation understood within days.  In Japans case we seem to be making little progress and ground conditions appear to be worsening not getting better.  A couple of mainstream pundits tell us that Japan is a closed private culture. Well I am calling B.S. on that excuse. They are all of those things but they are not feudal Japan of old and they know.

J.       Japan is not really the biggest country in the world. MSM, go back to watching the rest of “Shogun” with Richard Chamberlain. Maybe watch “Too fast and too Furious” for a more modern understanding of Japanese culture.  Yes, I’m joking.  However, think of it like this. We have an understanding of Japanese culture. Wouldn’t it stand to reason they have an understanding of our culture? Wouldn’t they understand that we are willing and able to help and more importantly we think it is our right to know what happens.  There is only one conclusion to be drawn from this. They are not giving us information because it’s ALL bad. There is no good news here.

K.    Per zerohedge there was a report of a plane load of Tokyo residents being detained because they set off the Geiger counters on the USA side of the world. Nothing more has been heard on that subject.

I mentioned I have been monitoring Greenpeace etc. for my news sources. Greenpeace have been very careful not to be seen as anti nuclear and are reporting only what they know and not what they think. They have boots on the ground.  And I will quote;

“A new analysis prepared for Greenpeace Germany by nuclear safety expert Dr Helmut Hirsch shows that by March 23 2011, Japan’s nuclear crisis has already released enough radioactivity to be ranked at Level 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES). This is the scale’s highest level, and equal to the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
Hirsch’s assessment, based on data published by the French government's radiation protection agency (IRSN) and the Austrian governments Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) found that the total amount of radionuclides iodine-131 and caesium-137 released between March 11 and March 23 have been so high that the Fukushima crisis already equates to three INES 7 incidents.” 

Let that sink in and then follow along to where we start skipping dots here. We already know the Japanese economy has been in a pretty poor state of affairs for a long time. If you go by debt to GDP ratio then the Japanese win the yearbook trophy for “most likely to implode” hands down.
So what’s the big deal about the half mile of cable attached to the generator? Simply this; Japans electric infrastructure doesn’t distribute electricity in the way we do. Moving electricity from one area to another is not really possible. One half of Japan is 50Hz and the other is 60Hz. Sure you could step up or step down but we are talking Giga watts not watts.
Fukisihima is a major electricity supplier to Tokyo hence the rolling blackouts. I have read estimates of between 10 and 20% of national electricity being supplied by Fukishima. I’m not sure if the writers were aware of the 50 and 60Hz peculiarity in Japan. If anyone has concrete figures on how much Tokyo depends on Fukisihima I am all ears.
There are reports of contaminated food and drinking water. Anything grown there or exported from this area will be suspect and tested. In other words food shortages, poisoning of locals maybe as far as Tokyo and economy to take another beating it can ill afford. Japan is an export driven economy and relies on cheap nuclear electricity for most of their needs. It’s exports we are all familiar with and they are pretty much at a standstill for the moment.
There are reports of bank runs being headed off at the pass by ATM’s being shut down. There is literally a lack of paper money out there as the worlds most conservative savers hit their banks up for walking around money or is it running away money?
If it’s running away money where do millions of Japanese emigrate to? If they get there will their Yen be acceptable currency if Japan is cordoned off like the Forbidden Zone in Planet of the Apes? I think the answer to that is obvious. This, of course, is worst case scenario.
We know the Japanaese are printing and the fear from some pundits is they would dump US treasuries etc. for cash needs. Again, going to call B.S. on this if you have a strong paper based currency based on being the third biggest economy in the world the last thing you are going to do is water it down further by dumping your US treasuries on the open market any more than you would dump all your Gold. I’ll go two steps further and say at the next Euro bond sale and the next US bond sale we will see the Japanese buying more than they normally would and we will see them sell more Japanese bonds than they normally would. In this way they can prop up their soon to be depreciating currency with our funny money. If they go down they will bring us all down. Tim and Ben must be thrilled that now they have a buyer for all their crap. In short Japan is toast economically in the short term. Their manufacturers may have no choice but to off shore manufacturing to keep themselves in the game. The question is will they bring it back? Is the Japanese businessman honorable or is he just as self serving as the American businessman?

This article refutes my notion of Japan being a buyer of US treasuries and says China is / will be the main buyer and purchased Pimco’s holdings when they dumped. I would say prove it: Saying it doesn’t make it so. It is also getting a lot of hits based on being published in Forbes
However, take a look at this and then decide which article is more likely to be true.
I have raised more questions than answered here but there are so many moving parts here and not all of the parts are visible. As the story evolves and information becomes available we will all have a better idea of what is really happening. 
Always keep in mind though .... Bears always have a more interesting story. In other words keep in the back of your mind newspapers sell better when they put "Murder" on the front page than "Hero".

Gold bugs and 40 years in the Wilderness

40 is a magic number.
The Bible is filled with references to 40 from Abraham to Moses.
It took Moses 40 years (apparently walking really slowly) to find his way from one sandy place to a dusty and sandy place and he dropped dead and never got to see it. Those Jewish guys had a firm grasp of numbers and cycles which we are just starting to recognize.

40 years it’s been since Silver and Gold started wandering the wilderness.
They brought a lot of the Gold and Silver bugs along for the ride. Some of them railed at the controlling powers at the injustice of it all. Some were broken and sold by necessity.  Most never lived to see the promised land of a Gold standard.
It’s been 40 years since we broke from a gold standard.  It’s been 40 years of a new Dollar backed by wishful thinking, faith based, hopium, unbacked pure paper currency.

Guess what the average lifespan of paper money is?
If you guessed 40 years then you guessed right.  What happens when the paper hopium fails is well known. It is up to the current 40 year olds to change the never ending cycle of new money fractionalized for the benefit of the few. Until we ALL understand where money comes from we will continue on this never ending cycle of stupidity.  We will issue new currency every 40 years or so. If the people accept this new money as better than the old in some odd way we get up and running again. If not some excuse will be trotted out explaining to the people “you were right about the red dollars because some outside force …. However, wait until you see the blue dollars they are much better because …..”

I was too young to be playing in the markets when the Hunt Bros came on the scene or to understand the significance of what Nixon did. I remember talking with my Dad at the time though about it as he was buying Silver coins. He was a guy who collected things but not beer cans or matchboxes. He collected things based on their intrinsic value. He collected numismatics because he recognized that they would all go away one day and be replaced with cheaper knock offs. He collected abused antiques and restored them for the same reason. I was fortunate enough to inherit some of these things and will never sell them regardless of price. I didn’t inherit his love of numismatics but I understand why some are more prized than others. I remember as a kid raiding some of his coin collection and spending them in the store. Sorry Dad, but it’s what kids will do if given the opportunity. I was too young and easily brainwashed to understand there was a difference between Silver money and other shiny stuff so some of those junk silver coins contributed to my cavities.
I thought money was money and assumed it was all the same.  It’s up to each of us to reach out and explain to our friends and neighbors there is a difference.

Until we all understand that there is a sweet spot of maybe 20 years in between every currency issue and every currency failure then we are simply setting up future generations to failure.  Consider that the best times in America were based on a gold and silver standard and then consider why Nixon felt he had to come off it. 
One reason, besides the temptation of being able to produce money out of nothing, was that other countries dumped their gold standard before us.  Their citizens and banks could buy Gold and Silver from us using their hopium. So in essence you might say he was protecting the assets of this country and it’s citizens. Now whether subsequent Presidents or he himself sold us out by selling or leasing out that Gold and Silver is another question for another time.  Once off the Gold standard he was trapped and had to protect the new Dollar at all costs. If that meant dumping Gold and Silver cheaply on the world market so be it.  If that meant every subsequent administration had to do the same so be it.  Now you know why the Fed, the treasury and Fort Knox will not be audited 

We need to go back to what has worked throughout history; an agreed upon world standard of exchange. It doesn’t matter a damn if it’s Jade, Gold or monkey teeth. As long as it is hard to forge, fake and is beyond the means of mortal man to manufacture it then that will work. I guess that leaves Gold and Silver unless some monster deposit is found in Iran then there is no rational reason not to move to a Gold standard before the system implodes. It’s time to end the cycle of abuse by our banking masters upon us. They have had 40 years of economic experimentation and they failed.

So thank you Dad. It took me nearly 40 years before I actually started buying Gold and Silver myself.  It took a while but I get it.

End game and do charts work in a manipulated market?

Do Charts matter in a manipulated market?

Most will argue that they work only because we think they do. Some disingenuous players like Buffett will tell you he never uses them. Some like Prechter will say they predict social mood etc.  I will simply say they do work if enough people think they work and leave it at that.  It’s simply too big a question to answer in single blog post.
So let us assume they do work for our purposes.

Whether we agree that there is manipulation or not doesn't matter because the manipulation has been going on so long that it is now PART of the charts.

Manipulation will effect the short term charts and throw them out of whack when they make an unexpected or desperate move but longer term they don't change.  You can see it clearly if you look at the historical silver charts for example and match it up with margin requirement changes. It’s a direct intervention in the markets to cool things down. So manipulation works obviously.

My theory is if the manipulation is applied on a regular basis then it becomes part of the trade. It gets built into expectations and therefore the charts.
So whether you think manipulation is real or not doesn't matter. It only matters if the degree of manipulation changes. For example; if the Morgue doubled down on their short position tomorrow it would potentially skew the charts in the short term but those looking at the longer term charts would see it as an opportunity.

This is my round about way of saying at some point all the manipulation in the world won't matter in the long run and eventually the fundamentals win out over the manipulation and the charts.

IMHO The Morgue are trapped. Short term tricks like raising the margin requirements are having less and less effect. Notice how as the price increases the margin requirements have gone higher and the margin requirement (although more frequent) changes are having less and less effect. It used to take weeks or months to absorb or digest the margin requirement changes but now it's days.  Massive margin requirement changes or throwing out the rule book like back in Hunt Bros days can have massive effects obviously but they are running out of ideas here.  Kind of like the Fed cutting interest rates they eventually run out interest rates to cut.  The Fed have run out of interest rate cuts so they only have one direction left. They cannot hold negative interest rates (taking inflation into account) in place forever except through dollar devaluation.

The Morgue is running out of Silver and Margin requirement changes.  At some point they may run out of position by the imposition of position limits. I'll believe that when I see it.
The Fed is running out of Gold and rate reductions. Their next move is move the goal posts / rule book change.  What that rule book change could be I have no idea but it would have to be fundamental. A requirement that you have to deposit physical in order to participate would have the desired effect.  It would give the Morgue control of inventory which they desperately need. Unfortunately for the Morgue this would be a temporary fix as traders will simply move to another exchange and the Comex would lose relevance. Short term though they would be able to cover their shorts and destroy us bugs.
I know nobody reads this blog so I feel safe putting this notion out there :)

As we keep going higher in price the leverage decreases for traders but they are expecting the margin hikes and are ready for it. Only the degenerate gamblers are going all in with no room for error or margin requirement changes.

Also, as the leverage available decreases it stabilizes the prices as there is less profit in the trade and there is one less bullet in the manipulation clip. At some point they will run out of bullets.  

The big picture is the Morgue are playing a game with real money using fake money that is devaluing faster than they would like. Their backer the Fed is trapped in a similar no win situation.  You need physical silver to sell short in the market or someone will call your bluff. The bluff has been called.  Their only option now is to attack gold to scare the Silver bugs but with China etc. waiting for cheap gold that could really backfire when the Chinese show up to take delivery and pay for it with greenbacks.

The jig is up. It’s end game unless something really fundamental changes in the way the Comex conducts business.

P.S. Thanks Warren for my avatar and as always thanks Bill for the great charts.

Silver mid day Thursday

Silver reached the 38 dollar area today and has penetrated above the mid line. A close above that line would be suggestive that price can move higher. With gold options expiration coming on Monday --- and with the metals up all week --- if a pullback into Monday is planned -- today is where it should start. Support is the lower red line at 35.50-36.20 ----- and resistance is the 38.05 area. Let's see if price can close above the middle red line.

Gold Mid Day Thursday

The gold market exceeded 1444 this morning but a late day pullback is underway that should keep gold from closing above it. With Options expiration due on Monday and prices up all week -- this is the time if they are to bring gold down into the Monday timeframe. Support is the 1430-1435 area today ---- with additional near 1420. The lower purple line and the two dotted lines are weekly support. In sum --- if they boyz are planning lower for options expiration -- today is the preferred day to begin the pullback. A close above 1444 would target 1450-1460.

The rally back up in silver has been most impressive --- and should silver move back into the red channel ---- a move towards 38 and potentially higher could be in play. The gap from Monday morning was not filled ---a rare occurance in silver. Closes above 36.56 will suggest higher prices remain the favored trend.

Gold Mid week Wednesday

Last weeks low at the lower dotted trendlines just before the currency intervention by the G-7 have kept gold firm all week long. Support is the 1395-1410 area on a weekly basis and 1417-1425 on a daily basis. Gold is approaching the old high at 1444 ----------a close above that area would suggest 1460-1480 as the next resistance. Additional resistance is the 1525 area. The trend remains up ---- but watch the 1444 area. Closes above there will suggest higher.

More Questions (Explanation on my post by Warren)

My last post was a whirlwind - and only those who regularly follow a handful of blogs would have been able to make any sense of it. This is a reprint of the primary concepts for the benefit of Paul D. Bain - in the hope that he will add some forensics commentary himself.

.. About one week ago, the following message appeared on the Yahoo Boards. It caused a stir because the writer was claiming a 70% premium offer to not redeem physical silver. In true viral fashion, the URL was found in the comments of many blogs - including [ Harveys, SilverGoldSilver, and Along the Watchtower ]. And here at screwtape files, while the claim is outrageous, this is not news to us - our own mystery poster 'Amber' claimed an 80% premium was obtained in an attempt by their group. The blogosphere has been in a suitable amount of froth over the claims, with a user called 'Kid Dynamite' especially batting for the legitimacy of SLV and bashing PSLV.

Our goal here is to test the validity of claims made and perhaps unveil what is hidden from our sight. To this end - the claims are either fact or fiction (or an elaborate mix of half-truths). We want to identify whether we are being lied to, but to further uncover WHY they would post the claim (analyze motives and agenda). For me, the 70% premium claim story comes undone because for the last couple of years, the user 'doc366' appears to be using multiple accounts (at least 5) to spam news links into relevant stock forums on the Yahoo Finance Message Boards. Three of those accounts used have a 'conversation' together about a JPM comex default (using emotive, non-factual language), so it appears to be a largely amateur meme injection.

My primary argument is that if entities out there covertly promoting the end of Comex, then it serves to identify who 'they' are, and what their agenda is. My wider thesis is that the Comex will be used as a scapegoat to hide behind as gold becomes revalued, and to that end, the whole damn thing has been planned by someone - just a psyop to influence and prime public opinion so that when the next finance paradigm comes about, there is no rioting on the streets. It also occurs to me that someone (possibly JP Morgan themselves) is LONG physical bullion (as suggested by some) and that they may in fact be responsible for engineering some of today's misinformation.

But that explanation is simply my tin-foil-hat-variety (I see dead people). The better explanation is someone out to make a quick buck, as expounded by DarkMath's comment: My take is the guy whose making money using astroturf software to post fake posts on Yahoo also has a hankering for Silver. So he says to himself after he gets bitten by the Silver Bug: hey my day job is spamming Yahoo message boards why don't I kill two birds with one stone and use the software to promote the Comex will default story."

I hope this explains why my research raise more questions than is answered, and that it explains the context of my frenetic post a bit better.


Reference and NOTES:
1. All this hardly matters anyway - the window for obtaining cheap bullion is closing fast and I hope everyone who is reading this has a little bit on their person.

2. The new financial paradigm I'm talking about has been well described by for the last couple of years and I personally think we are now seeing this transition.

3. SilverGoldSilver claims in his Bears videos that the Comex default is just the next stage as part of a wider agenda. And yep, I suggest this fits what we are seeing (but I do think the endgame is Freegold, not a new Fiat currency).

4. My Own Garbled Posts (by Warren):


5. Primary Wynter Benton Stuff (by Louis Cypher):


More Questions (Tin Foil Hat Special Feature by Warren)


I woke up this morning to find a message on my post from 'hiptwist', who suggests that the doc366 sounds like a variety of 'astroturfing'. I looked it up. Looks good (thanks hiptwist). Musing on that all day long. Stuff not adding up so my brain so I do some more digging - I'm not satisfied with the depth to which I analysed it all (for those not initiated, we are discussing this thread about jpm/comex).

So I looked up the 'Read this story -->' pattern, because this is obviously done with software - the question I could not answer is 'what software is it?'. It looks like something someone has custom-built, but one of my research vectors was it might also be some kind of messenger-style add-in*, in which case, many people would be using it and (per my reasoning) the pattern should be identified elsewhere.

* .. which is still a possibility - anyone familiar with similar?

To my surprise, I did find the patterns I sought to find. I dug a bit deeper and identified (surprising) a handful of users who have lots of posts in the same [Abstract] + 'read this article -->' pattern. Here they are, with links so that you can confirm this pattern for yourself. For convenience I have also put the date that the user's first post appeared.

'truth_trader' 301 Messages (since 04-July-2008) [link]
(originally started posting as 'truth_trader53'

'doc366' 357 Messages (since 25-June-2009) [link]

'fxtrader00' 189 Messages (since 26-June-2009) [link]
NOTE: Not all his messages are the 'Read this article -->' type.

'cancelled_reservation' 314 Messages (since 29-June-2009) [link]

'casino_trade' 132 Messages (since 13-July-2009) [link]

NOW:, watch three of these guys have a 'discussion' together:

"END GAME FOR MORGAN'S SILVER SHORT" post by [truth_trader], with replies from [cancelled_reservation] and [fxtrader00].

What conclusions to draw? Well. Sheesh. I'm sure you can come up with some. What links these user accounts is the same pattern of posts, and a all-too-coincidental occurence of them all giving replies to the same post. So basically, whoever controls all of these accounts has an agenda, but they have tried (failed) to make it look like background noise and regular users. There ARE a few other possibilities, but whoever comes up with a theory has to explain the correlation and patterns (i.e. primarily the question of whether these 5x users are centrally controlled or not, and secondarily: the motive behind their posts). [[ I'm sorry Louis and Harvey but I don't (personally) think that 'doc366' is legitimate, given the close links with these other users. ]]

Now for me, I'm all over the appearance of ideas and the way 'memes' regulate the flow of public opinion. To me, it's a modern thing where if you control the flow and quantity of various memes in circulation then you control the direction of public consciousness. Because of this, I'm incredibly suspicous of everyday things. For example my wife (who I've mentioned before) comes home and informs me that gold had a big spike up because of the Japan disaster - she had seen it on the news on the ferry coming home (this is the same gold price which is still trading sideways as we all know, and the same gold which typically gets no mention in the news when it reaches new all-time-historic highs every other week ... ?!!).

But lay it all out ... Silver is difficult to get (we know that - someone big has gone long physical and restricted supply). Comex is having issues (we can see that). Gold is undervalued (we know that), FIAT is fraudulent (we know this) - so the arrow points in the same direction as all this stuff ... the question for me, is WHY promote stories about the Comex default? and thus grease the wheel to its eventual demise? i.e. get the momementum rolling on something which is going to happen anyway. Or rather - PRIME PUBLIC OPINION about a specific set of events in order to direct the outcomes.

My own conclusion (dons Tin Foil Hat): Comex (a scapegoat) is about to default, and of course - someone, somewhere has known about it for a while and has prepared and directed things accordingly. It would seem that SGS is largely vindicated (content from Bears videos) and - get ready for Freegold, folks, this is going to be EPIC.

Silver Midday Friday

Silver has moved up with gold to the 35 dollar area. The pattern would look a lot better if the dotted trend line had been hit. Resistance is 35.20-35.50 ------- closes above 35.50 would add to the bullish potential. Support is this weeks slow and the dotted trend line just above 33.