Wynter_Benton Diaries or the Wynter Benton blog

IMPORTANT NOTE: This article is retained for historical purposes only. Please do question the motives of anyone who promotes this material. Do your own due diligence before investing in silver, and please follow our latest opinions such as our expose on SGS and Sprott. (August 2011). Please also read our new Wynter Benton report card (added 22 Sep 2011): http://screwtapefiles.blogspot.com/2011/09/wynter-benton-report-card-semester-2.html

[[ Also, our more recent assessment of the Wynter Benton Myth, updated October 2012 - "http://screwtapefiles.blogspot.com/p/wynter-benton-myth.html" ]]


First of all I want to apologize to everyone who was waiting on this. I am not finished yet and this is a very rough draft. I will clean it up and update it tomorrow with notes and finish transcribing all the messages.

This is the quick link to search for wynter_benton posts. samstern666 and variations of samsterns pop up on the same threads.

All the posts are presented in order by THREAD start date. Oldest posts first. Where relevant I have included messages that Wynter_Benton replied to.

A lot of the first posts are simply what you would expect from your garden variety internet troll. There is even a question asked about what time trading starts. There is then a notable "TEST" post and around that time frame WB transitions into something other than a troll and shows a lot of insight into how the Comex works. Anyway, when I come back to this tomorrow I'll highlight what I think is relevant in determining if Wynter and Samstern are who they purport to be.

Arrest warrant from Jamie Dimon 6-Mar-10 11:20 pm
Too bad it's not more serious. Would love to see this f@cker in handcuffs with a mug shot


At least we can dream of that inevitable day

May 22 2010-Sep10 2010
To the silver prop trading desk:
SS : Will you join us ?
SS : ?????
WB : ??????
SS : Will you join us now???
SS : You're going home in a body bag do da, do da

You're going home in a body bag oh the do da day.....

You're going home in a body bag. . . .
SS : JPM silver traders have been plotting for the day when they can destroy Blythe and bring down JPM. The time is at hand and Blythe is trapped. We just wanted Blythe to know that it was her own "underlings" who have destroyed her career and are in the process of taking down JPM. There will be an investigation and God willing Blythe Masters will go to prison.

WB: Is BAC secretly liquidating before the 26-Jul-10 03:27 pm
regualtors do it for them?


This article suggests that BAC is doing a stealth liquidation. The stock price is suggesting that all is NOT well in BAC land.

WB: Unprecendented losses on silver trading for JPM 15-Sep-10 10:14 am
JPM silver trading desk hey hey, how many losses have you booked today??

See you in Hell!!

You're going home in a body bag doo da, doo da

You're going home in a body bag oh the doo da day . . .

WB: Hey Blythe Masters, how high does Silver 15-Sep-10 10:51 am
have to go before you up JPM? I hope all the JPM silver traders are doubling and tripling their short positions so that when there is a delivery default and silver goes higher than when the Hunt brothers tried to corner it, JPM blows up.

Hey Blythe, you do know that other JPM division heads call you the 'Joe Conason' of JPM right? They hope that Jamie Dimond and the firm's risk management carry you out soon before you blow up the firm like AIG. Btw, when Sprott physical comes on line next month and he doesnt get his full deliver of 18 million ounces, he will NOT take a premium on paper in lieu of delivery.

Btw, how is that September physical delivery going? having trouble with a mere 6 million ounces?

You're going home in a body bag doo da, doo da.....

WB: Hey Blythe,

How much higher than 20 will silver go before you short again? Please do it soon before Sprott silver takes you out.

It's gonna be train time for you soon sweet cheeks. Train time..... chug ... ..chug ... ..chug ... cho choo
SS: rumors abound that JPM silver traders are advising others to take huge long positions and go against JPM own prop desk. says that Blythe has lost all confidence of her fellow commodities traders. bye bye or should I say boom boom Ms Masters
SS: rumors abound that JPM silver traders are advising others to take huge long positions and go against JPM own prop desk. says that Blythe has lost all confidence of her fellow commodities traders. bye bye or should I say boom boom Ms Masters

SS: 16-Sep-10 09:08 am
Come on Blythe, don't get cold feet now, SLAM SILVER DOWN? Or do you not have the balls? If you were a real man, you'd have done it already. Don't have the balls to be a great traders do you? thats what your colleagues say behind your back.

SS: 16-Sep-10 12:56 pm
Seriously what is your strategy for your monstrous gold and silver short position? Obviously, you are not covering here, which means you must be planning to short more at some higher level? Do you have any idea as to what level in gold and silver you will start to short again? Please do it soon as we are all anxiously waiting.

You must be the worst commodity trader in the history of the world. One thing is for sure, thanks to you JPM is sitting on the largest losses in Gold and Silver in the history of commodity trading. Is this a fact or am I exagerrating, seriously?

From all known data, JPM at this moment has the largest short position in both gold and silver, and since both the price of gold and silver is at all time highs, is it not a fact that you personally are responsible for the largest lost EVER?

You're going home in a body bag doo da, doo da........

SS: 17-Sep-10 01:58 am
Sweetie, you are really gonna have to do something soon. Gold is over $1280 as we speak and silver is about to break $21.

You are going to do something soon are't you?

This is the Blythe Masters who brought us the CDS. You really have improved humanity's lot havent you? You stupid charlatan.

I will enjoy seeing your name as recognizable as Erin Callan!!! Have a good night with JD sweetie.

SS: 17-Sep-10 12:38 pm
JPM traders. They just simply cant believe that Blythe wont reshort silver and gold and defend their position. They think you are the dumbest leader of all divisionn heads. They are close to revolt cause you are so inept.

Is it true that you have lost all confidence of everyone you work with?

If you were in the jungle of Vietnam, your own men would have fragged you by now.

You're going home in a body bag, doo da, doo da.. . . .

Hey Blythe, are you sitting on unprecedented losses 16-Sep-10 09:15 am
SS: on gold and silver. Correct me if I am wrong but if you have the highest short position on gold and silver and both gold and soon to be silver is at all time highs, am I safe in assuming that you are the worst commodity trader ever? If I am wrong. please tell me where?

You aint got the nuts of this game. Retire early baby. Remember your first stop loss is always your best loss. See you at $30 in silver real soon sweety. Make sure you give a BJ to JD
Hey Blythe,

You do know that you are the Erin Callan of JPM don't you? Can't wait to wake up to the day when we get the headline that Ms Callan will heading to prison or dead by suicide.

Your fellow traders say that if you were a real man you would have slammed down silver by now but you dont have the balls for your job.

I wouldnt give a warm stream of pi$$ to be in your shoes.
Just thinking out loud, what would be the best timeframe for JPM and Blythe to slam down the price of gold and silver? My guess is around the close of the quarter September 30. Surely they don't want to show unprecedented loss on their income statement for Q3 2010. After that my guess is that gold and especially silver scream up as Sprott physical silver takes them out.

There you go Blythe, make sure to slam silver and gold down by sept 30 to window dress your unprecedented losses. I will sell you my paper silver contracts and even go short till October 1st in which time I will re enter a full position with every intention of taking physical.

How does that work for you? Btw, is the margin clerk coming today?
Blythe, are you blowing up the world 17-Sep-10 01:52 am
again thru JPM. For all of you who don't know what I am talking about Blythe Masters is credited with helping to invent Credit Default Swaps, yes the very same CDS that blew up the world in 2008 and will finish what it didnt destroy by blowing up the rest of the world now.

Sweetie, I hope one of your underlings show you this missive cause we (all your fellow JPM traders who have absolutely no faith in you want to know) just exactly what your trading strategy on gold and silver trading will be.

Do something!! You are sitting on unprecendented losses. Don't be embarrased like Barrick Gold or Ashanti who had to spend billions to close down their idiotic hedging positions. In the case of Ashanti, their average short price of gold is $450. Can you imagine a gold company dumb enough to sell forward all their gold at an average price of $450. The same kind of company dumb enough to buy CDS from people like you right, Blythe?

Your fellow traders say you are the worst trader in the firm and you are only head of commodities trading because you are a woman and that you are really STUPID.

Is it true? Are you a STUPID woman who dont have the NUTS to reshort right here and now to control the rising prices of gold and silver? Inquiring minds want to know.

From Marina.

You know the language I am talking about.

Come on Blythe. Do something!! 17-Sep-10 12:16 pm
The short silver consortium turns their lonely eyes towards you. They will not short unless you do.

Just wanted to let you know that Treasury cant and wont help you this time. Treasury has decided to placate us by giving up your head. You see, we had Goldman under the knife and Treasury let them squirm away. Now we have JPM under the knife and Treasury has decided to give us you as a sacrifice.

I just wanted to leave you with this happy thought as you mull over your future this weekend. Dont look to JD for help, he was the one who offered you up as a sacrifice. When this blows up, there will be an investigation about "illegal" manipulative trading and guess who will be the scapegoat??

Re: Come on Blythe. Do something!! 18-Sep-10 03:57 pm
I wonder what Blythe is up to this weekend? Having fun with JD?

JPM needs silver to be down by end of quarter sept 30. Will Blythe short more gold and silver?

WB : Re: Blythe lost all respect from 18-Sep-10 04:00 pm
when are you gonna reshort silver Blythe? End of quarter markdown is essential if JPM is gonna make its quarter? We will be looking forward to completely running you and your manipulative division over once you have established a bigger short position so do it soon.

Re: Blythe lost all respect from 20-Sep-10 09:34 am
JPM silver traders have no faith in Blythe!!
Re: Blythe lost all respect from 22-Sep-10 08:31 pm
Must be horrible to know that certain JPM traders are secretly planning to take down JPM as a going away present cause they know Blythe has betrayed them all. Bye bye Blythe and JPM.

Blythe, not even the US Mint can save 17-Sep-10 02:18 pm
you and JPM. Despite Treasury's best effort to commandeer the silver supply over at the US Mint these past 5 weeks, it still won't be enough to save your quarter by September 30. If you and the JPM silver traders don't get silver under $20 by September 30 (i.e. close of quarter), then how is JPM gonna make their quarter. Surely JD has not accounted for your divisions brilliant trading these last few weeks which has accumulated an unprecedented amount of loss. Whatever you do make sure you short enough between now and September 30 so that JPM can make its quarter OK?

I'll be sure to buy after September 30.

You're going home in a body bag doo, da, doo da. . . . . .

Call me in Rockport!!


I know that you are still in the office comtemplating how to tell JD that your silver position has taken on an ADDITIONAL $550 million plus in losses since three weeks agao when silver was under $18. Now the price of silver is around $20.77 which means that JPM has lost an additional $550 on top of your underwater short silver position when silver was at $18. What is JD gonna do to make up for the shortfall this quarter? Remember the quarter ends on September 30 so you must start shorting soon. It will be too late after September 30.

Have a nice weekend!!!
Has anyone else notice that the US Mint is not reporting any sales of silver from the mint for September? In August only 2.4 million ounces of american silver eagles were sold which is markedly lower than the 3 million ounces of silver that were sold the prior months.

Now in September, the US Mint is reporting something like less than 200,000 ounces of silver have been sold so far. How can this be so if the price of silver is above 20.50? I would assume that demand for silver should be extremely high yet the reported number of silver sold is so low? Could it be that the US Mint like the Comex, LBMA, and JPM is just plain out of silver supply? And how would this affect poor Blythe?
Poor Blythe will sell paper silver but people are buying real physical silver.
Are you finished yet Blythe?
Have you been relieved of your duties? Is that why both gold and silver are at all time highs?
Is your division decimated? What are you gonna do now? Whatever you do please do not cover any positions yet. I am waiting till October to buy from you.
You have to be the worst trader ever just I like I have been told by some of your traders. Of course, they are my traders now.
Oh, you're going home in a body bag, do - da, do - da
Shot through the head or between the thighs, do - da, do - da
Oh, you're going home in a body bag, oh - da do da day
Oh, you're going home in a body bag, do - da, do - da

WB :
Silver is killing JPM right now and it has Blythe to thank. JPM silver traders are secretly wishing that Silver explode high enough to take down JPM but first they want Blythe to short some more, but she doent have the balls to short silver in the next 8 days so JPM can make the quarter on Sept 30.

Poor Blythe, she is the Erin Callan of JPM.
WB :
Poor Blythe doesnt know what to do. She needs silver to be lower than $20 and gold to be lower than 1260 by next Thursday September 30 so JPM can make its quarter. However, she knows that in order to rig another selloff in silver and gold would put her liberties and JPM solvency at risk. She suspects by now that some of her traders have already made secret deals to take down the firm since they have all been betrayed by Blythe.

What to do? What to do?

Poor Blythe.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . . .

WB: Here is a picture of Blythe Masters 19-Sep-10 11:49 am
This is a quick background of Blythe, note that the author is appropriately named Porky

Yes this little piggy has children. I hope her progeny contributes to society better than she has. Perhaps as cheap two dollar whores?????
Doesnt she look like a pig? Cant wait to hear her squeal when silver is at $50..

Pig SOWeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Will Blythe short today?

Everyone knows that JPM can not make its quarter unless gold is below 1250 and silver is under 18.50.

All the JPM commodities traders are begging to reshort both gold and silver but you wont let them. Why not. Everyone at JPM knows that JPM will have to issue an earnings warning if gold and silver remains at these levels. Start shorting so JPM can make its quarter by September 20.

What kind of a leader are you anyways??

A leader that's going home in a body bad, do-da, do-da. . . .


When are you gonna short again? You are sitting on unprecedented losses arent you?

SS: Blythe, not even the US Mint can save 17-Sep-10 02:18 pm
you and JPM. Despite Treasury's best effort to commandeer the silver supply over at the US Mint these past 5 weeks, it still won't be enough to save your quarter by September 30. If you and the JPM silver traders don't get silver under $20 by September 30 (i.e. close of quarter), then how is JPM gonna make their quarter. Surely JD has not accounted for your divisions brilliant trading these last few weeks which has accumulated an unprecedented amount of loss. Whatever you do make sure you short enough between now and September 30 so that JPM can make its quarter OK?

I'll be sure to buy after September 30.

You're going home in a body bag doo, da, doo da. . . . . .

Call me in Rockport!!


I know that you are still in the office comtemplating how to tell JD that your silver position has taken on an ADDITIONAL $550 million plus in losses since three weeks agao when silver was under $18. Now the price of silver is around $20.77 which means that JPM has lost an additional $550 on top of your underwater short silver position when silver was at $18. What is JD gonna do to make up for the shortfall this quarter? Remember the quarter ends on September 30 so you must start shorting soon. It will be too late after September 30.

Have a nice weekend!!!

Has anyone else notice that the US Mint is not reporting any sales of silver from the mint for September? In August only 2.4 million ounces of american silver eagles were sold which is markedly lower than the 3 million ounces of silver that were sold the prior months.

Now in September, the US Mint is reporting something like less than 200,000 ounces of silver have been sold so far. How can this be so if the price of silver is above 20.50? I would assume that demand for silver should be extremely high yet the reported number of silver sold is so low? Could it be that the US Mint like the Comex, LBMA, and JPM is just plain out of silver supply? And how would this affect poor Blythe?

Poor Blythe will sell paper silver but people are buying real physical silver.
Are you finished yet Blythe?

Have you been relieved of your duties? Is that why both gold and silver are at all time highs?

Is your division decimated? What are you gonna do now? Whatever you do please do not cover any positions yet. I am waiting till October to buy from you.

You have to be the worst trader ever just I like I have been told by some of your traders. Of course, they are my traders now.

Oh, you're going home in a body bag, do - da, do - da
Shot through the head or between the thighs, do - da, do - da
Oh, you're going home in a body bag, oh - da do da day
Oh, you're going home in a body bag, do - da, do - da

Silver is killing JPM right now and it has Blythe to thank. JPM silver traders are secretly wishing that Silver explode high enough to take down JPM but first they want Blythe to short some more, but she doent have the balls to short silver in the next 8 days so JPM can make the quarter on Sept 30.

Poor Blythe, she is the Erin Callan of JPM.
Poor Blythe doesnt know what to do. She needs silver to be lower than $20 and gold to be lower than 1260 by next Thursday September 30 so JPM can make its quarter. However, she knows that in order to rig another selloff in silver and gold would put her liberties and JPM solvency at risk. She suspects by now that some of her traders have already made secret deals to take down the firm since they have all been betrayed by Blythe.

What to do? What to do?

Poor Blythe.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . . .
SS: Hey Blythe, are you sitting on unprecedented losses 16-Sep-10 09:15 am
on gold and silver. Correct me if I am wrong but if you have the highest short position on gold and silver and both gold and soon to be silver is at all time highs, am I safe in assuming that you are the worst commodity trader ever? If I am wrong. please tell me where?

You aint got the nuts of this game. Retire early baby. Remember your first stop loss is always your best loss. See you at $30 in silver real soon sweety. Make sure you give a BJ to JD.

Hey Blythe,

You do know that you are the Erin Callan of JPM don't you? Can't wait to wake up to the day when we get the headline that Ms Callan will heading to prison or dead by suicide.

Your fellow traders say that if you were a real man you would have slammed down silver by now but you dont have the balls for your job.

I wouldnt give a warm stream of pi$$ to be in your shoes.

Just thinking out loud, what would be the best timeframe for JPM and Blythe to slam down the price of gold and silver? My guess is around the close of the quarter September 30. Surely they don't want to show unprecedented loss on their income statement for Q3 2010. After that my guess is that gold and especially silver scream up as Sprott physical silver takes them out.

There you go Blythe, make sure to slam silver and gold down by sept 30 to window dress your unprecedented losses. I will sell you my paper silver contracts and even go short till October 1st in which time I will re enter a full position with every intention of taking physical.

How does that work for you? Btw, is the margin clerk coming today?
SS: Blythe, are you blowing up the world
again thru JPM. For all of you who don't know what I am talking about Blythe Masters is credited with helping to invent Credit Default Swaps, yes the very same CDS that blew up the world in 2008 and will finish what it didnt destroy by blowing up the rest of the world now.

Sweetie, I hope one of your underlings show you this missive cause we (all your fellow JPM traders who have absolutely no faith in you want to know) just exactly what your trading strategy on gold and silver trading will be.

Do something!! You are sitting on unprecendented losses. Don't be embarrased like Barrick Gold or Ashanti who had to spend billions to close down their idiotic hedging positions. In the case of Ashanti, their average short price of gold is $450. Can you imagine a gold company dumb enough to sell forward all their gold at an average price of $450. The same kind of company dumb enough to buy CDS from people like you right, Blythe?

Your fellow traders say you are the worst trader in the firm and you are only head of commodities trading because you are a woman and that you are really STUPID.

Is it true? Are you a STUPID woman who dont have the NUTS to reshort right here and now to control the rising prices of gold and silver? Inquiring minds want to know.

From Marina.

You know the language I am talking about.
SS: Come on Blythe. Do something!!
The short silver consortium turns their lonely eyes towards you. They will not short unless you do.

Just wanted to let you know that Treasury cant and wont help you this time. Treasury has decided to placate us by giving up your head. You see, we had Goldman under the knife and Treasury let them squirm away. Now we have JPM under the knife and Treasury has decided to give us you as a sacrifice.

I just wanted to leave you with this happy thought as you mull over your future this weekend. Dont look to JD for help, he was the one who offered you up as a sacrifice. When this blows up, there will be an investigation about "illegal" manipulative trading and guess who will be the scapegoat??
I wonder what Blythe is up to this weekend? Having fun with JD?
JPM needs silver to be down by end of quarter sept 30. Will Blythe short more gold and silver?

Must be horrible to know that certain JPM traders are secretly planning to take down JPM as a going away present cause they know Blythe has betrayed them all. Bye bye Blythe and JPM.

WB: TO the tune of CAMP LADY DOWN 20-Sep-10 09:45 am


This song is dedicated to you from your own silver traders. It originally came from the seventh air calvary in the highlands of Vietnam. This is how much your own traders hold you in esteem:

Oh, you're going home in a body bag, do - da, do - da
Shot through the head or between the thighs, do - da, do - da
Oh, you're going home in a body bag, oh - da do da day
Oh, you're going home in a body bag, do - da, do - da

( Courtesy of the Seventh Air Cav, Central Highlands, Viet Nam )
JPM traders have been lied to and betrayed by Blythe. As a going away present, they have wisely allied with those who which to bring down JPM. They are advising Blythe to defend JPM position but she refuses to do it. Poor Blythe, it must be horrible not to know whom to trust at such a crucial juncture since she is reaping what she has sowned.

What are you gonna do and whom can you trust when everyone who knows and works with you, all wish you ill.
To all JPM commodities traders,

By her recent actions, Blythe has shown that she has no loyalty to any of you when all of you have shown loyalty to her. Now is your chance to destroy Blythe and JPM in one fell swoop. The precious metals traders know the language we are talking about.

Will you join us ????
SS: Blythe, are you still alive? 21-Sep-10 02:43 pm
Seriously Blythe, if you are alive, are you still head of commodities? or have your fellow JPM precious metal traders revolted and fragged you?

If you cant turn back silver and gold on a none event like this FED news, then what will happen when word gets out that there is no physical silver left in the entire world? Am I supposed to buy puts now or September 30 when JPM cant make its quarter because of you? Please tell me what to do. When are you gonna short silver and gold again if not now?

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da,
Shot through the head or the thigh, do-da, do-da. . . . .
Larry Summers is gone. Is there anyone left at the Fed or Treasury that will organize a concerted effort to suppress precious metal prices like Larry Summers?

Tell JD that when things are desperate enough, my Master might show leniency if JD were to make certain concessions. Make sure he is aware of this as you are hereby given fair warning.

Sam Stern

Do you have any strategy to contain the rising prices of gold and silver? You literally have a week to get both gold and silver down so that JPM can make its quarter. What is is going to look like when JD has to pre-announce that JPM cant make this quarters numbers or for the next several years because JPM idiot commodities traders have shorted enough gold and silver to take down the whole bank and perhaps the banking system. Please tell me you have a plan.

You do have a plan dont you?

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . . .

JPM traders are all resigned to the fact that they will soon be fired because of you. What are you going to do? Any sell off in silver and gold between now and September 30 will not be opposed by the forces primed to slaughter you and JPM. Please take it down by September 30, so we can reload and run you over with a full short position on.

Weni, Widi, Wiki.

Either way

you're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . . . .

The JPM precious traders are loving the fact that you know that you are finished. They revel in seeing you squirm for your treachery. Watch your back for the long knives are out for you. Believe me when I say you will find no friends or loyalty among your "colleagues" but then again you havent been a good boss now have you?

JPM is in big trouble because of you.

WB: Blythe, here is your chance 23-Sep-10 03:39
to short gold and silver into this broad market sell off. You know you have to do it so JPM can make its quarter by Sept 30. Forget about the implication until Oct 1 when the quarter is over. Make sure you have a rational explanation of why you are doing it because after this all blow up, there will be an investigation and you can count on your silver "underlings" to sell you out to the justice dept. They all want to see you in prison. Good luck.

I dont know what your precious metals traders are telling you but they are telling me that the mere fact that you are not shorting at these levels are encouraging other traders to bid up gold and silver. Your traders all hate you because they say you are the most inept and stupid leader of all division and the only reason that you are their leader is because of your connection to JD. They tell me quote, "Blythe is so arrogant because she thinks she invented the CDS which did make the firm a boatload of money for a while but look where it ended up ultimately. This lady is not a trader at hear and certainly not a commodities traders. She cant trade her way out of a paper bag. Half of us thinks she is partly related to Custer and the other half thinks she is part Indian. Either way she is leading us be slaughtered."

This is what your own traders are saying about you right now. Now do you see why some of them are hoping for the blowup.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . . .
WB: short some more Blight 24-Sep-10 03:09 pm
silver at new 30 year high. see ya in hell Demon, and bring my effing Silver
WB: Blythe's inability to turn down silver and gold today indicates that JPM is resigned to missing this quarters number. That is a FACT. The commodities desk is sitting on too big a loss and since JPM is not shorting on a day when 'fear' is off the table, then one can only conclude that JPM and Blythe cant short anymore. BTW, did you notice that gold was held in check from the 1300 level but silver is making new 30 year highs. silver.
WB: Blythe, here is your chance 23-Sep-10 03:39 pm
to short gold and silver into this broad market sell off. You know you have to do it so JPM can make its quarter by Sept 30. Forget about the implication until Oct 1 when the quarter is over. Make sure you have a rational explanation of why you are doing it because after this all blow up, there will be an investigation and you can count on your silver "underlings" to sell you out to the justice dept. They all want to see you in prison. Good luck.

I dont know what your precious metals traders are telling you but they are telling me that the mere fact that you are not shorting at these levels are encouraging other traders to bid up gold and silver. Your traders all hate you because they say you are the most inept and stupid leader of all division and the only reason that you are their leader is because of your connection to JD. They tell me quote, "Blythe is so arrogant because she thinks she invented the CDS which did make the firm a boatload of money for a while but look where it ended up ultimately. This lady is not a trader at hear and certainly not a commodities traders. She cant trade her way out of a paper bag. Half of us thinks she is partly related to Custer and the other half thinks she is part Indian. Either way she is leading us be slaughtered."

This is what your own traders are saying about you right now. Now do you see why some of them are hoping for the blowup.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . . .

WB: Blythe, Are you still the head of commodities 27-Sep-10 10:15 am

trading at JPM? All commodities traders think Blythe is the dumbest person to ever head the division. They wonder how such an inept woman was ever able to con her way to the top when she obviously has never developed any trading skill or instincts. Everyone in the world knows that JPM must engineer a selloff in gold and silver by Sept 30 so JPM can meake its quarter. However, some JPM traders are actively rooting against Blythe and are advising others to take a massive position against Blythe and JPM in the event of an engineered selloff. Come on Blythe, Bring It On!!!

Blythe doesnt have the balls to short gold and silver when that is precisely what is needed to blowup JPM.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da, . . .
this is a person who thinks of herself as a god, can one mere mortal fire a god? Or must all of humanity rise up to defeat the gods?


“All it's going to take is a little pop to the upside,” she said. “We could be producing a 30 to 35 percent ROE and looking like gods,” she said, referring to return on equity.


What manner of death are you envisioning for your division and your commodities traders? Surely, you know by now that you are dead. You must be waiting for the Grim Reaper.

As a public service message to all the JPM precious metals traders who have not planned an exit strategy, perhaps this might be a good time to reach out to your fellow traders who have already made such arrangements. Perhaps some of them are still at JPM are still "recruting" fellow colleagues who are so like minded. Let's show Blythe and JPM how much regard and esteem you hold for them by bankrupting them on your way out. Reach out among your colleagues, they know the language I am talking about.

As for you Blythe.....

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . . .
WB: Blythe, Are you still the head of commodities 27-Sep-10 10:15 am
trading at JPM? All commodities traders think Blythe is the dumbest person to ever head the division. They wonder how such an inept woman was ever able to con her way to the top when she obviously has never developed any trading skill or instincts. Everyone in the world knows that JPM must engineer a selloff in gold and silver by Sept 30 so JPM can meake its quarter. However, some JPM traders are actively rooting against Blythe and are advising others to take a massive position against Blythe and JPM in the event of an engineered selloff. Come on Blythe, Bring It On!!!

Blythe doesnt have the balls to short gold and silver when that is precisely what is needed to blowup JPM.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da, . . .

WB: Blythe is finished today!! 28-Sep-10 12:19 pm

Word on the trading desk is that Blythe is finished and her OTC silver derivative might take down JPM. Yes, Blythe, we know about those positions too. Her JPM traders are all humming the tune, "you're going home in a body bag do-da, do-da" behind her back.

For those of you late to the game, Blythe Masters has just blowned up JPM with her gold and silver trading not just those out in the open on the Comex and LBMA, but with her secretive off books bets against gold and silver.

Guess what Blythe? everyone on the street is now openly betting against your positions. You are finished!!!

To all Blythe Masters haters out there please join me in a rousing chorus:

Oh, you're going home in a body bag, do - da, do - da
Shot through the head or between the thighs, do - da, do - da
Oh, you're going home in a body bag, oh - da do da day
Oh, you're going home in a body bag, do - da, do - da
Silver will be at least $25 in less than 2 weeks. Blythe knows it. JD knows it. and soon the whole world will know that JPM is dead. Silver is going to $50 in less than 2 months and infinity when JPM is bankrupt!!!

Save yourself JPM traders. Join the winning side, the long side.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . .
AUSTIN: Get a life bit*h
WB: Thanks for your thoughts, Austin, but I have a life and it will soon be better when silver is up and JPM is down.

I hope your life and fortune are not tied up with Blythe, for she won't have much of either one soon.

WB: Word on the trading desk is that Blythe is finished and her OTC silver derivative might take down JPM. Yes, Blythe, we know about those positions too. Her JPM traders are all humming the tune, "you're going home in a body bag do-da, do-da" behind her back.

For those of you late to the game, Blythe Masters has just blowned up JPM with her gold and silver trading not just those out in the open on the Comex and LBMA, but with her secretive off books bets against gold and silver.

Guess what Blythe? everyone on the street is now openly betting against your positions. You are finished!!!

To all Blythe Masters haters out there please join me in a rousing chorus:

Oh, you're going home in a body bag, do - da, do - da
Shot through the head or between the thighs, do - da, do - da
Oh, you're going home in a body bag, oh - da do da day
Oh, you're going home in a body bag, do - da, do - da
WB: Blythe tried to engineer a selloff in 28-Sep-10 02:08 pm
gold and silver so that JPM can make its quarter on September 30. As of right now, JPM (thanks to Blythe) is sitting on unprecedented losses on its gold and silver position that is reportables. What is not widely knowned is that there are other silver and gold derivatives that are "off books". As silver and gold stands right now, JPM will have to issue an earnings warnings which will only encourage the likes of Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and other hedge funds to drive the prices even higher. Btw, the real problem is that there isnt any physical silver left in the world and there is nothing Blythe, JD, JPM, or even the mighty Fed and Treasury can do about it despite access to unlimited amount of paper funny money!!!!

Where is Blythe anyway? Are you still relevant, sweetie?

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . .
WB: Just got a first hand account from someone will direct knowledge that JPM precious metals trading desk is in a full scale panic. There attempt to engineer a selloff has been routed and now there is palpable fear that silver and gold can go ballistic in the next few days. Watch the action closely as the end of quarter marks on gold and silver loom very very large.

Are you even calling the shots anymore Blythe, or have you been marginalized?

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . .

There is less than 24 hours til end of quarter. How is JD gonna manipulate the books if you are sitting on unprecedented losses since gold and silver are at all time highs? (30 year highs for silver)

Are you gonna try another take down over night? and what will happen after September 30? will silver go straight to 30?

Blythe, you must be the worst trader in the history of trading!!!! How did you con your way into your position when it is so clear that you are emminently unqualify for it?

WB: Blythe, what is your strategy now? 29-Sep-10 02:42 pm
I am really confused right now as to what your overall strategy is. Everyone has been telling you inlcuding JD that JPM needs you to engineer a sellof in silver and gold by september 30 so JPM can make its quarter and by looking at the all time high in the price of gold and silver, you failed miserably.

Now what the rest of us is thinking is that if Blythe cant engineer a selloff here, then she will be powerless to stop silver's run to at least 27 perhaps even 30. What we would all like to know is at what point will you either cover your short positions (at an unprecedented loss rate) or are you ballsy enough to try to engineer a selloff at say $30 in silver? Either way, you cant possibly succeed because everyone who is anyone knows that there isnt enough physical silver in the world for you to cover your short position.

So what will it be? Start taking unprcedented losses now or engineer a selloff later and take even bigger losses then?

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da . . . .
WB: Blythe, Is that you engineering a sellof in gold 30-Sep-10 10:16 am
and silver right now? I know today is September 30 and it's end of quarter markdown in gold and silver so JPM can make its quarter, but you are doing a very good job. You were supposed to hold it down lower, but then again your engineered selloff on Tuesday did not meet much success did it? Well guess what? True to my words, I will be buying gold and silver and hanging on till at least January 2011 by which time I expect gold to be well over 1500 and silver to be close to 35. I hope you short a ton in the next few days so I can buy what you are selling. Too bad for me as the price of gold and silver is still so much higher than when I first talked about you shorting gold and silver to make your quarter.

Everybody and I mean everybody is looking forward to buying silver in the next few days because we KNOW with certainty that there isnt enough silver for you to deliver, so no matter how many contracts you short in the paper market, all we have to say is "physical delivery" and you are dead.

So get back to shorting paper silver and paper gold today, and I promise that I will be buying.

You're going home in a body bag do-da, do-da . . . ..
Right on schedule!! Takedown silver and gold so that JPM short position dont look so egregious. Come on down a little more so we can relever up at lower prices? How low? Can you get this to 20.10 like you did on Tuesday where you were thoroughly trounced? Or will the longs prevent you from doing it? I am honestly cheering for Blythe at the moment cause once this day is over, JPM is dead when silver screams to at least 30.

Blythe, everyone including yourself knows that the game is up cause there aint no physical silver left in the world. I hope for your sake that you can suppress the price today because if you cant push the prices down today, then we know you are truly pathetic.

What about tomorrow and next week? What will the prices be then? What about the LBMA and Comex? You know what I am talking about and soon the whole world will know.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da . . . .
WB: Blythe, we know that YOU know that 30-Sep-10 11:53 am
JPM is dead with respect to its silver position. Note that I am not referring to gold as you have some wiggle room there for now. We suspected long ago that JPM will go bust some day with respect to its silver position. But now we know that YOU know that JPM is busted.

That is why this little smackdown is so comical. Remember in June when yoy smacked down gold by over $50 in 24 hour period and silver by close to a buck? This smackdown is laughable because we know that YOU know that you are dead. It's kind of like poker where the person knows that he is drawing dead and the only way to win is to bluff at the pot. But that only works if your opponent dont know what the other person has in his hands. We know that there is no physical silver for delivery as soon as November which means this little smackdown is a final bluff.

Watch the action closely Blythe in the next few days. I wonder if those who are seeking your demise will even let you have a phyrric victory by letting you paint the tape today or will they show their disdain and contempt for you and just jam silver and gold straight up as they did on Tuesday?

Watch the action closely for the next few hours.

You're going home in a body bag do-da, do-da. . . . .

I was genuinely cheering for you today in your attempt to take down gold and especially silver. I have been anticipating that you were gonna engineer a selloff by Sept 30 so that JPM can makes its quarter. Obviously I am wrong. I will be fully invested by the end of the day so whatever you do, dont engineer a selloff after today. After all, whats the point? Silver is going a lot higher so why dont you start covering after tomorrow.

Even if you want to reshort, wouldnt it be a good idea to cover and reshort at much higher levels, say 35? or how bout covering your short and then go long. Sure, covering your short will send silver north of 40, but we can still make money sending silver towards 50, 80, or even 100. Isnt that better than trying to short here and having your head handed to you?

WB: Master B aka Blythe Masters 30-Sep-10 03:21 pm
What has happened today in the gold and silver market indicates that Blythe has lost control of perhaps the paper market of gold and silver. We all know that Blythe has lost control of the physical market recently but today's price action shows that "Master B" is not even in control of the rigged paper market. This means that it's free fire zone on shorts starting tomorrow.
WB: Laura McHugh 30-Sep-10 04:38 pm
If you are who I think you are, my Masters would like a parley with your Master....

WB: Blythe is gonna take JPM down!!! 1-Oct-10 01:28 pm
She couldnt smash down the price of silver and gold yesterday which means that JPM just booked unpredented losses on their gold and silver positions yesterday. How the hell is JPM gonna make their quarter now? Are they gonna raid their loss provisions like last time? What about the past foreclosures that will surely be relitigated? How much is that gonna cost going forward?

and btw, the price of gold and silver is still heading up today which means evrn more losses for the 4th quarter going forward. I guess everything is fine in JPM land. What great prospects lie ahead for JPM.

I guess Blythe and JPM will both be going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . . . m

Robbie_berg: UPDATE: Silver $22.08 RTQ and SLV Silver holdings inside 1-Oct-10 03:33 pm
SLV has 314,642,317.200 Ounces of Silver in Trust from Barclays.

SLV has been on a buying spree for physical Silver every other day. Just as we need to have equities clear in our account the trust needs funds to clear from the market buying. Then SLV buys our Silver in London at The London Spot price followed by the fund storing the Silver in London and at various undisclosed places around the world. Makes cent$ to me. None of us here on the board would say that we keep our Silver Eagles under a secret compartment under a refrigerator in the pantry....LOL! I had a few min's as I just completed that project and am packing to take a trip with my Wife and Sons for the weekend. As related to Silver, plain and simple Silver is going to break out to the upside and have a higher chart trajectory than the curent trendline. No one outside of those that are going to corner the Silver market know how high Silver is going to peak. I have RELIABLE confirmations that everything will be purchased to $24....... and I in fact are talking about ALL SILVER AVAILABLE IN THE WORLD MARKETS. The old Topline was $45 and now I am being told that $50 is the new Topline and is subject to change at anytime. This soulnds reasonable as there is a report out that says that there is in fact a group of Billionaires that are going to corner the Silver market, not going to try, they are going to do. According to my connections he process has already started and some Gold holdings by these Billionaires in Asia have been sold and they are going to transfer and have been transfering the funds into Silver. There are now more Billionaires in China than there are in the United States. Capitalism meets Communism. We know how well China has controlled its currency prices so it would take nothing to see them run Silver to $100 or $1,000 depending where they want it to go once the market is cornered. With the dropping US dollar it is even cheaper for this Asian Group to spike silver. This is no joke and it is amazing that The Communist Chinese ore going to help us Silver holders..... you know it is not for us alone, it is for the WORLDS RICHEST POEPLE. Do you find it odd that ALL of the Worlds Billionaires met this week in China?????? Yes, everyone from all countries like Bill Gates & Warren Buffet from the US to the other 1,000+ from around the World. All it took is for a group sitting at a table at a luncheon to say, " hy don't we corner the Silver Market.?" It would only take just a few to agree and the deal was done. We will have to see how this plays out. With the supply of Silver it would only take a group of Millionaires to corner the market. This Silver Market has been Cornered before and Silver is Historicaly UNDERVALUED making the spike a reasonable thing to do given this is the market norm. Next week Silver WILL BREAK OUT. I did not say maybe. I said SILVER WILL BREAK OUT and form a new base within a few weeks. This is THE WORD FROM CHINAS BILLIONAIRES WORLD CLUB MEETING THIS PAST WEEK. The action starts Monday for us here. I have been %100 on and a day ahead of the news with Silver since my first post here about 10 days ago. I will continue to be %100 ahead of the game. It's not what I know it's who I know. I post here as a courtesy to let the other that do not want to go under the chance to know what is coming. As I was told, they have been warned and now its timeto play ball...... cryptic, yes.

Everyone have a nice weekend, time to fly!
WB: Re: UPDATE: Silver $22.08 RTQ and SLV Silver holdings inside

I also have first hand knowlegde that there is a group out of asia that is buying over $100 million of physical silver since July. They basically have been trying to buy all they can up to $21. The reason they are doing this is because they have first hand knowledge that a group of billionaires are trying to corner the world market on physical silver.

The guys that I know of are not billionaires but they run in the same circles. My group believes in what they are doing 100 percent and are certain that an outright shortage of silver will happen almost immediately. I cant verify how they know this but I can state with certainty that they are have amassed over 4 million ounces in physical silver.

I am just curious the nature of what you know. If you are at liberty to divulge more info and would like to share/exchange info, my email is wynter_benton@yahoo.com and no this is not my real name. Just a moniker that I have used now and again. Thank you.
4 million ounces among billionaire's? What is the point?

It would not take a consortium to corner the market it would take ONE guy - say a Carlos Slim to do it and take delivery in a guarded secluded warehouse.

If I were in the club, I would recommend that we first drive the futures down, then buy out all of the producers on the cheap- and they are CHEAP, PAy $10 for HL eg., buy out of the money calls on every silver futures contracts and SLV...then WHAM...

I think you misunderstood my posting. The people I know are not billionaires. They are a group of around 25 investors whose net worth range from $15 millions to $80 million. They know of a group of billionaires that are trying to corner the market ala the Hunt Bros. Their understanding is that these "billionaires" will corner the market first in the physical and as the supply gets tight they will buy massive amounts of futures and options contract, i.e. the paper silver, on the Comex, LBMA, and options on SLV.

When there is a physical shortage of silver, these billionaires figure that the paper contract will default. This is not where they are looking to make their killing. They look to sell to the paper shorters some of their physical supplies when the price is north of 40 perhaps up to even 100. Obviously, my group understands that they are too small to influence the prices like the "billionaire club". They will do what the bigger boys do. They believe that paper silver contract will default and that the real profit is on physical silver.

However, in order to make a killing in the silver market, they will have to purchase enough paper silver contracts to force a default.

The end game is nebulous because these guys will initially sit on a fortune in paper contract profits as the price of silver rise from 30 to 40 to 50 to ?????

But eventually, these billionaires realize that when silver hits 80 or 100, JPM and the banking crooks will find a way to not pay up, perhaps a "force majeure" declared by Comex and the LBMA. That is why these guys want to hold physical silver before killing the banking cartel with paper contract.

They are fully aware and anticipate not getting paid with their paper profit from paper silver.

Hope this clears it up for you.
In your opinion,how much longer would you deem it to be save to hold onto SLV paper or options?
WB: Buzzy,

I dont believe it's a matter of how long we can hold paper silver contracs before it defaults. I believe it's a matter of price. When silver gets above $40, I believe that those who are short silver will be sitting on massive losses perhaps as much as $7billion in total. This is assuming they hold their current positions and not add to them as the prices icrease. At some point in time, one or several players will choose to exit their position and force silver up to $100 or more.

Imagine you are AIG and the price of what you have insured is going up (i.e. your losses re increasing). At some point it will jeopardize the firm and either you cover or go under.

Now imagine you are JPM and their short silver cohorts. They are sitting on unprecedented losses on all their gold and silver short positions. As of today, each and every short position ever put on is suffering all time losses. They can handle the losses right here but what happens if silver (for whatever reasons) go t $40 or $60 or higher. Then it is a fact that losses will increase unless they cover their shorts. But the mere act of short covering will send losses even higher.

So the bottom line is that I believe that anything under $40 for silver will be safe from a default. But of course, once we get to $40 then any number even $100 is in play. Think about the tens of millions that could be made buying 60 70 strike prices right now. You probably wont get paid on these contracts cause at $100 the losses to JPM and friends is north of $27 billions in cash. Good luck.
Good call Robbie!!

Thanks for the heads up. I was wondering if you hear anything or have anything more to add. I am basically all in. I just want to know when you think we will break out big. I am looking to leverage big time with out of the money calls.

WB: Interesting post on the SLV board 1-Oct-10 07:01 pm

Here is an interesting post about silver. I hope it is true!!! If it is, JPM is dead!!!

SLV has 314,642,317.200 Ounces of Silver in Trust from Barclays.

SLV has been on a buying spree for physical Silver every other day. Just as we need to have equities clear in our account the trust needs funds to clear from the market buying. Then SLV buys our Silver in London at The London Spot price followed by the fund storing the Silver in London and at various undisclosed places around the world. Makes cent$ to me. None of us here on the board would say that we keep our Silver Eagles under a secret compartment under a refrigerator in the pantry....LOL! I had a few min's as I just completed that project and am packing to take a trip with my Wife and Sons for the weekend. As related to Silver, plain and simple Silver is going to break out to the upside and have a higher chart trajectory than the curent trendline. No one outside of those that are going to corner the Silver market know how high Silver is going to peak. I have RELIABLE confirmations that everything will be purchased to $24....... and I in fact are talking about ALL SILVER AVAILABLE IN THE WORLD MARKETS. The old Topline was $45 and now I am being told that $50 is the new Topline and is subject to change at anytime. This soulnds reasonable as there is a report out that says that there is in fact a group of Billionaires that are going to corner the Silver market, not going to try, they are going to do. According to my connections he process has already started and some Gold holdings by these Billionaires in Asia have been sold and they are going to transfer and have been transfering the funds into Silver. There are now more Billionaires in China than there are in the United States. Capitalism meets Communism. We know how well China has controlled its currency prices so it would take nothing to see them run Silver to $100 or $1,000 depending where they want it to go once the market is cornered. With the dropping US dollar it is even cheaper for this Asian Group to spike silver. This is no joke and it is amazing that The Communist Chinese ore going to help us Silver holders..... you know it is not for us alone, it is for the WORLDS RICHEST POEPLE. Do you find it odd that ALL of the Worlds Billionaires met this week in China?????? Yes, everyone from all countries like Bill Gates & Warren Buffet from the US to the other 1,000+ from around the World. All it took is for a group sitting at a table at a luncheon to say, " hy don't we corner the Silver Market.?" It would only take just a few to agree and the deal was done. We will have to see how this plays out. With the supply of Silver it would only take a group of Millionaires to corner the market. This Silver Market has been Cornered before and Silver is Historicaly UNDERVALUED making the spike a reasonable thing to do given this is the market norm. Next week Silver WILL BREAK OUT. I did not say maybe. I said SILVER WILL BREAK OUT and form a new base within a few weeks. This is THE WORD FROM CHINAS BILLIONAIRES WORLD CLUB MEETING THIS PAST WEEK. The action starts Monday for us here. I have been %100 on and a day ahead of the news with Silver since my first post here about 10 days ago. I will continue to be %100 ahead of the game. It's not what I know it's who I know. I post here as a courtesy to let the other that do not want to go under the chance to know what is coming. As I was told, they have been warned and now its timeto play ball...... cryptic, yes.

Everyone have a nice weekend, time to fly!
WB: We haven't forgotten you, Blythe!! 5-Oct-10 09:42 am
I am just too busy counting my money in silver and its options contract. Silver making new highs which means that you, Blythe are making new lows. I'm busy now but will be back later. Bye for now.

You're going home in a body bag do-da, do-da. . . .

WB: Blythe, what happens when silver breaks $23? 5-Oct-10 01:54 pm
Rumor has it that JPM is thinking of re-shorting silver to prevent it from breaking above $23. Is that true? Please do it and do it soon. The long side traders are ganging on you and will not sell you back any physical silver until $35. So do what you must, dont let the unprecedented losses on your silver and gold short position dissuade you from re-shorting silver here.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . .

I know and you know that silver is heading for $30 at a minimum. However, what I dont know is when are you gonna cover your shorts or reshort more silver. Can you give me a clue so I can take some profit off the table and ram the money with silver (AGQ calls) options up your @ss? Is that your risk dept forcing you to cover and sending silver above 22.85 or was that some of your short cohorts who are beginning to abandon their short positions?

Either way you, dear Blyther, will be covering your positions at a much higher level than here.

You'r going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . .
WB: Silver is at 22.90 at 8:30 pm est. If it breaks 23, then we are headed to 35 according to the charts from 1980. Is JPM going to default? or are you gonna pay me when AGQ hits 200? AGQ is currently at 91 right now.

JPM and the short cohorts are dead. I cant see how you survive if silver breaks 23 decisively.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . .
WB: Blythe, are you gonna cover before Fri? 6-Oct-10 11:45 am
The precious metal traders are telling me that no matter what the employment numbers are on Friday, gold and silver will go up big. If the employment numbers are bad, then the market will anticipate a huge QE 2 announcement which will be great for gold and silver. If the number is good, then the market will still anticipate some QE2 but with a healthy market that will reflate inflation concern. Again, this is good for gold and silver. So either way,

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . .

WB: Jamie & Blythe - Time Mag Man & Woman of Year
Seriously, if silver hits above $80, Jamie and Blythe will definitely be Time Mag Man and Woman of the Year.

According to my calculations, if silver hits $80 and JPM still have their current short position of silver (and assuming a corresponding losses on gold), JPM will have lost an additional $30 billion in cash. That would be enough to make them insolvent with all the other foreclosure mess. Surely someone who helped bring down america's biggest bank is deserving of such an honor.

WB: Du Da Du Da! 6-Oct-10 02:28 pm Blythe,

Do you know why you have not been fired yet? Because you are the Joe Conason and Erin Callan of JPM. You will be the public face of JPM's disgrace when your short gold and silver positions blow up. JD wants to make sure that you receive the full recognition/blame for the monumental epic failure that is about to take place.

Besides, all your fellow traders despise you and wish that you stick around so they can relish in your downfall. They all hum the following tune behind your back.

To all the Blythe Masters haters out there please join me in a rousing chorus:

Oh, you're going home in a body bag, du - da, du - da
Shot through the head or between the thighs, du - da, du - da
Oh, you're going home in a body bag, oh - da du da day
Oh, you're going home in a body bag, du - da, du - da
WB: Blythe, all your adversaries are laughing at you!! 7-Oct-10 08:21 am

All traders who is long precious metals (and even some JPM traders who are obviously short) are basking in the glow of your destruction. How does it feel to have the disdain and contempt of all those who deal with you, both "friend" and foe alike. You have no respect among anyone. We are enjoying watching you exposed for the charlatan and fraud that we all know you are. Naked and defenseless before the world. Not only do we all hate you, but we revel in your misery for all that you have done, oh founder of CDS.

When silver hits $80, JPM will be finished. Thanks to you, we are going after JPM too.

To all the Blythe Masters haters out there please join me in a rousing chorus:

Oh, you're going home in a body bag, du - da, du - da
Shot through the head or between the thighs, du - da, du - da
Oh, you're going home in a body bag, oh - da du da day
Oh, you're going home in a body bag, du - da, du - da
Seriously, the price of silver can be anything literally, including infinity, since JPM's solvency is in play. Once silver gets to $40, all the shorts will start to panic and since the short cohorts will start facing ruins if they dont, the mere act of short covering will force silver to any big number like 200 or even 500.

Any number is possible for silver once a short squeeze really start.
WB: Blythe, rumors abound that a major PM shorter 10-Oct-10 12:04 pm
is close to being blown clear to Mars. I only mention this to you, Blythe, because I know that JPM is the biggest shorter of gold and silver. When this player is blowned apart because of its short gold and silver position, it will cause a significant squeeze to the price of gold and silver. This might affect you and JPM since you guys are up to your eyeball in short positions.

Now I am intelligent enough to know that whatever spike in the price of gold and silver that should result of this happening will in no way affect the solvency of JPM, YET! My guess is that silver has to be above $60 and gold has to be above $1650 at a minimum for JPM to be threatened with insolvency.

What I am curious about is whether you, Blythe, will short even more gold and silver to suppress the prices from going up even higher and faster when this player get blown out? I hope you dont lose your nerve here and try to cover instead of shorting more to make things look like it's still under control.

I am looking forward to tonights sunday price action to see how much control you have lost.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . . .
fiatdiluter: Wynter,
How high do you think silver will go. Do you expect big bank failure?
If the Feds try to hold their crooked system together do you think there will be a revolution?

I really dont know how high silver can go. If you based it strictly on supply/demand dynamics, the price can go to infinity, literally. You see, silver is not like most goods in a free market economy, where as the price of a good/gadget increases, simple economic theory dictates that the demand must wane until the suppliers are willing to give up the good.

Silver is unique because it has been so heavily shorted, so that the demand for an institution's solvency is at stake as the price goes up. So instead of the demand for silver waning as the price increases, the desire to survive as a going concern for the financial institutions increases and thus there will be greater demand at $100 then there is at $30. To answer your question, I really think we will hit $30 in a few weeks, and after that who knows?

But anything where the price of silver is over $60 is enough to put JPM solvency into question. Kind of like AIG as the price of the CDS increases, the entire firm is put into jeopardy. The question is who will hit the panic button first in order to survive.

Yes I do expect financial institutions to fail as the price of gold and silver increases. At first, those that cant take the pain at $30 will go under, then as their demise fuel further larger institutions to go under, eventually even JPM will be in trouble.

The only way out is to brainwash the public to not view gold and silver as "safe money." Otherwise, everyone who is dumb enough to short gold and especially silver will be dead.
WB: Blythe lost $130 million in coal bet and called 12-Oct-10 09:57 am
it a "rookie mistake." What is JD and Jed saying about your billion dollar losses in gold and silver short? Everybody hates you, Blythe, and now that you are vulnerable, the long knives are out. Forget what Jed told you, he hates you and is scheming against you as I am writing.

For those who dont know what I am talking about, here is an article and picture about Blythe.


Blythe, if you want to be poor again, keep shorting gold and silver. How much losses are you sitting on in silver and gold when just a few months ago you had to explain why your short bet on coal lost a mere $130 million?

As always

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . .
WB: Blythe,

I am wondering how JPM is gonna make its quarter tomorrow since you were sitting on unprcedented losses on gold and silver as of sept 30. Btw, since then you have lost a few hundred million more. How is it that you are still the head of commondities after your debacle with coal?

You are so inept!!!
Poor Blythe Masters. It's not fair. The whole investing world is ganging up on you. Today, two firm raised their forecast on gold. Goldman upped the price on gold and silver which means you are about to take on even greater losses.

Will you be at the earnings CC tomorrow to explain your unprecedented losses on gold and silver? Are you Joe Conason or Erin Callan?

The WSJ article is an opening salvo for JD and the powers that be at JPM to scapegoat you once the silver and gold market blows up. You are the sacrificial idiot. Count on it.

Life is a B-I-T-C-H and so are you!!

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . .
Who else is there to explain and take the blame for the unprecedented losses on silver and gold?

Are any analysts going to ask them about the huge losses?

Poor Blythe, you're not so high and mighty now are you?

Miss High and Mighty is what your traders call you behind your back. Of course they also hum another tune behind your back.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . .
WB: Blythe, are you personally responsible 12-Oct-10 01:30 pm
for JPM's earnings miss tomorrow morning? Sure seems like it's all your fault. You do not belong in commondities trading. You might have fooled JD but not the real commodities traders. The way I hear it, Glenn, JL, JS and the gang think you're a diletante who dont belong with the big boys.

As we say on the thorougbred circuit, "Honey, you don't rate this course!!"

Translation, you dont have the balls to play with the real Big Boys. Keeping amassing those unprecedented losses on gold and silver trading. You are the worse.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . .
WB: Reports of JPM and Blythe Criminal Investigation 12-Oct-10 10:37 pm
The following is being reported by Bix Weir.

Bix Weir and others have heard rumours that the CFTC will announce that criminal proceedings will occur against JPMorgan in the silver scandal:


But that story released tonight is NOTHING compared to this.....


J.P. Morgan Commodities Chief Takes the Heat <http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=BdDYF&m...>

Yes, the creator and promoter of Credit Default Swaps turned Queen of Commodity Manipulation is now being dragged in front of the public LIKE A BIG GIANT TARGET TO BLAME for the Silver Manipulation Scandal!!!

"She is definitely not a shrinking violet," said Bart Chilton of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, who had several meetings with her on potential regulatory changes."

Judging from the release of this article on Friday night...


It's getting pretty exciting out there!
Seriously, if silver hits $80 JPM is insolvent. And it very well could reach $80 once people demand delivery.
Silver is at #23.60. This is the highest since the Hunts Bros tried to corner the market. Will silver hit $24 today?

Will the analysts ask Blythe how much losses old JPM is sitting on shorting gold and silver?

My traders want to know if you will let silver go above 24 today. I know that you are a nervous nellie with this whole indictment thing hanging over your head, but look at it this way, you have a dual citizenship which means you can sneak out of the US and live in England.

Even your own traders dont know what your strategy is anymore since you have been reduced to a babbling idiot crying for her momma. Get yourself together and reshort gold and silver so I can be sure to see you get convicted once you are indicted.

WB: Are you gonna be indicted Blythe? 13-Oct-10 12:32 pm
Traders around you are saying that you have lost your nerve and that you are unable to lead them anymore. They say you are a total mess after absorbing losses after unprecedented losses. If you were a platoon leader, your own men would have fragged you by now in order to save their own hide.

I hear that you are in denial about being indicted along with JPM. They say you think that JD is all powerful and that he can protect you. While it is true that JD is powerful, I am not too sure about him protecting you much longer. If you dont believe me, look at JS correspondence.

You are the scapegoat. Save yourself and resign for your own mental state. You are not cut out for this gig.

Like we say in the horse racing biz, "You don't rate this course."

Al your traders are humming the same tune behind your back

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . .
WB: Blythe is worried about indictment! 13-Oct-10 10:59 pm

Sources deep within your organization are saying that you have abdicated day to day operations because you are worried about being indicted for silver manipulation. Is that why silver has been on a tear since September 30 when you failed to stop it from closing under $20?

The sources are saying that you are a babbling idiot too petrified with fright to make any rational decision. I must admit that I too am somewhat perplex as to the direction of the PM cause you are too difficult to read right now.

Whatever you do, please dont stop shorting. Your former traders want you to know that it is they who are plotting your downfall with us. You will be indicted and the perp walk will be a sight to behold.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . .
lythe is feeling sorry for herself because the whole investing world is ganging up on her. Even Goldman Sachs is looking to twist the dagger and force up the price of gold and silver. I guarantee that Greely of GS will raise the price target of gold and silver even higher within 3 months.

The very traders that you so callously dismiss has joined forces with those whose primary goal is your destruction. Of course the side effect is making a lot of money as gold and silver go to infinity while you and JPM are destroyed.

They all tell me that Blythe is a bully who likes to intimidate others, but like all bully, she is a coward when someone punches her back. Consider this move a punch in the face from your former traders. People tell me that you cower in your office now and that you don't walk so proud. That you dont talk so loud.

You have no allies left at JPM. They will offer you up as a sacrificial lamb since you are a money loser. That's right, you are no longer the fresh face wonderkin that made so much money with CDS. Instead, you are a washed up old hag who cant even manage a division despite all the resources you've been give.

You are sitting on unprecedented losses and it will get worse as other smaller shorters get carried out.

Every time the price of silver goes up, another short player goes home in a body bag. That little spike to $24.93 this morning was some poor short getting blown out on his short position.

We all cant wait for the day when it is your (and JPM) turn to be carried out in a body bag.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . .

How much losses can JPM take before you are relived of your duties? What is your plan? Do you even have one? Are you covering and if not then when are you gonna reshort gold and silver?

Is it true you are not taking calls from traders anymore? Rumors have it that you are close to a nervous breakdown and that you are "rattled"?

Don't worry about that little indictment thingy, I am sure that none of your former traders will testify against you to establish that you had the foresight and mens rea to commit the act of silver manipulation. Do not believe the rumors you are hearing that these traders (whom you fired)are working with your adversaries. Do not believe that they are turning states evidence against you first to the CFTC and soon to the Justice Dept.

Go about your shopping like Erin Callan did before Lehman blows up. Make sure you have a good suit for your inevitable perp walk.

You're going hell in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . .

Why is JPM so desperately raising cash? Is it because of you, Blythe? Is it because of the margin call on gold and silver?

Correct me if I am wrong but just exactly how long will the $4 billion being raised last you? At this rate, you will have lost that amount when silver hits $40. Believe me silver will hit $40 in the next 3 months or so. What will you do then? Raise another $4 billion to reshort more?

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . .
WB: Is Blythe the cause for JPM $4B cash raise? 14-Oct-10 05:39 pm
Floor traders are openly suggesting that unprecedented losses JPM gold and short positions are the reason why JPM is so desperate to raise $4 billion. Is this true Blythe? Are you the reason JPM is hemorraging cash?

How long is that paltry $4 billion gonna last you til the next margin call? I know, I lnow. The correct answer is until silver hits $40. Assuming that you don't take further losses in gold.

Is this the reason whu gold and silver are making new highs everyday? And once you have raised the much needed $4 billion, will you then be able to short more gold and silver? Just be sure to let me know when you are able to slam gold and silver down again, OK?

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . .
Even if no one is saying, then I'll have to say. In my opinion, JPM is raising $4 billion becasue Blythe has lost so much money shorting gold and silver. I am estimating that this last move in silver from $18 to $24 has cost them over $1 billion in losses just on silver alone. This is not a wild guess. Just look at COT and bank participation report and you can clearly see JPM's finger print. Of course, Blythe is also underwater on her gold positions.

IMO, JPM needs $4 billion to cover losses and mount another raid on silver and gold. If Blythe is not planning another takedown on gold and silver then she would be covering here. I mean which silver trader is dumb enough to think that silver would go down now without an engineered selloff? This means that Blythe is preparing a takedown at an opportune time.

Is this what you are planning, Blythe. Well then as a dumb dunce once said, "Bring It On!!"

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . .
Blythe is sitting un precedented losses on gold and silver short positions. This cash raise has all the earmarks of a margin call. I can't to see the COT and the bank participation report. It seems like JPM is willing to let Blythe take them all down with her.
WB: Another week, another unprecedented losses. Congrats Blythe.
WB: Multiple sources from the mining industry say JPM is scouring the world, soliciting miners to sell them future productions. Is it a desperate attempt to cover the track (naked short position in the past), or preparation for a bigger short position?
WB: Rumors JPM raising cash cause of silver losses 15-Oct-10 12:38 pm
Rumor among traders is that JPM is taking huge losses on silver shorts. That is why they are raising cash. Traders are saying that Blythe Masters will engineer a final sell off in hopes of containing silver from going above $36.

Either way rest assured that JPM and Blythe will soon be finished when silver hits $60.
WB: Blythe Masters is the reason for JPM cash raise 16-Oct-10 12:40 pm
Traders are saying that Blythe Masters wants a full arsenal of liquid capital so that she can cover her tracks in her silver manipulation. That is the reason for JPM cash raise of $4 billion. Think of it as a margin call.

Blythe knows that she can't possibly cover her short silver and gold position without sending silver well above $60 and thus render JPM insolvent. Her only hope is a hail mary in which she engineers a sell off in silver and hopefully covers some of the short positions.

What she doesnt know is how many current JPM precious metals traders are currently aligned with her enemies. She is afraid that her current traders will betray her and tell her adversaries the details of her future raiding plans and thus making it worthless. If in fact her current traders betray her as did her former traders whom she dismissed so callously, then Blythe will be in an even bigger hole. It's kind of hard to engineer a fake sell off when you can't even trust those who are supposed to take part in the plan, isn't it? How do you know that your traders are loyal? They aren't. But then again you haven't shown much loyalty have you, BLYTHE ???

What to do? What to do? Either way, when silver blows up above $100, JPM will be insolvent and Blythe will be trotted out as the villain for the whole world to spit on and to jeer at. After all, the CFTC-SEC-Justice Dept complex will say, "Clearly what Blythe did was illegal because she has no business shorting that much silver when she clearly cound not have delivered the metal."

Isn't that what the regulators and prosecutors are gonna say to you Blythe? And you can be sure at that point in time, the prosecutors will have a line of your former traders (who you have betrayed) who will all establish that you have the mens rea of committing the crime of silver manipulation. These former traders will all say that it was your fault for the blowup.

Sleep well your days are numbered. And be sure to short BIG so that the collective WE (everyone aligned against you including Goldman Sachs, hedge funds, and your former traders)can slaughter you.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . .
WB: According to my analysis JPM has lost over $1.2 billion in silver and over $1 billion in gold short positions. That is why JPM is raising $4 billion to cover losses and launch a speculative attack against silver and gold. Until JPM actually raises that cash, Blythe Masters is defenseless which means the longs can drive silver and gold higher and JPM cannot defend its short position.

The following is from Ed Steer and he quotes Ted Bulter.

In commentary to his subscribers last night, silver analyst Ted Butler had this to say... and I'm paraphrasing a lot. "...over the past 7 weeks, gold has climbed by $140... and silver is up by $6.30. The commercials didn't increase their short positions materially on those rallies... nor did they reduce them. It is important to understand how the futures market operates. Every day, all long and short position holders have their holdings marked to market. If a position moves in one's favor, the mark to market amount is credited to each account. If a position is adversely impacted by the daily mark to market, each account is debited by the appropriate amount. Additional funds covering the adverse move are required to be immediately deposited to make up for the market to market paper loss. This is a margin call. If you don't cover margin calls immediately by depositing additional funds, the brokerage house will close out a sufficient portion of your position to cover the margin deficiency. If you hold long positions, they will sell you out. If you hold short positions, they will buy back your short position."

"As of the end of trading on Friday, the total collective margin call to the silver shorts was $3.78 billion... and to the gold shorts it was $7 billion. Since I believe that many of the gold shorts also hold silver shorts, it is reasonable to look at the silver and gold total margin calls on a combined basis of almost $11 billion. Because the big 8 commercial silver and gold shorts [read bullion banks - Ed] hold a concentrated short position of more than 50% of the true net total open interest, these 8 trading entities have been hit with $6 billion in margin calls. JPMorgan is out almost a billion dollars on silver alone."

In my opinion, until JPM comes up with more cash, Blythe is unable to stop silver and gold from going much higher. See if I am right.
WB: For those who are wondering about JPM's short silver and gold exposure, the above is from Ted Butler. I subscribe to Butler and he shows in detail how much lossed JPM is amassing.

Trust me, without the $4 billion cash raise, Blythe Masters is defenseless to stop gold and especially silver from rising. If silver closes above $24.80, traders say $27 will happen almost immediately.

Either way Blythe and her whole division are finished.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . .
WB: BLYTHE MATERS is praying silver stays below $24.80!! 18-Oct-10 11:03 am
Thanks to Blythe, JPM is sitting on unprecedented losses on their silver and gold short positions. Some estimates is that JPM losses could be as high as $3 billion combined.

Traders speculated that these unprecedented losses are the reasons why JPM needs to raise $4 billion in cash. Silver and gold traders in the pit are wondering aloud given Blythe's weakened state (and not having raised the $4 billion yet) whether JPM can actually keep silver from breaking $24.80. This level is crucial because all of Blythe's former traders (whom she dismissed so callously)are planning to buy more contracts once it is clear that Blythe won't defend her short positions.

Current JPM traders all hate Blythe and are conspiring against her with her enemies which is why every silver and gold sell off is met with re-newed and intense buying. They know from their informants that Blythe is defenseless for now and is unable to do anything but take on more loss. That is what Blythe does best, you see.

So watch that $24.80 level on silver closely. Once it breaks, Blythe former traders says that $27 is in play in less than 24 hours.

Btw, GK, JS, JL and all the gang wants me to say hi to you, Blythe, and one more thing:

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . .
WB: Sprott silver ETF approved 19-Oct-10 10:40 pm

Anyone here have any info as to the timefram when Sprott might begin to buy some physical silver. I know that Sprott must do a roadshow to raise money then file an ipo date, but what kind of time frame are we talking about? How about the size of the offering? Last I read in their SEC filing in July was at least $287 million.

WB: Come on Blythe, I'm on your side! 21-Oct-10 01:40 pm
I am actually short silver for now. I am hoping you can press it down to about $21.70 or so. Heck, I'll take $22 if that's all you can do. For the time being, we (my fellow traders) are all on your side. I'll be sure to let you know when I am long silver again. But for now, short away.

Good luck.
WB: Will Blythe Masters be prosecuted? 26-Oct-10 10:32 am
It seems that when silver blows up, Blythe Masters may be prosecuted. We (your former traders and myself) are looking forward to the day when you do the perp walk.

I called a truce with Blythe a few days ago because I was shorting silver. As of right now, I am invoking that truth and am declaring myself an enemy to Blythe and all other JPM (and their cohorts) silver manipulators. I'll have more to say soon, but as always

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . .

A little birdie tells me that everyone of your traders are telling you NOT to short silver and gold anymore and that your ego stands in the way. You can't stand to take unprecedented losses which you are sitting on.

The birdie also tells me that these traders are keeping detailed notes and orders from you regarding these trades so they can turn them over to prosecutors when silver and gold blows up in your face. These traders anticipate the huge losses JPM will eventually have to take and are quite concerned that "just following orders" will not be much of a defence when the time comes for heads to roll.

Just keep these happy thoughts in mind as you scheme to manipulate silver and gold. It's on thing to break the law in the pursuit of profitable gains, but is it wise to risk wealth and liberty in pursuit of losses?

I mean seriously, your traders think that shorting silver and gold is now a losing proposition yet Blythe is dumb enough to risk all their liberties in pursuit of a strategy that LOSES money. Talk about being stupid. Your traders want no more part of YOUR stupid scheming. That is what they are telling your adversaries.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . .
WB: Making sure Blythe sees this.
WB: Traders on the floor are saying that JPM is underwater on each and every short silver position that they put on last week. They say that Blythe ordered them to put on a massive short positions when silver lost more than $1 last week. Every short position put on is now underwater and soon to be massively underwater.

When silver breaks $24.90, Blythe will be sitting on new unprecedented losses on silver shorts. Her own traders think she is so stupid, they can hardly contain their disgust and contempt when speaking about her. The smart JPM traders want to cover all silver shorts even if silver hits $50 and go long all the way to $100, but Blythe refuses to heed theirs suggestions. They say that Blythe's ego prevents her from taking a "defeat" at the hands of her former traders (whom she dismissed so callously). It seems that Blythe has chosen an "interesting career move" here and wants to do down with the ship.

I hope Blythe doesn't cover her massive short positions and go long. I personally want to see her do the perp walk when silver hits $100 and JPM is dead.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da.....
WB: Blythe,

Did the CFTC people talk to you? Oh well it doesnt matter. I am sure you sweet talk them away, didnt you?
What I am interested in is your ability to raid the SLV like JPM's own personal piggy bank. Yes I know about that so dont bother denying it.
For those who don't know what I am talking about, Blythe's ex-traders says that JPM regularly raids the SLV trust to secure physical silver whenever it needs physical silver. Blythe thinks that as long as she has access to the SLV's physical stash, JPM will never default on its huge short positions.
Isnt that right Blythe? Well guess what, we are on to your game and we fight fire with oil. Soon you will no longer have access to this physical stash, and JPM will be dead. I will let you know after we have stopped you.
You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . .
WB: Rumors on the floor is that Blythe is desperate and will attempt to take down silver by Monday at the latest. She just got some more money (perhaps from the cash raise of $4 billion recently announced?) to make margin calls and thus is able to mount one last raid.

This is a heads up for everyone so you don't get scared just in case she is successful.

Personally, I think she is finished and that her little raid will not amount to much. Her own traders are looking to save their own butts and are keeping detailed records to turn over to prosecutors.

I hear that neither Jed or JD will talk to you anymore.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da.. . .
WB: Rumors abound that JPM traders are in open revolt against Blythe's order to short silver and gold. These JPM traders want to quit and join forces with their former colleagues who are now massively long silver and gold. These former traders know that JPM is finished as a major player in gold and silver. These traders are coordinating their activities with Blyhte's adversaries in hopes of cornering the market in silver and forcing JPM to default.

These traders know in this environment that it will be impossible for the FED or Treasury to help JPM once its manipulation has gone public. But most damning of all, these traders have alerted people to watch the physical movements in and out of the SLV to see if JPM is up to its tricks of raidng the physical in SLV.

Better be careful, Blythe. We are watching you.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . .

WB: To Jes Staley and Jamie Dimon 26-Oct-10 11:12 am
Watch your correspondence with Blythe. She is determined not to go down alone. She will eventually threaten you both if you do not help her beat this rap. Just be careful what you say to her.

We do not have any agendas against you yet. But if you defend Blythe, we will be your enemies.

Ask Ken Lewis about how vicious we can be. We are still persecuting him for his betrayal with Merrill. If you are as competent as we are lead to believe, you should fear us without having to be told.

Morituri te, salutamus ese!
WB: Blythe will bring you down if you are not careful!
WB: Strictly rumors, but word on the street is that a very senior JPM official/trader has turned informant for DOJ/SEC and is secretly working against the firm.

I hope this is true, but I pray it is not Blythe Masters. I want Blythe to be the subject of all future criminal indictment. But just my luck, she is probably the informant working with the fed.

I hope it's not like the movie The Departed where the kingpin Jack Nicholson is working with the Fed.

Yes, Jes and Jamie, the mole is deep inside!!
SAMSTERN666: J and J,

Blythe is going down! Give us her head lest we take yours.

My side is itching for a fight with you two and believe me they are "vicious". If you protect Blythe, we will come after you.

Don't take this as a threat, just consider it as a solemn promise.
WB: J and J,

Give us Blythe's head or we'll take yours.
WB: (In response to a long thread about SLV hatred) 28-Oct-10 07:00 pm
You cant buy PSLV yet so dont sell SLV until it comes out. But when PSLV comes out immediately dump SLV and buy PSLV.

I would never tell anyone to sell SLV unless and until PSLV is available. Silver can go to infinity (literally) at any time.

That's the only way to stick it to JPM.
Robbie: URGENT: I am CALLING iShares Silver Trust (SLV) in "1" HOUR 29-Oct-10 10:28 am
I have several questions for them. If anyone has any questions that they would like me to ask, please reply to this post. I will ask for you and I will report to the board EVERYTHING that our trust has to comment on and not comment on. This is your opportunity to get some answers that you may have at this time.

WB: Ask them if JPM can raid the physical stash or "borrow and lease" the physical from the trust any time it likes. Ask them if JPM has to even disclose such an arrangement once they do it. Ask them how many physical ounces have been lease to JPM and others.
WB: Silver Investors It's time to screw JPM 29-Oct-10 10:57 am

If you love silver then you must learn to HATE JPM.

If you claim to love silver and not hate JPM, then I say FU to you and all your stupid family.

Now that we have established that fact-that each and every one of us who love silver must HATE JPM, the next step is to sell SLV and buy PSLV.

Look I have nothing against SLV itself. Believe me, if any other entity other than JPM was the custodian, I would support SLV. But since JPM is the custodian, JPM can raid the physical of SLV any time it likes. It is legal and no disclosure is required.

We need to stop JPM and the only way is to sell SLV.

So all silver investors should sell SLV as an expression of our hate for JPM.
WB: I forgot to add sell SLV and buy PSLV (the Sprott physical silver). PSLV is trading now.

If PSLV is not available, I would be holding SLV since we have no other choice. But now we do have a choice.

Learn to HATE JPM, sell SLV.
WB: Is Blythe Masters about to be indicted? 29-Oct-10 12:25 pm
Rumors on the floor is that Blythe Masters is so afraid of being indicted that she has ceased to be an effective leader. With silver at $24.23, all of JPM recent short positions are underwater, and we are less than 60 cents away from all of their short positions being at all time losses.

Blythe's current JPM traders are all scheming to bankrupt JPM and make a lifetime of gains going long silver and gold themselves. They all know that JPM is finished and are working to prevent Blythe from realizing this. They want JPM to blow up on their short silver and gold positions and for Blythe to take the fall.

These traders wish they had left Blythe in July like those other traders did. Blythe denigrated these traders by saying they made "interesting career moves." Interesting indeed. These traders are getting their revenge by aligning with Blythe's enemies to drive the price of gold higher and to drive the price of silver to infinity. Her current JPM traders want to get in on the act too.

Poor Blythe. No allies around her. Not even Jes or JD will talk to her. Watch the closing price at the end of the day.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . .
Bryce: If you hate JPM then sell SLV 28-Oct-10 02:36 pm
BRYCE: I love silver. I think silver is going to infinity, based upon its dwindling supply. But I hate JPM more than anything. I swear if the SLV trust was run by anyone else, I would not mind them borrowing some of its physical supply when needed.

It's just that my hatred for JPM and Jamie Dimon is so intense, I have to run this crusade of trying to get everyone to sell the SLV and buy Sprott.

Did you know that the SLV prospectus allows the custodian (namely JPM) to legally take the SLV's physical supply of silver at any time and without disclosing it to anyone? Yes it is all legal.

I just wanted to let everyone who owns SLV but hates JPM to know that they have a choice. Buy Sprott. That's all you have to do.

As for tax consequences, yes there are potential negative tax consequences. I cant deny that. However, if the Bush tax cuts expire this year, then it is wise to sell SLV (and pay the lower tax rates) and buy Sprott.

Please sell SLV and buy Sprott. This will ensure that you will get paid when silver goes to infinity. But just as good (and in my case even better for me), we will all have contributed to JPM and Jamie Dimon's demise.

WB: If you are a friend of silver and want to see silver go up the you must be an enemy of JPM. That is a fact.If you are not an enemy of JPM then you are a dumb M-Fer. Period. FU to all those who love silver and dont hate JPM.

If you hate JPM, then the most damaging thing to do to them is to sell SLV and buy PSLV. I am not telling you to abandon silver as an investment. Far from it. I am telling you to do the one thing that will send silver up fast. If you dont believe me then fine.

But all of you who love silver must learn to HATE JPM. Period.
"Good....your hate has made you powerful"--Emperor Palpatine

And so will it be for us. Let's combined our hatred for JPM and use it to striken them down!!

"It is inevitable. It is your destiny."--Emperor Palpatine

Sell SLV, buy PSLV
WB: You cant buy PSLV yet so dont sell SLV until it comes out. But when PSLV comes out immediately dump SLV and buy PSLV.

I would never tell anyone to sell SLV unless and until PSLV is available. Silver can go to infinity (literally) at any time.

That's the only way to stick it to JPM.
WB: Silver Investors It's time to screw JPM 29-Oct-10 10:57 am
If you love silver then you must learn to HATE JPM.

If you claim to love silver and not hate JPM, then I say FU to you and all your stupid family.

Now that we have established that fact-that each and every one of us who love silver must HATE JPM, the next step is to sell SLV and buy PSLV.

Look I have nothing against SLV itself. Believe me, if any other entity other than JPM was the custodian, I would support SLV. But since JPM is the custodian, JPM can raid the physical of SLV any time it likes. It is legal and no disclosure is required.

We need to stop JPM and the only way is to sell SLV.

So all silver investors should sell SLV as an expression of our hate for JPM.

Cause JPM hates you.
WB: I forgot to add sell SLV and buy PSLV (the Sprott physical silver). PSLV is trading now.

If PSLV is not available, I would be holding SLV since we have no other choice. But now we do have a choice.

Learn to HATE JPM, sell SLV.

Robbie_berg: SLV iShares Silver Tru I just interviewed the BLACKROCK (SLV)
iShares Silver Trust Specialist. As the board requested, I asked the questions and concerns that were addressed to me and have specific answers to report from the meeting. Listed below are your questions or concerns concerning the trust followed by the specific answers that were requested.

1. ask for the last time the was a physical audit done in London with a rep from black rock present. and is a revised serial # list availed.

ANSWER: The last physical audit was done on July the 7th, 2010 by Bank Of NY Mellon in ALL 5 Vaults.

2. You will ask them and what they will come clean lol. They will admit that it is a ponzi with not anywhere enough silver reserves to cover all the certificates they sold.

ANSWER: SLV iShares Silver Trust “ BLACKROCK “ has NOTHING to do with anything JPM has going on at this time. JPM and SLV iShares Silver Trust “ BLACKROCK “ are not related in any way. BLACKROCK has JPM listed as “ The Custodian “ and NY Bank Of Mellon listed as “The Trustee”. Any issues or further issues JPM has/will have are not in any way affiliated with the SLV iShares Silver Trust “ BLACKROCK”.

3. Ask them if JPM can raid the physical stash or "borrow and lease" the physical from the trust any time it likes. Ask them if JPM has to even disclose such an arrangement once they do it. Ask them how many physical ounces have been lease to JPM and others.

ANSWER: SLV iShares Silver Trust “ BLACKROCK “ physical Silver can not be “Borrowed or Leased” to any entity. The physical Silver in the trust is stored in 5 vaults around London and are the SOLE PROPERTY Of The SLV Shareholders.

4. Ask them if they are concerned that JPM - the CUSTODIAN of OUR SILVER- is accused of manipulating the silver market.

ANSWER: SLV iShares Silver Trust “ BLACKROCK “ is well aware of The JPM Futures Contracts situation and they have no connection to the SLV iShares Silver Trust “ BLACKROCK “ . JPM and its investments are %100 separate from the trust and has %0 bearing on SLV iShares Silver Trust “ BLACKROCK “ .

5.Ask them if they have started their own investigation.

ANSWER: BLACKROCK is well aware of the ongoing situation with JPM and notes that is has %0 connection with the SLV iShares Silver Trust “ BLACKROCK “ .

6.Ask them if they have audited the holdings

ANSWER: BLACKROCK has designated Bank Of NY Mellon as “CUSTODIAN” and it is their fiduciary duty to complete audits as regulations’ require for SLV iShares Silver Trust “ BLACKROCK “.

7.Ask them if they plan on finding a new custodian

ANSWER: BLACKROCK SLV iShares Silver Trust will announce any changes of The Custodian or The Trustee if there are any changes made in the future via the trusts website and/or Press Release. At this time BLACKROCK does not have any plans to change either of the Trusts Custodian or Trustee and notes that it will promptly announce any changes as they occur.


SLV iShares Silver Trust “ BLACKROCK “ has a NET ASSET VALUE of 97.793

The Physical Silver in the Trust is the Shareholders and CAN NOT BE LEASED OR BORROWED to ANY ENTITY. Shareholders have %100 Ownership of the Physical Silver.

The ONLY way shares in The SLV iShares Silver Trust “ BLACKROCK “ are issued is when an ENTITY trades Physical Silver for SLV shares.

***** I Hope These Facts Are Beneficial To The Group In Understanding The Trust *****

I swear under oath that the facts presented to me are %100 accurate as I have reported them here in this post,
R.L. BERGER st ((((( BLACKROCK INTERVIEW UPDATE ))))) 29-Oct-10 03:12 pm

WB: Thank you for your effort.

I am gebuinely gald to hear that JPM might not be able to raid SLV's physical. If that is indeed the case then perhaps SLV is the same as SPrott. I am just not sure.

Again, thank you for getting us the info.

Learn to HATE JPM

Cause JPM hates you

WB: Blythe Masters and JPM are defenseless 29-Oct-10 04:27 pm
Traders on the floor are openly wondering how JPM and the short gangs can possibly cover their short positions in silver for anything less than $100.

Here is their calculations. The latest report shows the net commercial shorts at 290 million ounces. That is a reduction so far of about 37 million ounces during the recent $6 rise in silver from 18 to 24. According to them, if these shorters were to cover an additional 140 million ounces of silver to reduce their holdings to 150 million ounces, the price of silver would have to rise an additional $24 at the very minimum. These traders say the next 35 million ounces cover should bring about a much greater rise than the $6 rise in silver from 18 to 24.

Based upon their thinking, they think silver could rise as much as $40 more if the shorters were to short down to 150 million ounces to go. If they want to cover the rest, silver could go to $150.

That is the math and losses that Blythe and JPM face.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da.....
kyjellyman: wow, you are one of the dumber members of this board.
WB: I can think of at least one person dumber than me--Blythe, who has 180 million ounces short since silver was well under $18. We'll see how dumb I am when silver hits over $30 somewhere in December at the latest.

WB: Blythe, you better hold the line or silver will be at $30 4-Nov-10 11:40 am

Word on the trading floor is that a bunch of little shorts are about to blow up. This means that if you dont short more, we can be lock limit up in silver by tomorrow.

If this is the case then we can be at $30 by early next week. Please short more right here and right now so that when silver hits $50, JPM is dead and you are in prison.

Thank you

You're going home in a body bag do-da, do-da.....

WB: Blythe, your ex-traders are saying that JPM is finished 4-Nov-10 10:54 pm


Your former traders (whom you dismissed so callously) are encouraging all your enemies to go long silver and gold with impunity. They all say that JPM has no contingencies to cover your massive silver and gold shorts.

Is it true that you are sitting on unprecedented losses? Is it true that Goldman Sachs is trying to drive silver to infinity tokill JPM? You know it's true. I'll bet you that their commodities research team is about to put out a hit piece research on silver calling for it to go to $100. Will that be enough to kill JPM? If not, will a target of $200 kill you?

All your enemies both foreign and domestic are conspiring to bring you down. And you are defenseless.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da.....

WB: when does silver trade again on Sun night? 7-Nov-10 05:20 pm
does it start at 6pm or 7pm edt?

WB: Give it up, Blythe!! 7-Nov-10 07:48 pm
Stop with the supression scheme on silver and gold. It cant work now cause even uour own traders are betting against you. Yes, it is true, treachery is everywhere. It surrounds you now. Your own JPM traders have secret deals with your enemies to drive the price of silver to infinity. They figure that if you and JPM are gonna fail anyway, why not make a huge fortune while doing it.

Do you know how much envy your current traders feel when they see their former colleagues making 'bank' going long silver and gold. They want in on the action too. Your current traders all wish that they had the good fortune to be given the ax when you clean shop back in July. They wish that they could openly shoot against your positions like your former traders are doing with your enemies.

Like you, Blythe, they know that JPM can never cover its short position in silver. They are scheming how to drive the price to infinity while you, dear Blythe, are under the misconception that your very own traders want to drive silver down to save JPM.

Soon a major investment house will announce a silver target of over $80. What is that going to do the price of silver?

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da.....
WB: Blythe,

Traders on the floor are saying that JPM is finished. Blythe is unable to mount a raid with any effectiveness. Rumors has it that a central bank is behind several hedge funds in acquiring physical silver. Thius will be like the Hunt Bros only without the come down in price after the spike.

Is it true, Blythe, that your current traders are openly suggesting to everyone outside the firm to go long physical silver to break JPM. Is it true, that most of JPM traders collude with your enemies and advise them on what your pain threshold is? Is it true that they all have secret accounts (not under their own names) in which they are massively long silver up to $100? Heck, they only want to be like their former colleagues who were fortunate enough to have been fired by you. Those traders, whom Blythe dismissed so callously, are up to their eyeballs in long silver and gold positions and are making a fortune while destroying Blythe and JPM.

As always,

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da...
USDGRAD: not sure who blythe is....sounds like she naked shorted
metals....hope she gets **************
WB: From what i can see, you dont want the words blythe and naked in the same sentence.

WB: I hear Blythe is looking older and uglier these days. Insolvency stress will do that you know.

WB: Will Blythe Masters be prosecuted? 26-Oct-10 10:32 am
It seems that when silver blows up, Blythe Masters may be prosecuted. We (your former traders and myself) are looking forward to the day when you do the perp walk.

I called a truce with Blythe a few days ago because I was shorting silver. As of right now, I am invoking that truth and am declaring myself an enemy to Blythe and all other JPM (and their cohorts) silver manipulators. I'll have more to say soon, but as always

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . .
WB: Blythe,

A little birdie tells me that everyone of your traders are telling you NOT to short silver and gold anymore and that your ego stands in the way. You can't stand to take unprecedented losses Which you are sitting on.

The birdie also tells me that these traders are keeping detailed notes and orders from you regarding these trades so they can turn them over to prosecutors when silver and gold blows up in your face. These traders anticipate the huge losses JPM will eventually have to take and are quite concerned that "just following orders" will not be much of a defence when the time comes for heads to roll.

Just keep these happy thoughts in mind as you scheme to manipulate silver and gold. It's on thing to break the law in the pursuit of profitable gains, but is it wise to risk wealth and liberty in pursuit of losses?

I mean seriously, your traders think that shorting silver and gold is now a losing proposition yet Blythe is dumb enough to risk all their liberties in pursuit of a strategy that LOSES money. Talk about being stupid. Your traders want no more part of YOUR stupid scheming. That is what they are telling your adversaries.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . .
WB: Making sure Blythe sees this
WB: Traders on the floor are saying that the huge 149 million shares traded on the SLV on Tuesday was JPM's way of covering some of their shorts. According to them, Blythe ordered her traders to buy SLV in order to exchange them for physical. She is desperate since she know through her channel checks that there arent any physical silver left in all of North America.

Looks like a defualt is imminent for Blythe.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da....

WB: Asian Buyers tricked Blythe into shorting on Tuesday 11-Nov-10 07:58 pm

Word on the trading floor is that Blythe was tricked into shorting a huge amount of silver on Tuesday's selloff. Blythe's traders (some of whom are secretly working against her) told her that JPM should short a massive amount in conjunction with the CME's margin raise. The rationale is that this would cause am waterfall type selling so JPM can force long liquidations over a few days. Unfortunately, the Asian buyers were fully aware of Blythe's scheme thanks in parts to the traders who have betrayed her. They layered in their bids and he;d firm at $26.50. These buyers were fortunate enough to have purchased a massive amount of silver at an incredibly cheap price (i.e. under $30 per contract). The amount that they purchased is now more than enough to force a default this December.

That is why the price of silver is back to $27.70 today which was the price of silver on Monday before the move to $29.40 on Tuesday. Blythe knows now that she was tricked into massively selling short shares that cant be delivered next month. She is so scared, she doesnt know what to do. Her only choice is to let the price of silver rise to say $40 or even $50 before December in the hopes that some physical sellers will part with their silver. She hopes to convince some asian buyers to turn Judas and sell her some physical before Decemeber delivery.

Will it work? I dont know, but the price of silver must be at least $50 buck or higher for these guys to even think of selling back some physical silver.

Blythe is even more trapped now than she was two days ago and it is showing in the price of silver. These Asian buyers want the world to know that they have checkmated Blythe and mighty JPM. Do whatever you like in the paper arena, but just don't sell physical silver and BLythe and JPM are dead.

As for poor Blythe

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da....
WB: Word on the street is that JPM traders are massively long silver and has tricked Blythe into shorting silver again tonight. What is unbeknownst to Blythe is that the very traders who are advising Blythe to short silver (in hopes of breaking the backs of of the longs) are telling their Asian contacts that JPM has no way of delivering the physical silver. These Asian buyers have north of $30 billion to buy physical silver which is more than the known amount of physical silver that exists in the world.

Blythe's traders have finally convinced Blythe to make a stand at $30 in the hopes of turning the tide. What Blythe doesnt know is that these same traders have amassed huge long positions on the Dec and Jan futures which they will demand delivery on in conjunction with the buying out of Asia. Watch the price of silver. It will rise dramatically as December approaches and as it approaches $29 again.

These same traders that have duped Blythe into selling naked shorts now will be advising Blythe to cover all the shorts and run silver to $50 in Dec and $150 by Jan in the hopes of saving her hide. Little does Blythe knows that her traders will achieve their true objective--enrich themselves beyond imagination and at the same time send Blythe to prison for silver manipulation.

Blythe, treachery is everywhere!!!

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da...
WB: Word on the street is that Jes Staley is in trouble 9-Nov-10 01:27 pm We all know by now that Blythe is finished and that her own traders are turning on her, so says the floor traders. What is not known until now is that even Jes Staley is on the hot seat because the short silver debacle extends far beyond the merely 180 million short ounces on the COT reports. Rumors circulating is that JPM exposure through hidden derivatives is in excess of 1 trillion and that JPM's potential losses are way above the 180 million ounces. If this is true, then next week silver should be way over 30.

Is this true Blythe? Are you turning against Jes to protect your own _ss? I hope it's not true that you are the confidential informant that is working with the Justice Dept within JPM. I am hoping that you and Jes are the targets.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da.....
For those of you late to the game, let me recap.

In May, a group started to recruit JPM silver and gold traders cause we anticipated that Blythe was gonna betray and fire them callously. Some of them defected to us and have been with us ever since lending their expertise on how to bring down JPM through silver. Since then these traders among other people have assisted people in bringing lawsuits and media attention to JPM and their fraudulent silver manipulation. See Max Keiser for instance.

What is not known is that these traders have been instrumental in getting the CFTC, SEC and Justice Dept to look at JPM. Now we are hearing that even current JPM traders are turning confidential informants against Blythe and JPM.

What is not known until today is that Jes Staley himself is caught up in this mess and that JPM silver exposure is much greater than what we had initially expected. This means that JPM's very existence is at stake now and that Jes Staley is a direct participant in trying to stop silver future rise from killing JPM. That is what we are hearing on the floor right now.

JPM is in much worse trouble than we had ever dared to hope.

Is this true Blythe?

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da.......
WB: JPM is in worse shape then we ever dared to hope 20-Nov-10 07:06 am

This is what I am now hearing from traders on the floor. These traders are not even sure if Blythe knows the full extent of JPM's silver exposure.

When I first started to realize that JPM has shorted far more silver than they could ever hope to cover, my first question was "why would they do that?" Not only that, why do it with a commodity where you must report your positions through the COT and Bank Participation Report? After all,the whole world can see what you are doing.

Now I know the answer. According to Max Keiser and now a couple of other independent sources, it seems the reasons why first Bear Stearns and now JPM are so desperate to manipulate the price of silver down is due to the fact that BS and JPM shorted billions (yes billions not millions) in ounces of silver through their derivatives.

Just like Joe Conason at AIG, silver shorting through derivatives have caused literally billions in losses not the millions that we know about publicly. That is why JPM has been so desperate to manipulate the price of silver downward so blatantly. If I am right about this, then JPM will be dead when silver hits $60 or so. Based upon the COT and BPR, if silver hits $60, JPM will lose around an additional $6 billion dollars, a large number but not nearly large enough to bring down mighty JPM.

But what is not known is that due to the way that its derivatives are written, JPM's losses are exponentional once silver breaks $36 or so. Rumors has it that JPM could be losing as much as $40 billion once silver is above $50. It has something to do with how the derivatives are written with payment tied to the price of silver.

Since JPM was a price manipulator with respectt to the price of silver, JPM assumed that any derivative payments tied to silver would be less than they would be tied to some other index like the CPI or TIPS implied inflation index. JPM's inability to hold down the price of silver relative to other measures of inflation will cause unbelievable losses due to a mismatch in their derivative structures.

In essence,JPM has bet (a huge amount)through derivatives that silver will never outperform inflation. And why not,since JPM assumed that it will always be able to manipulate the price of silver. We have now come to understand that JPM's loss exposure to silver is much greater than we have ever dared to hope.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da,do-da....
WB: In an effort to clear up some recent confusion regarding my latest posting, I will try to explain what I have recently uncovered.

JPM's current short silver position is estimated to be approximately 150 million ounces down from the recent 180 million ounces in August. The losses from these positions are easy to figure out. For every $10 rise in the price of silver, JPM will lose $1.5 billion.

But what I have recently discovered is that through its derivative positions, JPM will lose about 5 times that amount ounce the price of silver is above $36. And ounce silver is above $45 dollars, JPM's losses will increase to 8 times the amount of losses in their short positions. The reason is that as the price of silver increases, certain provisions get activated which multiplies the losses.

One reader asks the question why isnt the price of JPM going down to reflect the lossesd in silver. My answer is that the price of silver is not high enough to begin to trigger losses in their derivative positions. But once silver approaches this critical level say around $36, then you should begin to see the price of JPM stock begin to reflect these losses.

In fact, traders are saying that once the price of silver surpasses the stock price of JPM, then for every dollar the price of silver go up, JPM should lose around 70 cents or so. This means that if silver hits $60, JPM will be a single digit stock.

JPM market cap is around $170 billion. If silver losses are as great as $40 billion in cash , then JPM will be insolvent. Period.
WB: We wish you a deadly christmas
we wish you a deadly christmas
we wish you a deadly christmas

and a body bag New Year!!

From your former traders (whom you dismissed so callously)
WB: I dont see how since silver closed at a new high since the Hunt Bros. Soon the losses on JPM silver derivatives will kick in and the real fun begin.

Word to yo mama Jes Staley for allowing Blythe to blow you up.

You're going home in a body bag,do-da, do-da.....
WB: Gold going up on a big down day.

Bye bye Blythe!!
WB: will have a commercial signal failure in December.

Is this true? Have you heard anything about this? Do you have the physical silver to deliver on your more than 150 ounces of silver short? HAs Jes Staley and JD warn you what will happen if JPM defaults? Did they say that you will do the perp walk? Did they say that Treasury and the Fed will not be able to help you?

Hope you had a good turkey day cause you are now the turkey.

Your former traders (whom you dismissed so callously) all wish you and your family a deadly and miserable existence.

They are enjoying immensely that you and JPM get what's coming to you.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da....
WB: Blythe, do you know what a commercial signal failure is? 30-Oct-10 01:28 pm
You are about to find out. That's when the price of a commodity jumps anywhere from 300 to 500 percent in a few days. The last time this happened was in the wheat market where wheat, which normally trades between 5 to 7 dollars, jumps to 25 dollars in a few days.

It's about to get ugly for you in the silver market. Word on the street is that a major investment house is about to put out a research piece on silver saying that silver can go to $100 on a squeeze. This firm is going to try to bankrupt JPM so that it is one of the few firms left. Wouldn't surprise me at all if Goldman Sachs is the very one to target silver at $100 so that it can break JPM.

But then again, you wouldn't do that to GS if you found the roles to be reverse would you, Blythe? Of course you would, and so will they.

Watch the trading on Sunday night. God help you if silver trades above $25.25 by the time the new york markets open.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . .
WB: Exactly what are you doing at this very moment?

It is 6 pm EST in Ney York, and silver is precariously hanging on to the $25 level. If for whatever reason silver goes to $25.25, we are headed to $27 in 48 hours.

After wed Nov 3, will there be the much awaited commercial signal failure in silver? How high are your traders telling you silver will hit if get an CSF? If they are at all competent, they will tell you that $100 would then be imminent, but they arent telling you that are they? What are your traders telling you? Are they saying that you are still in control and they are sure they can turn silver back down at $30?

In reality, everyone of Blythe's traders have already made huge bets that silver and JPM will blow up. They will all be financially secure and Blythe will be in prison. Or so we all hope.

Keep your eye on silver toninght. The only thing keeping it from blowing up right now is the Fed decision on Wed. After that, it's all over for Blythe.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da....
WB: Learn to Hate JPM cause JPM HATES YOU 31-Oct-10 06:43 pm
Good luck to all silver investors, yes even SLV holders. I dont have any problems with SLV other than the custodian is JPM. We all know about JPM and their short silver positions so there's no need to rehash that story.

Thanks to Robbie Berger's interview and report back to us, I have softened my stance as to SLV being a plaything for JPM to raid. Be that as it may, I wish continued luck to all silver investors and hope that every silver investing vehicle, especially SLV, continue to contribute to JPM's demise.

Silver is about to break $25 tonight and hopefully after Wed's Fed decision, we can hot $30 asap. Good luck everyone.

Learn to HATE JPM
WB: (in response to j125) You can get real time quotes on silver and gold at goldseek.com and silverseek.com

It's strange that Kitco's quote system is out. Maybe it's Nadler trying to hide the fact that silver will explode tonight.
WB: test to see if i can post 1-Nov-10 11:21 am
WB: Blythe, you aren't paranoid, we are out to get you! 2-Nov-10 12:15 pm
We are out to take you, JPM and that evil Jamie Demon down.

Soon we will have over 70 percent of the physical silver in the world. The only place left is the SLV's stash. Dont worry, we will make sure that you and JPM dont get your hands on them either.

At what price will JPM be insolvent due to silver? Whatever that price is, we will pay it. No amount of money will satiate us from the lust of destroying you and JPM.

Please short more cause that will make our job easier. And yes, we are taking PHYSICAL DELIVERY.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da....
Bryce_halsey: (first time I paid attention to this user name but this is WB posting under a different name)
Your former traders want to remind you that it is they who are in the process of destroying you and JPM. They have aligned themselves with buyers who have accumulated enough physical to force defaults on multiple exchanges.

Do your network checks and you will know it to be true.

They are paying you back in spades for dismissing them so callously. "Interesting career moves" was what Blythe called these traders when she fired them all. Now they want you to know that they will all be insanely rich and that you and JPM will be DEAD!!

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . .
WB: Message to Blythe from her former traders 3-Nov-10 12:40 pm
Thanks for the slamdown in silver <stop>
Was well telegraphed <stop>
Physical delivery B-I-T-C-H <stop>

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . .
WB: Blythe's former traders are saying that Blythe and JPM are defenseless. The $4 billion cash raise for Blythe is now insufficient to surmount a raid on silver or gold. These traders have aligned themselves with people who have amassed enough physical silver to force a default on multiple exchanges.

But what is truly devastating and unbeknownst to anyone is that a major country is about to announce that it will begin to stockpile silver as a precious metal in addition to gold.

Will this be the stampede that gets other central bank to amass silver as a reserve metal like gold? Will silver go back to its historical and natural ratio of 16:1 with gold? Will this send silver to $100 in the next few months?

And why would this country amass silver? Is it to send a message to the US and JPM that it will retaliate for debasing the dollar and trashing its US foreign reserve holding?

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da.....
WB: Blythe and JPM to face RICO 3-Nov-10 07:21 pm
Here is the link


How much longer before criminal indictment?

How many of Blythe's former traders with deteailed knowledge of Blythe's activities are cooperating with prosecutors?

How is Blythe ever gonna cover close to 200 million ounces of silver?

Poor Blythe, no allies left and her enemies are closing in. Now you know how Varro and Paullus felt at Cannae.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da...
WB: A major central bank amassing silver as a reserve? 3-Nov-10 10:28 pm
Rumor all over the Asian trading floor is that a central bank is amassing silver as a reserve metal like gold. This central bank will have to reveal their intention when the reporting period rolls around.

If this is true, wont other central banks also have to amass silver like they do gold as part of their reserves?

What would this do to the price of silver if silver becomes a reserve metal again?

Any thoughts?
WB: Blythe's ex-traders want Blythe to know they have beaten her 4-Nov-10 07:17 am

Your former traders (whom she dismissed so callously) want you to know that it is they who have beayen you. They have aligned themselves with your enemies to destroy you and JPM. Heck, even your current JPM traders are congraulating them and saying how they all wish they had left at the same time with them. Your current JPM traders all hate you and are all secretly conspiring to put you behind bars.

You see, your current traders want to blow up the silver market and be rich like your former traders are doing. And the sure fire way to do that is to go massive long silver and gold. Your current traders all have their own agendas and none of them align with yours or JPMs. They all want to see JPM dead and you behind bars.

Why do most of your current traders and all of your ex traders hate you? Is it because you are incompetent and ill qualified for your job? Is it because you are so stupid even though you think you're so smart? Or is it because you are a B-I-T-C-H?

Either way, they all bask in your pain and JPM's destruction. They have massive long positions in silver and are gonna make a killing when silver hits $100 by February. Oh that is the target they are telling their clients.

Btw, are you sitting on unprecedented losses in silver and gold now? You Betcha!!

And how was that slam down in silver yesterday working out for you?

Disdainfully Yours,
Your former traders (who've made "interesting career moves")

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da.....
WB: Is Blythe facing a margin call ? 4-Nov-10 11:05 am
KWN and ZeroHedge are saying that margin calls will begin if silver holds above $25.50 for a few hours. Will we hit $28 by tomorrow? What is the lock limit up on silver anyway?

JPM is dead and so will it be for Blythe.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da. . . . . .
WB: JPM is in worse shape then we ever dared to hope 20-Nov-10 07:06 am

This is what I am now hearing from traders on the floor. These traders are not even sure if Blythe knows the full extent of JPM's silver exposure.

When I first started to realize that JPM has shorted far more silver than they could ever hope to cover, my first question was "why would they do that?" Not only that, why do it with a commodity where you must report your positions through the COT and Bank Participation Report? After all,the whole world can see what you are doing.

Now I know the answer. According to Max Keiser and now a couple of other independent sources, it seems the reasons why first Bear Stearns and now JPM are so desperate to manipulate the price of silver down is due to the fact that BS and JPM shorted billions (yes billions not millions) in ounces of silver through their derivatives.

Just like Joe Conason at AIG, silver shorting through derivatives have caused literally billions in losses not the millions that we know about publicly. That is why JPM has been so desperate to manipulate the price of silver downward so blatantly. If I am right about this, then JPM will be dead when silver hits $60 or so. Based upon the COT and BPR, if silver hits $60, JPM will lose around an additional $6 billion dollars, a large number but not nearly large enough to bring down mighty JPM.

But what is not known is that due to the way that its derivatives are written, JPM's losses are exponentional once silver breaks $36 or so. Rumors has it that JPM could be losing as much as $40 billion once silver is above $50. It has something to do with how the derivatives are written with payment tied to the price of silver.

Since JPM was a price manipulator with respectt to the price of silver, JPM assumed that any derivative payments tied to silver would be less than they would be tied to some other index like the CPI or TIPS implied inflation index. JPM's inability to hold down the price of silver relative to other measures of inflation will cause unbelievable losses due to a mismatch in their derivative structures.

In essence,JPM has bet (a huge amount)through derivatives that silver will never outperform inflation. And why not,since JPM assumed that it will always be able to manipulate the price of silver. We have now come to understand that JPM's loss exposure to silver is much greater than we have ever dared to hope.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da,do-da....
In an effort to clear up some recent confusion regarding my latest posting, I will try to explain what I have recently uncovered.

JPM's current short silver position is estimated to be approximately 150 million ounces down from the recent 180 million ounces in August. The losses from these positions are easy to figure out. For every $10 rise in the price of silver, JPM will lose $1.5 billion.

But what I have recently discovered is that through its derivative positions, JPM will lose about 5 times that amount ounce the price of silver is above $36. And ounce silver is above $45 dollars, JPM's losses will increase to 8 times the amount of losses in their short positions. The reason is that as the price of silver increases, certain provisions get activated which multiplies the losses.

One reader asks the question why isnt the price of JPM going down to reflect the lossesd in silver. My answer is that the price of silver is not high enough to begin to trigger losses in their derivative positions. But once silver approaches this critical level say around $36, then you should begin to see the price of JPM stock begin to reflect these losses.

In fact, traders are saying that once the price of silver surpasses the stock price of JPM, then for every dollar the price of silver go up, JPM should lose around 70 cents or so. This means that if silver hits $60, JPM will be a single digit stock.

JPM market cap is around $170 billion. If silver losses are as great as $40 billion in cash , then JPM will be insolvent. Period.
WB: I dont see how since silver closed at a new high since the Hunt Bros. Soon the losses on JPM silver derivatives will kick in and the real fun begin.

Word to yo mama Jes Staley for allowing Blythe to blow you up.

You're going home in a body bag,do-da, do-da.....
WB: Gold going up on a big down day.

Bye bye Blythe!
WB: will have a commercial signal failure in December.

Is this true? Have you heard anything about this? Do you have the physical silver to deliver on your more than 150 ounces of silver short? HAs Jes Staley and JD warn you what will happen if JPM defaults? Did they say that you will do the perp walk? Did they say that Treasury and the Fed will not be able to help you?

Hope you had a good turkey day cause you are now the turkey.

Your former traders (whom you dismissed so callously) all wish you and your family a deadly and miserable existence.

They are enjoying immensely that you and JPM get what's coming to you.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-d
WB: Word on the street is that Jes is in trouble 29-Nov-10 12:06 pm
We all know by now that Blythe's former traders have aligned themselves with peoplem who have cornered the silver market and will bust the Comex in december. What is not common knowledge is that Blythe's boss Jes Staley has also been involved in suppressing silver and gold.

Sources on the street is that both Blythe and Jes will be indicted early next year after the silver blowup. Word is that prosecutors have confidential informants from high up within JPM itself.

God I hope that Blythe is not the CI cause I am hoping that when she is indicted, she will turn on Jes and JD.

You're going home in a body bag,do-da,do-da.....
WB: Blythe,

Your former traders all hate you with a passion and they are VICIOUS. Between a group of 10 traders, they have amassed more profits in silver on this little run than the 3 times the net worth of JD, Jes and you combined. They can all quit now and be financially wealthy the rest of their lives.

But do you know what they are doing? They have pledged more than 50 percent of the profit in trying to destroy Blythe, Jes, and JPM. They are getting people in the media to start a campaign to destroy JPM (primarily through silver, of course). They are recruiting current JPM informants to aid them and prosecutors in investigating JPM. And they are financing people to bring lawsuits against JPM and HSBC for silver manipulation.

In other words, they have all sworn vengeance againts you Blythe and JPM. But they have now expanded their wrath and have included Jes Staley for aiding and abetting Blythe. Because your former traders wealth is unlimited, so must be their retribution. So you, JES STALEY, are given formal notice that we intend to destroy you just like we are destroying Blythe.

We are going after Jes Staley and his whole clan!!!

Morituri te Salutamas ese
WB: Blythe's former traders want Jes Staley's head 1-Dec-10 06:58 am
Blythe's former traders have now set their sights on Jes Staley. Over at the Comex, only 34 contracts was posted for delivery tomorrow. This means that Comex cant deliver in any significant size anymore.

This means Blythe and soon JPM will be finished. But was is new is that Blythe's former traders (whom she dismissed so callously) now wants Jes Staley's head. He was instrumental in abetting Blythe and now we want retributions. Your days are numbered.

You're going home in a body bag,do-da,do-da....
WB: Blythe, here is a sample of your former trader's revenge 2-Dec-10 11:08 am
At the behest and suggestions of your former traders, there is an active campaign to destroy youand JPM.



You're going home in a body bag,do-da,do-da....

WB: Jes Staley,we are coming after you!! 2-Dec-10 11:26 am
We,Blythe's former traders (whom she, along with Jes Staley's consent, dismissed so callously0), have pledged and sworn vengeance against Blythe and Jes Staley.

We have already destroted Blythe and now we are after you Jes.

Prend garde a toi.

Morituri te
Salutamus ese
WB: Blythe, your former traders say "thank you 2-Dec-10 01:25 pm

Your former traders have been alerted to your latest take down attempt. You have tons of "leaks" on your side. At this point, your current traders are giving up this info "on the cheap". Some JPM traders are even giving up the info "gratis" with payment only in the form of seeing you do the perp walk.

Your very own traders are now alerting your former traders before JPM takes down the price of gold and silver. Watch closely now sweetie to the price of gold and silver in the next 24 hours. It will not be like it was on Nov 9.

BTW, other sites (aligned with your former traders) are also reporting what you are up to.


You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da....
WB: Blythe,

You're making it too easy. This take down was telegraphed a mile away. I guess it's not easy to manipulate the PM market now that everyone is on to your game. Heck, it's even tougher when your own traders are signaling to their former colleagues your illegal intentions.

Btw, be sure to justify your actions caused it will feature prominently at your trial.

Your traders are laughing at you right now.

Interesting career move,indeed!!

You're going home in a body bag,do-da,do-da.....
WB: Blythe,

Your former traders want to let you know that we are laughing at you all the way to our vault.

I am hear to gloat and remind you of what I wrote yesterday. I told you yesterday that your pathetic attempt to rig down the price of silver and gold wont work. And I was right.

See you on TV when you do the perp walk.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da,do-da...

WB: Calling out Blythe Masters!! 3-Dec-10 09:16

Your former traders (who made "very interesting career decisions") are calling you out. We know you are gonna try to suppress silver and gold today. We want you to do it so we can overrun you and JPM.

No matter what you do silver is going to $50 and gold will be at $1800 in less than 2 months. Will JPM be dead by then?

Good luck, sweetie.

You're going home in a body bag,do-da,do-da.....

WB: Blythe is sitting on unprecedented losses 3-Dec-10 10:34

Is it true that you and JPM is sitting on unprecedented losses on your silver and gold short? I am sure you are.

Do you know what the corollary of that is? Your former traders (whom you dismissed so callously) are sitting on unprecedented gains. These are gains that reflect JPM's losses thanks to Blythe.

See you on TV when you do the perp walk,sweetie.

You're going home in a body bag,do-da,do-da...
WB: Blythe,

Your former traders (who made "very interesting career decisions") want to say thanks for the slam down in silver and gold yesterday. How did that slammy thingy work out for you and JPM? Not too well did it? You betcha!!

They would like to say how happy they are too be making so much money and at the same time sending you and JPM into insolvency. Kind of like Billy Ray and Louis in Trading Places. Of course Blythe and JD are the Duke brothers.

See you on TV when you do the perp walk,sweetie!!

You're going home in a body bag,do-da,do-da.....

WB: Cartoon Bears were right JPM stands for JP Morgue 6-Dec-10 02:34 pm
That was the funniest video I have seen in a long time. Poor Blythe, she cant control then price of silver and gold anymore. Soon she will be finished along with The JP Morgue and The Bernank.

The JP Morgue's silver manipulation is going viral and mainstream which means it's only a matter of time before silver hits $50 and The JP Morgue will live up to its name.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da...
WB: JPM is in worse shape then we ever dared to hope 20-Nov-10 07:06 am

This is what I am now hearing from traders on the floor. These traders are not even sure if Blythe knows the full extent of JPM's silver exposure.

When I first started to realize that JPM has shorted far more silver than they could ever hope to cover, my first question was "why would they do that?" Not only that, why do it with a commodity where you must report your positions through the COT and Bank Participation Report? After all,the whole world can see what you are doing.

Now I know the answer. According to Max Keiser and now a couple of other independent sources, it seems the reasons why first Bear Stearns and now JPM are so desperate to manipulate the price of silver down is due to the fact that BS and JPM shorted billions (yes billions not millions) in ounces of silver through their derivatives.

Just like Joe Conason at AIG, silver shorting through derivatives have caused literally billions in losses not the millions that we know about publicly. That is why JPM has been so desperate to manipulate the price of silver downward so blatantly. If I am right about this, then JPM will be dead when silver hits $60 or so. Based upon the COT and BPR, if silver hits $60, JPM will lose around an additional $6 billion dollars, a large number but not nearly large enough to bring down mighty JPM.

But what is not known is that due to the way that its derivatives are written, JPM's losses are exponentional once silver breaks $36 or so. Rumors has it that JPM could be losing as much as $40 billion once silver is above $50. It has something to do with how the derivatives are written with payment tied to the price of silver.

Since JPM was a price manipulator with respectt to the price of silver, JPM assumed that any derivative payments tied to silver would be less than they would be tied to some other index like the CPI or TIPS implied inflation index. JPM's inability to hold down the price of silver relative to other measures of inflation will cause unbelievable losses due to a mismatch in their derivative structures.

In essence,JPM has bet (a huge amount)through derivatives that silver will never outperform inflation. And why not,since JPM assumed that it will always be able to manipulate the price of silver. We have now come to understand that JPM's loss exposure to silver is much greater than we have ever dared to hope.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da,do-da....
WB: In an effort to clear up some recent confusion regarding my latest posting, I will try to explain what I have recently uncovered.

JPM's current short silver position is estimated to be approximately 150 million ounces down from the recent 180 million ounces in August. The losses from these positions are easy to figure out. For every $10 rise in the price of silver, JPM will lose $1.5 billion.

But what I have recently discovered is that through its derivative positions, JPM will lose about 5 times that amount ounce the price of silver is above $36. And ounce silver is above $45 dollars, JPM's losses will increase to 8 times the amount of losses in their short positions. The reason is that as the price of silver increases, certain provisions get activated which multiplies the losses.

One reader asks the question why isnt the price of JPM going down to reflect the lossesd in silver. My answer is that the price of silver is not high enough to begin to trigger losses in their derivative positions. But once silver approaches this critical level say around $36, then you should begin to see the price of JPM stock begin to reflect these losses.

In fact, traders are saying that once the price of silver surpasses the stock price of JPM, then for every dollar the price of silver go up, JPM should lose around 70 cents or so. This means that if silver hits $60, JPM will be a single digit stock.

JPM market cap is around $170 billion. If silver losses are as great as $40 billion in cash , then JPM will be insolvent. Period.
I dont see how since silver closed at a new high since the Hunt Bros. Soon the losses on JPM silver derivatives will kick in and the real fun begin.

Word to yo mama Jes Staley for allowing Blythe to blow you up.

You're going home in a body bag,do-da, do-da.....
WB: Gold going up on a big down day.

Bye bye Blythe!!
WB: will have a commercial signal failure in December.

Is this true? Have you heard anything about this? Do you have the physical silver to deliver on your more than 150 ounces of silver short? HAs Jes Staley and JD warn you what will happen if JPM defaults? Did they say that you will do the perp walk? Did they say that Treasury and the Fed will not be able to help you?

Hope you had a good turkey day cause you are now the turkey.

Your former traders (whom you dismissed so callously) all wish you and your family a deadly and miserable existence.

They are enjoying immensely that you and JPM get what's coming to you.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da....
WB: Blythe sitting on huge silver losses!! 12-Dec-10 12:57 pm
It is all true. All you have to do is check out the new Bank Participation Report. It shows clearly what JPM's position is with respect to "other precious metal", i.e. silver.

As for the stupid rumors on the net that somehow JPM has hedged themselves and are net long silver though hidden derivatives, let's take a look at this claim logically.

If JPM is hedged in such a way that it is net long silver, then by definition, JPM will make more money as the price of silver goes up and lose money if the price goes down, right? If this is indeed the case, then why won't JPM cover all their 130 million ounces of silver short (this is the latest figure from the BPR and is down some 10 million since the last BPR on Nov 2) and drive the price of silver up? In fact, JPM should cover all their short position quickly and sloppily so that it will drive the price of silver up even quicker than it otherwise would under a control manner. Do you know why JPM won't do this? It is because JPM is net SHORT silver.

Secondly, who is stupid enough to sell silver contracts to JPM that represents more than the 130 million equivalent short ounces that JPM is short? And if that is true, how come it is not on the Comex on the BPR? You got it!! No one is dumbe enough to short silver the way JPM has.

No matter what you read, the proof is in black and white in the BPR that JPM is still short 130 million ounces of silver and the big banks are still short close to 200 million ounces.

As silver goes up, Blythe and JPM will go down.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da....

WB: World PM short(ages) 12-Dec-10 12:45 pm

Here is a small excerpt from Ed Steer's Gold and Silver Daily' As Jesse Livermore once said "He who sells what isn' hisn must buy it back or go to pris'n"

"December Bank Participation [Futures] Report.... as of the close of trading on December 7th. The BPR and COT reports are generated from the same data set... so the numbers between them are directly interchangeable.

In gold, it shows that 4 U.S. bullion banks are long 32,444 Comex contracts and short 135,602 contracts... for a net short position of 103,158 contracts. This represents 10.3 million ounces of gold. The lion's share of this position would be held by JPMorgan...followed at a great distance by HSBC USA.

Also in gold, it shows that 15 Non-U.S. bullion banks are long 7,388 contracts and short 53,120 contracts... for a net short position of 45,732 contracts. This represents 4.6 million ounces of gold. I'd be willinbg to bet that a huge chunk of these short positions held by foreign banks are held by either the Bank of Nova Scotia or Deutsche Bank... with UBS maybe a minor player as well.

In silver, the report doesn't show the number of U.S. banks because there are so few of them. The CME changed the rules a couple of years back to benefit JPMorgan and HSBC. When Ted Butler found this report years back, he called them out on it... because they stood out like sore thumbs in this category, because there were only the two of them. So the CME changed the rules [probably by request from JPMorgan] to hide their tracks. Ted doesn't call the CME and JPMorgan crooks for no reason!!!

Anyway, having said all that, JPMorgan and HSBC are long 376 contracts... and short a whopping 26,332 Comex contracts. This makes them net short 25,956 contracts... with [and I'm guessing here] well over 90% of that net short position held by JPMorgan. That's 130 million ounces held short by these two U.S. banks... 68 days of world silver production!"
WB: There's only one worth mentioning that has physical silver that you can trust. And that is PSLV, the Sprott physical silver fund. Of course, the PSLV is trading at around 12% percent premium to NAV. In other words, the PSLV is trading 12 percent more than the it should be given the current spot price of silver.

Makes you think why doesnt it? Could it be because there is a premium due to the fact that there are no physical silver in big quantity left in the world?
WB: Message from Blythe's former traders 14-Dec-10 07:52 am

Your former traders (who made "very interesting career decisions") want you to know that it is they who have defeated you and JPM. After you callously dismissed them last summer,they aligned themselves with people who are cornering the silver market to destroy you and JPM. They are in league with hedge fund (both domestic and foreign), journalists, internet bloggers,etc.. to get out the word to Crash JPM Buy Silver.

Today the whole world knows that you are sitting on unprecedented losses on your silver and gold short. Soon the whole world will know that you and JPM are dead.

Your former traders want you to know that they are getting wealthy beyond imagination while sending Blythe Masters to the Big House and the JP Morgue to the poor house.

Sort of like Louis and Billy Ray in Trading Places. Guess that makes Blythe and the JP Morgue the Duke Brothers.

You're going home in a body bag,do-da, do-da....
NsJVK: The author of this piece of fiction is obviously very proud of his work, lol.
WB: Yes, I am proud of my work, but not nearly as proud as Blythe's former traders who are cornering the silver market and destroying Blythe and JPM.
WB: Blythe's former traders already cornered the silver market 14-Dec-10 05:38 pm

Here is an interesting read from King World News


The contact out of London has updated King World News on the massive Asian buyers which have been accumulating both gold and silver. The London source stated, “Last week Asian buyers let the price come in to them. They were buying all day long, hitting all of the offers and they were not sending the price higher. As much as the orchestrators were hitting the bids, there were some smart buyers hitting the offers. The thinking was, I can pick up tonnage here, literally I can pick up tonnage here.”

“On the surface this does not appear to have anything to do with the physical market. The spot buyers are indexing, and this is what no one is talking about. They are indexing the metal to the real physical even if they can’t get the physical metal at that moment.

What would stop you from putting up a few billion dollars? This is what China is doing. You’re China, you were refused IMF gold, so you are going to quietly sell your treasuries, or swap your treasuries more likely for a spot financial transaction. What they are doing is buying spot, which is a currency transaction because you can’t get the metal. The physical market has now completely diverged from the paper market.

The only way to fight it, and it can’t be done in the US, but it can over here in England (the Asians can), is to buy the foreign exchange transaction which is gold versus dollar, silver versus dollar. So essentially what you are doing is shorting the dollar versus gold, or shorting the dollar versus silver. The great thing about that is even if you can’t buy the physical, you are now indexed to the price of the metal. So even if you can’t get the physical at that time, you now have your hedge, you essentially have what you want.

So if the price of gold and silver goes up, the price of your spot goes up. Even if the Comex defaults, spot will go up. Even when the market is taken down, it is constructive in terms of filling your physical orders. As they take the price down, you are happy to pay a premium to pick up the physical. The point of all of these purchases is to eventually convert them to physical gold, or physical silver, 100% of them. The Fed has to know this, they are not stupid.”

Good luck,Blythe!!

WB: Comex silver prices diverge from real physical prices 14-Dec-10 05:47 pm
Asian buyers are gobbling up Comex contracts to force delivery of physical.


JPM and the Fed are truly stupid!!

If you want physical silver,then it must come from a silver miner, like HL.

Crazyxxxx winter_benton..tell 26-Dec-10 11:12 am
me that you are legit! That's all I want to hear and I will buy another 50k worth of physical silver.
If you want proof,I suggest you put the phrase "will you join us" in the search box for JPM messages.

Look at the date of that thread. That should answer your question definitively.

Good luck, but silver longs don't really need any.
WB: You're going home in a body bag, do-da,do-da... 28-Dec-10 10:16 am

Salutations from Blythe's former traders (who "made very interesting career decisions").

These same traders are now saying that JPM is trying to blow up the copper market to help offset the unprecedented losses JPM is taking in the silver and gold market.

Is this true Blythe, are you trying to jack up the price of copper to help offset the continuing rise in the price of silver and gold?

Guess what? It won't work. You see, the reason is there is no physical silver left in the world and that fact will not change unless the price of silver is above $100, by which time you and The JP Morgue will be dead.

Says who? Says your current traders who are openly collaborating with those who are about to kill The JP Morgue and destroy Blythe Matsers.

Soon everyone in the media will be humming the following tume about you and The JP Morgue

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da......
Here is a picture of Blythe Masters


Her former traders are paying off journalists, bloggers, lawyers.... basically, anyone who can get the word out that The JP Morgue is short an insane amount of silver that cannot be covered.

Soon the mass media will report on these "rumors" and "allegations" on the blogosphere that The Morgue is short an insane amount of silver.

When the gang on CNBC Fast Money mentions it, The Morgue will be forced to answer these "rumors" lest the lame investing public deem it to be true.

How come The Morgue and Blythe specifically has not come out to refute these "rumor" and "allegations"?

Can it be that Blythe's former traders have the goods on her and The Morgue?

Any refutations by Ms Masters or The Morgue to the contrary will be an indictable offense. That is why Blythe and The Morgue have been completely silence on the issue.

Think about it!! Why havent The Morgue or Blythe just come out and say what their "real" positions are publicly? Hmmmm?

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da....
WB: Is it true, Blythe, that your copper hedge to silver is not working?

Rumors on the floor is that copper will not go up much higher and will not be an effective hedge against a parabolic move in silver.

Blythe is finished!!!

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da...
Bobbiebedahl: JPm shorts, copper and other tales 28-Dec-10 11:11 am
back in my time when you wanted to learn to play the guitar you went out and bot one and practiced.But today people buy guitar hero as a substitute.In olden times if you thought you wanted to bring the price down in a stock you simply, are you ready for this: you shorted the stock.But today you buy silver based on unfounded rumors (except from the people who already own silver who spread rumors. Fact: JPM is opening a copper ETF and has bot a billion bucks of the stuff for itself and clients.(not to offset a mythical position to cover it silver short)This was reported in the Wallstreet journal It was also reported to the press that JPM covered some positons in silver now if JPM or clients had this huge amount of silver well it would have sent the price soaring (didnt happen) If you tell a lie tell a big lie a little lie wont be believed.hence the lie: JPM which buys and sells silver for its clients and itself everyday holds one and a half trillion bucks of short silver futures. This naivete is foisted off on the uneducated like a teleevangelist who tells you god is real and answers prayers or some politican who convinced you there were terrible WMDS in Iraq.In short, if you want to bring JPm price down short the stock if you want to learn to play guitar buy a guitar.
DO you really think any large bank or its clients would take an unhedged position of a trillion bucks unhedged?
WB: Re: JPm shorts, copper and other tales 28-Dec-10 11:29 am
Blythe Masters did.

Says who? Her former traders (who "made very interesting career decisions"-Blythe).

The interesting career decisions were to convince certain sovereigns and hedge funds that The JP Morgue was short half a trillion ounces of silver.

That is why silver will be close to $50 by March 1st. Watch and see. There is no physical silver left in the world. At roughly 700 billion ounces the market value of that silve is around $21 billion, less than half the market cap of AIG.

Sorry, but the JP Morgue and Blythe Masters are soon to be dead!!

There is no way out except to blow up copper. Believe it, cause Blythe's former traders have already convinced enough people to buy up all the physical silver in the commercial arean.
These guys are believers and they are the ones who matter cause they have more than $21 billion and they have already bought up all the silver.
WB: Correction: at roughly 700 MILLION ounces not billion
WB: Will Blythe cause The Morgue's earnings to be short? 29-Dec-10 01:15 pm
On september 30, the last day of Q3, the price of silver was $22. In two days on Decemeber 31 (the last day of Q4), where will the price of silver be?

As of right now, silver is at 30.50. How is Demon going to be able to manipulate The Morgue's earnings if Blythe allows the price of silver to rise over $8 in less than 3 months? Even Demon is not adept enough to cheat on The Morgue's earnings when Blythe is sitting on such unprecedented losses on both silver and gold.

So Blythe's former traders are expecting Blythe to do something in the next 48 hours.

So go ahead Blythe. BUST a Moooove!!!

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da....
WB: New Year Strategy from Blythe's Former Traders 5-Jan-11 02:04 pm

This is what I am hearing from your former traders (who made "very interesting career decisions"). Well it seem that they are on to a new scheme to corner the Comex and drive the price of silver up $10 to $15 dollars in a matter of weeks.

The strategy is as follows. We know that Comex only has 105 million ounces of silver of which only 50 million ounces are availabe for delivery. (I personally don't believe the Comex numbers are anywhere near that high, but that is neither here nor there for now.) Well, all it would take is 10,000 contracts on the Comex to buy up all the "available silver" at the Comex and 20,000 contracts to deplete it completely. The current front month March OI is north of 78,000.

Watch the OI closely. Blythe's former traders are advising major hedgefunds and billioniare investors to buy up as many contracts as possible as March 1 approaches and deposit the cash needed to stand for delivery for the month of March. The purpose is not necessarily to bust the Comex but to force the Comex to pay a premium (some as much as 30 percent) for cash settlement. Think about it. If a group of hedgefund gets together and bankroll $1 billion, they can buy more than 30 million ounces of silver. Of course, the contract sellers like The Morgue cant deliver the silver so a cash settlement is the only recourse. So what's wrong with $200 million in profit on a $1 billion investment that takes less than 4 weeks total?

Guess what Blythe? Your former traders are advising everyone they know to put on this trade come the first week of February. Is this what happened in the Decemeber contracts? Is this why silver went from $22 on September 30 to $29 by December 1? How much do you think silver will spike in February as we approach March 1? The traders think silver will be north of $45. Heck it went over $9 as we approached December and everyone who got a pay off in terms of a premium cash settlement will be back for more. And they are all gonna be bringing friends to partake in the bounty.

Your former traders are telling everyone who would listen that all they need to do is purchase a huge amount of March contracts near the end of February and stand for delivery and they will all make 20 percent in a matter of days. Is this what you are hearing Blythe? If so, shouldnt you let the price of silver move up so that you can get some physical to deliver before March 1?

Either way

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da...

claw: That's what you're "hearing" eh, pretty funny.
WB : The easiest way to earn a quick 20 percent is to buy a huge number of silver contracts right before delivery on March 1 and stand for delivery. Remember we are talking big money in the hundreds of millions where the hedge funds play.
Comex can't deliver and is forced to pay a premium. This happened in December which was why silver ran $7 from October 1 to December.

WB: In an earnest effort to help as many silver longs as I can I will relay information as I know it.

Major hedge fund traders are going to be buying hundreds of millions of dollars of March contracts during the last 3 weeks of February. The strategy is simple-force Comex to pay a hefty premium on contracts that CANNOT be delivered. Will this work? It worked like a charm in December. Those guys were all kicking themselves because they should have bought 10 times the amount of contract that they actually had in December.

This time around, they are getting everyone they know to get involved in this trade. They will pool their money together in order to get a large number of contracts so that Comex will not be available to deliver-thus forcing a hefty premium. These former traders are gonna pull a train on Blythe with all their hedge fund buddies and there is not a thing Blythe can do about it.


These traders have gotten word in the last 48 hours, that Blythe and The Morgue is about to undertake a major raid on GOLD in the hopes that silver will sell off too. Therefore, these traders are advising their colleagues to refrain from buying March silver contracts unless silver breaks $31 again. Their understanding is that Blythe cannot effectivley execute a silver selloff but Blythe and The Morgue can still execute an effective GOLD SELLOFF.

If and when this GOLD selloff comes, scheduled for this Friday or perhaps next week at the latest, Blythe is hoping that gold will break $1300 and go as far down as $1250. Blythe will be short selling intermitently in the silver pit but her main goal is to cover as many silver contracts as possible.

Once this Gold induced selloff is done watch for the mother of all rally in the silver pit. The hedge funds will be buying like crazy, but the MAIN assault will not take place until February wheren these former traders expect a rise of at least $10 (which was what happened to silver from October going into December).

December was just a dry run (RAID) on the Comex. The success and ease of that RAID has emboldened these traders to re-try the same scheme with a lot more money this go around (March delivery). The only defense Blythe has is to engineer a GOLD SELLOFF in the next two weeks in order to suppress silver so that she can cover her SILVER contracts.

So yes, I am very bullish on silver since I know that Comex cant deliver this March, but am expecting a selloff from a gold induced intervention.

I have been tasked by Blythe's former traders to spread the word about the fact that there is not enough physical silver in the world to cover The Morgue's short contracts. That is my role.

I hope this has been helpful.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da....
WB: I guess I wasnt clear enough in my explanation about what the hedge funds are about to do in the silver pits in February, so I'll try it again.

Assuming a silver price of $30 and the known fact that Comex only has 105 million ounces of silver of which allegedly 50 million ounces are available for delivery, this is what hedge funds can do to earn 20 percent like they did last December.

This hedge fund would purchase over 21,000 contracts and deposit 3.15 billion dollars ($30 X 105 million ounces of silver = $3.15 billion). Once March 1 comes rolling around, guess what happens?

You got it!! Comex doesnt have the silver to deliver.

Now what? You got it again!! Cash Settlement.

In December, the cash settlement was as high as 30 percent for some people and as low as 10 percent for others. The average was around 20 percent?

Why was there a difference? Any guesses?

The reason was that if you held a lot of contracts, you could extract (blackmail) a bigger amount for cash settlement. If you held a few contract say 100 contracts or less (the equivalent of 500,000 ounces or fewer, the Comex was less likely to give you a big premium). I heard that one customer who held about 1000 contracts extracted close to a 30 percent premium to settle in cash.

What do you think would happen if you showed up holding a few thousand contracts?

You got it!! Cssh Settlement with a hefty premium.

What happens after March 1st? I dont really know. All I do know is that between February 15 to March 1, hedge funds will be buying a huge amount of contracts because they know the Comex cant deliver and will be forced to pay a premium or default.

What happens to the sellers of contracts who "defaults" and cant deliver the silver? BANKRUPTCY and a seizure of all assets. Period.

Either deliver the contracts that were sold or negotiate a CASH SETTLEMENT. No other choice PERIOD!!

No matter what happens after March 1, the price of paper silver will skyrocket as March 1 approaches because hedge funds will be blackmailing silver contract sellers come March 1.

How do I know this with near certainty? Because it worked so well the first time around from October to Decemeber. And back then hedge funds didnt even know Comex couldnt deliver.

That is why silver went up 81 percent in less than 4 months. Remember silver was flat for the year as late as August 23. Yet it miraculously skyrockets 81 percent by December 31 with gold going essentially flat.

Now did everyone including The Morgue's supporters get that?

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da....

goodx998: What short would hold through expiration if they didn't have the silver to deliver? If you don't have the silver to deliver click a button and you're out of your position, at market, no extra premium needed.
WB: Gee, what a great idea!! Just click a button and make all your short contracts go away. Gee, I wonder why Blythe doesnt think of doing this?

More importantly, why didnt those poor souls who coughed up an extra 30 percent premium to those who held the 1000 contracts didnt think of that before December 1, 2010?

What do you think the reason is why Blythe and all these poor silver shorters don't simply click a button and make their 130 million ounces of silver short go away?

Surely there must be a reason?
I wonder what can it be?
Mark: Wynter - I think you're on to something based on the futures activity I've been researching. As I write this gold is getting hit hard but silver continues to get destroyed this week. how long do you think the selling pressure will last before we see an inflection and silver runs up?

I've been buying on every dip this week but am running out of money!
WB: Mark,

I answered your question in another thread called 'right on cue, Blythe". This thread is getting too long to add any more messages. Basically, I believe that silver is close to a bottom in terms of time but not necessarily in terms of prices yet. As soon as we put in a bottom I am certain that we will take out $31 in less than 3 weeks from here.

WB: New Year Strategy from Blythe's Former Traders 5-Jan-11 02:04 pm

This is what I am hearing from your former traders (who made "very interesting career decisions"). Well it seem that they are on to a new scheme to corner the Comex and drive the price of silver up $10 to $15 dollars in a matter of weeks.

The strategy is as follows. We know that Comex only has 105 million ounces of silver of which only 50 million ounces are availabe for delivery. (I personally don't believe the Comex numbers are anywhere near that high, but that is neither here nor there for now.) Well, all it would take is 10,000 contracts on the Comex to buy up all the "available silver" at the Comex and 20,000 contracts to deplete it completely. The current front month March OI is north of 78,000.

Watch the OI closely. Blythe's former traders are advising major hedgefunds and billioniare investors to buy up as many contracts as possible as March 1 approaches and deposit the cash needed to stand for delivery for the month of March. The purpose is not necessarily to bust the Comex but to force the Comex to pay a premium (some as much as 30 percent) for cash settlement. Think about it. If a group of hedgefund gets together and bankroll $1 billion, they can buy more than 30 million ounces of silver. Of course, the contract sellers like The Morgue cant deliver the silver so a cash settlement is the only recourse. So what's wrong with $200 million in profit on a $1 billion investment that takes less than 4 weeks total?

Guess what Blythe? Your former traders are advising everyone they know to put on this trade come the first week of February. Is this what happened in the Decemeber contracts? Is this why silver went from $22 on September 30 to $29 by December 1? How much do you think silver will spike in February as we approach March 1? The traders think silver will be north of $45. Heck it went over $9 as we approached December and everyone who got a pay off in terms of a premium cash settlement will be back for more. And they are all gonna be bringing friends to partake in the bounty.

Your former traders are telling everyone who would listen that all they need to do is purchase a huge amount of March contracts near the end of February and stand for delivery and they will all make 20 percent in a matter of days. Is this what you are hearing Blythe? If so, shouldnt you let the price of silver move up so that you can get some physical to deliver before March 1?

Either way

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da...
I guess I wasnt clear enough in my explanation about what the hedge funds are about to do in the silver pits in February, so I'll try it again.

Assuming a silver price of $30 and the known fact that Comex only has 105 million ounces of silver of which allegedly 50 million ounces are available for delivery, this is what hedge funds can do to earn 20 percent like they did last December.

This hedge fund would purchase over 21,000 contracts and deposit 3.15 billion dollars ($30 X 105 million ounces of silver = $3.15 billion). Once March 1 comes rolling around, guess what happens?

You got it!! Comex doesnt have the silver to deliver.

Now what? You got it again!! Cash Settlement.

In December, the cash settlement was as high as 30 percent for some people and as low as 10 percent for others. The average was around 20 percent?

Why was there a difference? Any guesses?

The reason was that if you held a lot of contracts, you could extract (blackmail) a bigger amount for cash settlement. If you held a few contract say 100 contracts or less (the equivalent of 500,000 ounces or fewer, the Comex was less likely to give you a big premium). I heard that one customer who held about 1000 contracts extracted close to a 30 percent premium to settle in cash.

What do you think would happen if you showed up holding a few thousand contracts?

You got it!! Cssh Settlement with a hefty premium.

What happens after March 1st? I dont really know. All I do know is that between February 15 to March 1, hedge funds will be buying a huge amount of contracts because they know the Comex cant deliver and will be forced to pay a premium or default.

What happens to the sellers of contracts who "defaults" and cant deliver the silver? BANKRUPTCY and a seizure of all assets. Period.

Either deliver the contracts that were sold or negotiate a CASH SETTLEMENT. No other choice PERIOD!!

No matter what happens after March 1, the price of paper silver will skyrocket as March 1 approaches because hedge funds will be blackmailing silver contract sellers come March 1.

How do I know this with near certainty? Because it worked so well the first time around from October to Decemeber. And back then hedge funds didnt even know Comex couldnt deliver.

That is why silver went up 81 percent in less than 4 months. Remember silver was flat for the year as late as August 23. Yet it miraculously skyrockets 81 percent by December 31 with gold going essentially flat.

Now did everyone including The Morgue's supporters get that?

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da....

WB: Why silver gained over 80 percent in 2010 6-Jan-11 02:08 pm
This is an explanation of why silver increased 83 percent in 2010 and why I believe silver will increase again in February. The following is a repost on another message board.

Assuming a silver price of $30 and the known fact that Comex only has 105 million ounces of silver of which allegedly 50 million ounces are available for delivery, this is what hedge funds can do to earn 20 percent like they did last December.

This hedge fund would purchase over 21,000 contracts and deposit 3.15 billion dollars ($30 X 105 million ounces of silver = $3.15 billion). Once March 1 comes rolling around, guess what happens?

You got it!! Comex doesnt have the silver to deliver.

Now what? You got it again!! Cash Settlement.

In December, the cash settlement was as high as 30 percent for some people and as low as 10 percent for others. The average was around 20 percent?

Why was there a difference? Any guesses?

The reason was that if you held a lot of contracts, you could extract (blackmail) a bigger amount for cash settlement. If you held a few contract say 100 contracts or less (the equivalent of 500,000 ounces or fewer, the Comex was less likely to give you a big premium). I heard that one customer who held about 1000 contracts extracted close to a 30 percent premium to settle in cash.

What do you think would happen if you showed up holding a few thousand contracts?

You got it!! Cssh Settlement with a hefty premium.

What happens after March 1st? I dont really know. All I do know is that between February 15 to March 1, hedge funds will be buying a huge amount of contracts because they know the Comex cant deliver and will be forced to pay a premium or default.

What happens to the sellers of contracts who "defaults" and cant deliver the silver? BANKRUPTCY and a seizure of all assets. Period.

Either deliver the contracts that were sold or negotiate a CASH SETTLEMENT. No other choice PERIOD!!

No matter what happens after March 1, the price of paper silver will skyrocket as March 1 approaches because hedge funds will be blackmailing silver contract sellers come March 1.

How do I know this with near certainty? Because it worked so well the first time around from October to Decemeber. And back then hedge funds didnt even know Comex couldnt deliver.

That is why silver went up 81 percent in less than 4 months. Remember silver was flat for the year as late as August 23. Yet it miraculously skyrockets 81 percent by December 31 with gold going essentially flat.

Now did everyone including The Morgue's supporters get that?

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da....

WB : Right on cue, Blythe! But did it work? 13-Jan-11 04:35 pm

Your former traders all expected this take down, but we actually were hoping for even a bigger takedown in terms of silver and gold prices. But the real question that Blythe wants to know is how much OI contracts were shaken from the silver trees? We won't get that answer for a while, and to be fair to Blythe, this raid is not necessarily over yet either.

What am I referring to? The OI, of course. For those of you who are new to the gam,e let me explain what Blythe is really after.

On August 30, 2010 (the first day of notice of delivery for the month of September), there was 3002 contracts that stood for delivery. Of these 3002 contracts, 2519 actually took delivery throughout the month of September representing approximately 12.6 million ounces of silver. Thus about 84% of the contracts that stood for delivery actually took delivery for the month of September.

Now let's fast forward to the month of December. As of November 26, 2010 or so (the first day of notice for delivery for December), there were 17,208 contracts that were fully paid for and therefore stood ready for delivery throughout December.

Does anybody here knows how many contracts were actally "delivered" in December?

No guessing now. One author on seeking alpha (Golden Economizer) guessed that perhaps the Comex delivered something close to the 84% of these 17,208 contracts in December like the Comex did in September. Is this right? That would represent about 72 million ounces of silver.

I can say authoratively that the actual amount that Comex "delivered" in December was a wee bit less than the 72 million ounces that this author surmised.

But why guess? Surely someone here can cite a source that can tell us how many of the 17,208 contracts that stood for delivery in December actually got "delivered silver". Anyone here have any ideas? No guessing now, please cite the actual place where we might get this answer.

Once you compare the number of contracts that actually got delivered versus the 17,208 contracts that actually stood for delivery, then everything will make sense immediately.

Then you will all see what Blythe and her Flying Monkeys are really after. They couldn't care less about the temporary price of paper silver. They only care about open interest because the last thing they want is what occurred last December.

I have much more to say at a later time. You must indulge me and my silence until AFTER Blythe has completed her raid on silver and gold.

As always Blythe,

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da......

Reply to Mark P (same thread as above)

Our group has not been accumulating contracts (i.e. buying until this morning), and believe it or not we were short a bunch. The group's thinking is to close out the shorts by Tuesday at the latest and start acummulating March contracts. Any contracts that our group purchase at this point must be able to withstand any hits that Blythe throws at us between now and the second week of February.

That is why our group is hesitant on purchasing too much right here. Every contract we buy will stand for delivery come March 1st, but unfortunately our financing for the physical delivery wont be available til February. In essence we are susceptible until we get financing in order to be able to stand for delivery in February. Thus we can't blow our wad here even though I believe we are near a bottom in terms of price, and certainly very near a bottom in terms of time (the bottom is or will be in in a matter of a week or two).

The key here is that anything you buy must be held til March 1st in order to reap astronomical rewards no matter how low silver goes. Personally, we think that silver is close to a bottom, but who really knows?

Just read my first postings and you will understand why Blythe must do what she is doing right now. In February, our group will have enough financing to stand for delivery which means that any contract we buy cannot be shaken from us even if the price of silver goes to zero. We are not at that point yet.

Btw, does anyone know how many December contracts actually got "delivered silver"? There were 17,208 contracts that stood for delivery, but how many of these contracts actually got physical silver?

The answer will SHOCK you. Find out this number and you will understand the reason and timing for this raid.

Good luck to silver longs.

And as always Blythe,

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, d0-da.

Re: Reply to Mark P
Most traders who buy Comex silver contracts do not have any intentions of ever standing for delivery which is why The Morgue and their ilk can manipulate silver prices. Even though 17,208 contracts stood for delivery in December and 3,002 contracts did the same in September, these contracts are but a mere fraction of the open interest traded for that particular month.

Right now the March OI is north of 73,000 contracts. Only a fraction of these contracts will stand for delivery which is why Blythe can play her game. Everyone of these contracts are technically on margin which means that if the price of silver does down, the holders must ante up more money to hold these contracts. As March 1 comes around, more and more of these contracts will be rolled forward since the holders do not have any intentions of standing for delivery. By the first day of notice of delivery, whomever wants to stand for delivery must deposit the full amount of each contract in order to notify Comex of their intention of standing for delivery.

Assuming the price of silver is $30, a single silver contract would require the holder to deposit $150,000 in order to stand for delivery.

If I had access to $4.5 billion for a few weeks, I would purchase over 30,000 contracts and deposit the $4.5 billion and stand for delivery for the month of March.

Since Comex only has around 100 million ounces, I would demand say a 100 percent premium for my remaining 10,000 contracts that Comex cant satisfy. Either that or a cool $1 billion to make the whole 30,000 contracts go away.

Not a bad return on $4.5 billion invested in mere days. See how easy it is ? Of course, every hedge fund with this knowledge can't wait to put on this trade in March.

Again, does anyone know how many of the 17,208 December contracts actually got silver delivered?

Once you get this answer, everything Blythe is doing will make perfect sense!!

Silverto500: wynter,
according to Harvey, out of the 17,208 contracts, 1845 (9,225,000 ounces) have actually been delivered. Please see http://harveyorgan.blogspot.com/2010/12/...

He writes:
The total notices sent down so far this month total 1845 or 9,225,000. There is no outstanding notices to be sent down so this represents the closing number of oz standing.

end quote.

That's quite extreme...
WB: Thank you silverto500, 1845 contracts according to Harvey Organ. I thought the exact number was 1851 but we'll go with Harvey Organ's number of 1845 contracts.

Can anyone tell me what happened to the rest of the of the 15,363 contracts (17,208-1845) that didnt get silver after these contracts had the funding to stand for delivery? You got it!! Cash Settlement. Most of these contracts were settled within 3 days of the first day of notice of delivery. The Comex boys gave it up real easy some to the tune of 30 percent premium.

Now why would those who held these 15,363 contracts accept a cash settlement instead of forcing a default? These people already had their physical silver, and besides these people realized,"why bust the Comex once when we can blackmail the Comex each and every quarter until it goes bust anyway."

Supposed you knew that Madoff was runnung a Ponzi scheme and that there was a reward for turning him in. You wouldn't turn Madoff in and collect the reward until after you have blackmailed Madoff every instance you get until Madoffhas nothing left. Then you turn Madoff in and collect the reward.

The same thing applies to the Comex. Once these contract holders bust the Comex, they will get their "rewards" in terms of a much higher physical price of silver, but why not keep blackmailing the Comex until it goes bust.

Blythe's former traders had expected the CFTC would rule in favor of The Morgue and limit the long's ability to amass huge position. That is why it is imperative that the longs amass a huge enough positions to either blackmail/bust the Comex in March should subsequent rule changes prevent us from blackmailing them again in June.

Now let's repeat what just happened in December. Less than 11% of the 17,208 contracts that stood for delivery actually got silver for delivery. The remaining 89% of the contract got a nice big premium.

Guess what's gonna happen in March? Can you say more contracts and even bigger premiums? What can the Comex do to stop this? Nothing, short of deliverying the physical silver which it does not have.

As we approach March 1, the price of silver will spike big.
facebook: Unfortunately, the numbers you're working with are wrong. The next day Harvey mentioned that he got the first delivery date wrong and it was actually the 30th rather than the 29th:

"It seems that a lot of us misread the calender posted by the comex. I thought that Nov 29.2010 was the first day notice
and so did Dave Kranzler and others. Actually it is today.

The total front month of December revealed that 5428 contracts are standing for delivery or approximately 27.1 million oz."

WB: Facebook is accurate in his account that the official figure for notice of delivery was 5428 and not 17,208. This means that 34% of the contracts that stood for delivery actually got silver. Not exactly a high percentage.

The 17,208 number was the figure about 2 days prior to the first "official" first day of notice, but don't assume that the almost 12,000 contracts did not receive a premium without having to "offically" stand for delivery.

About 2 weeks prior to the first day of notice, we got word that the Comex was willing to settle for a premium for those holders with a huge number of contracts. At the time, Comex open interest was close to 40,000 and there was fear that Comex might bust. Indeed we were lead to believe that this offer would be available up and until the first day of notice. What we didnt realize was that this was mainly a delaying tactic to run the clock out on those who did not have their financing in order. For example, our group did not have the financing available to take delivery on all the contracts we held. However, certain counterparties promised that we could sell them at a premium without having to deposit the necessary funds and actually stand for delivery. When the time came and they had paid off enough contracts to NOT stand for delivery, they renege on the committment.

Let me say that not everybody got screwed like us. For the big players whose financing was not in doubt, their counterparties gladly paid a premium without the contract holders having to deposit the funds and stand for delivery. Our group was not so lucky and thus our contracts had to be rolled over without a premium. Our group could only stand for a fraction of the contracts we held because we could not gain financing in time. That will not happen to us this time. Each and every contract will either get a huge premium or we will be getting physical silver this time.

Financing commodity transactions are tricky because of archaic rules and regulations that prevent firms from "pooling" their funds to purchase certain types of contracts. I suspect that Vincent McCrudden might have ran afoul of the CFTC and he felt it was unfair. Vincent McCrudden is the guy that threatened that no good f_ng piece of c_rap midget Gary Gensler on Friday. The following was from a news report.

"McCrudden and two companies he controlled were sued in December by the CFTC for operating commodity pools in violation of the Commodity Exchange Act. McCrudden threatened to kill “any and all of 47 current and former officials” of the SEC, the CFTC, the National Futures Association and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, according to the complaint."

In December we approached several hedge funds who were more than interested in giving us the money for our contracts and would they would deposit the money and stand for delivery. Unfortunately, this was against some rules and regulations of the CFTC /SEC. This is what I am guessing that McCrudden was prevented from doing and why he went ballistic.

Which leads us to the March 1 contracts. In February, our group will have the necessary financing to stand for delivery on every contracts we buy and we will be standing for delivery. We are going to screw Comex the best that we can in parts as payback for what happened in December. We need to let as many big investors and hedge funds know about this trade.as possible in order to apply the screws to Comex.

The hedge funds whom we approached in December cant wait to do this trade in Februay. I suspect that they may not even have to "stand for delivery" in order to get a premium. Their financing is not in doubt. If you are a small time players with a few oontracts,then you must stand for delivery in order to have any chance of a premium. If you hold thousands of contracts and have the proper financing, believe me you will be offered a premium.

My purpose is to let the world know that Comex does not have the physical silver to deliver on their outstanding contract.

I expect that the price of silver will be considerably higher than where it is now because if by February, the price of silver is here or lower,then Blythe and Comex are making it too easy for hedgies to purchase these contracts,deposit the funds, and stand for delivery.

WB: Anyone hearing rumors that Comex shorters are buying at the Mint? 8-Jan-11 06:48 pm

Blythe's former traders are actively tracking physical silver all over the world. We all know that it impossible for the Comex to withstand the raid that is about to hit it come March 1. Blythe's former traders will be blackmailing the Comex big time come March 1. Everyone knows about it so we expect Blythe, The Morgue,and the Comex shorters to alleviate this situation the best they can by buying up all the physical silver they can get their hands on.

Isnt it strange that as of today January 18, over 4.5 million ounces have already been sold by the US Mint. The previous monthly record was only 4.2 million ounces. Over in Switzerland, the Zurcher Kantonalbank added 13,800 ounces of gold but lost 273,000 ounces of silver. I let's not forget the SLV which lost over 6 million ounces last week. Where is all of these physical silver going? Can the morgue be buying up these silver and melting them into 1000 oz bars to help ease the strain come march 1?

In December, the Comex only delivered 9.2 million ounces of physical silverso these amounts are not trivial.

But they are trivial compared to the 70,000 plus March contracts that are outstanding representing 350,000,000 ounces.
WB: Is Blythe desperately searching for physical silver? 19-Jan-11 08:46 am

Your former traders know that you are scouring the whole world for physical silver. Last week, SLV lost over 6 million ounces of silver and today it is reported that SLV lost another 4.45 million ounces of silver more. We also suspect that you are raiding the US Mint as well as other silver ETF based in Switzerland.

There is only one explanation. Blythe must have heard that your former traders have secured the necessary financing to stand for delivery come March 1. Unlike December, they are ready to stand for massive amount of contracts for delivery.

But since Blythe is so desperate and raiding physical SLV from the ETF, do you know what your former traders are doing?

Yup, they are re-doubling their efforts to get even more hedge funds and big investors to help them stand for delivery March 1.

You see, Blythe has convinced the CFTC to impose position limits on the longs but not on themselves which means that the next delivery month of May might not be available to be raided.

But rest assured Blythe, we are coming after you in March. And we are confident that we can raise money a lot faster than you can find physical silver.

How high will you push the price of silver in February? Anthing under $40 and we might be able to bust Comex ourselves.

Either way

You're going home in a body bag,do-da, do-da.....
Silverto500: Wynter, has the recent significant move in the spreads something to do with you "big guys" buying?
To answer your question directly, the answer is no. Our group closed out our remaining shorts on Tuesday. Too bad since silver cratered on Thursday. While our group is not buying anything in size yet I believe that it might be other hedgies looking to front run the trade in February.

What we are also hearing is that shorters like The Morgue and others of their ilks are playing games with silver right now. They are slamming the paper price of silver in the pits while actively buying PHYSICAl silver all over the world. That is why you are seeing the dichotomy between the paper price and the slam down in contango. Blythe is trying to buy all the physical silver that is available while slamming the paper price so The Morgue can pick up as much as possible as cheaply as possible.

While the suck out rate has been somewhat impressive on the US Mint, the ETFs (primarily the SLV but others as well), we do not believe that she can suck out enough to prevent the raid that is about to occur on March 1.

If Blythe and The Morgue are accumulating this vast amount of silver, then you can bet everything you've got that the price of silver phyiscal or paper will be much higher as March 1st approaches. Think about it.

Blythe is buying physical silver so she can deliver to our raiders come March 1st, right? The last thing you would want is a lower silver price when you are making deliveries come March 1st. I mean why buy silver here at $27.50 and deliver the silver at a lower price. Surely you can see why the price of silver will be much higher as March 1st rolls around. A higher price will make the coming raid more difficult to execute and Blythe can actually profit on the physical silver that she must deliver on. It's so clear that this is a phony paper selldown. The physical market is signalling the beginning of backwardation.

As for our group, we will begin to accumulate in size the week of February 8 through the end of February.

fiatdiluter: Comex Increaseed Margins By 6% 21-Jan-11 11:35 am
They did it yesterday and thats why gold and silver are down. It was the Corporationz by the Corporationz for the corporationz...its the corporationz who have ruined this country. GET OUT OF OUR COUNTRY TRAITORS!
You know what's funny? Comex actually DECREASED the margin requirement for copper. I couldn't believe it. One of the reasons given by Comex for the Nov 9 margin hike on silver was because silver had ran so much so the new higher price warranted a margin increase. Somehow an alltime high price in copper leads Comex to DECREASE the margin requirement. How is this consistent?

Can anyone explain why the Comex did this?

That's right. The Morgue is knee deep in copper.

WB: New insights into Blythe's plan 21-Jan-11 02:38 pm

This is what your former traders are saying. If this is true than I am truly impress (in a Machiavellian sort of way). They are saying that Blythe is slamming down the price of paper silver and at the same time is accumulating untold physical ounces of silver throughout the world. We had only foreseen that Blythe will slam down the price of silver in her quest to shake out the Comex contrat holders. We had never thought that The Morgue would be using such a shakeout to accumulate vast amount of physical silver in order to protect themselves from the raid that is about to come.

However, if this is true, then you can bet everything you have that come March 1st, the price of silver (both paper and physical) will be much higher than it is today. You see on March 1st, we will be dealing in physical deliveries and not on paper contracts. There is no way that Blythe will be forking over her hard fought physical silver that she has been accumulating recently (and will be accumulating up until March 1st) to us "raiders".

If, in fact, Blythe is accumulating physical silver to be delivered, then why on earth would you allow traders to purchase physical silver on March 1st for less than what you paid for it? Come March 1st the price of paper silver will be over $40 and even that might not stop the raid that is being planned. But at $40 an ounce, The Morgue will make it that much more difficlut to raid the Comex and ensure that every ounce of silver that is delivered will be profitable to Blythe.

Too bad our group are not ready to buy right now!!

Well played, Blythe. Well played!!
Mark_pliska: Why is your group waiting so long to get in on the March contract? A month and a half before the December contract, OI was 150,000 or so already. I understand you're waiting for the paper price to get smacked down further but if this bloodbath in the market were to continue, we'll see a capitulation from some of the longs (especially in light of the increased margin requirements). Personally I've been slaughtered this week for staying long options. If you and the other big players have the financing, how come no purchasing yet.. Am I missing something?
Bryce_halsey: (Did WB log in under the wrong name here?)

Sorry to hear about your losses but the message did say that the squeeze would start in February as March 1st approaches. It seems that there is a real disconnect between the decline in the price of silver and a "backwardation" at the sametime. Backwardation was mentioned by KWN today and Zerohedge yesterday. The last time this happened to silver inJan 2009, the price of silver went from 10 to 14 in a matter of weeks. The otherr time that backwardation occurred in 1997 (according to FMX of zerohedge) was when Buffett took delivery and the price jumpoed from $4.50 to $7.50 in a matter of days. Again according to the ZH article.

At this point just hang in there and wait until the second week of February and see what happens. I believe that if JPM is buying up the physical silver, then it would be strange if it did not increase the price of silver as March 1st approaches. If the price was here or less, than anyone can purchase physical silver at a price less than where it is being bought at today. IMO, the silver miners have been crushed with many down more than 25%. It's too late to sell. Good luck to you and keep the faith.
WB: Interesting data from Comex today 25-Jan-11 01:30 pm
The following data is preliminary and might be adjusted greatly by tomorrow.


The open interest (OI) on gold fell by 81,752 contracts. Basically if this data is accurate, then someone got flushed in gold. Most of the front month Feb contracts got sold as OI declined by 36,417. Of course this might be due to delivery next week and people decided to roll forward. However, this does not appear to be the case, because each and every month after Feb also saw a great number of OI reduced by a total of 45,000 contracts. Again, this data may not be accurate. We'll see by tomorrow.

Now let's take a look in silver. The total decline in OI was 5,368 contracts, with most of the decline taking place in the July and Sept contracts, -2,051 and -2,787 respectively. The decline in the front month Mar OI was only 203 from yesterday 70,170 to 70,067. It appears that unlike gold with selling across the board in terms of monthly contracts, silver was resolute in the from month Mar and May with moderate selling in July and Sept.

My interpretation is that people are digging in and will demand physical silver in March and they are willing to sell July and Sept contracts so they can stand for delivery in MARCH. Unlike gold, where you can clearly see that the FEB contracts were the hardest hit and it continued across the calendar. Again, this data is preliminary and the March 1st notice of delivery is still far away unlike gold's FEB contracts which is due next week, but it would appear that people are resolute in the Mar OI and will not sell them in any size despite the selloff.

Combined this with my understanding that the prominent buying by those hedge funds who are planning to stand for delivery has not even taken place yet, I have to wonder what will happen in February when those hedge funds begin to buy in earnest. If the Mar OI aren't being sold right now, what would make them sell as March 1 approaches?

Also I am hearing that some of these hedge funds are selling gold so they can stand for delivery on silver in March. Look at the Comex data today and make your own conclusions.

One more note, look at the volume on the Mar silver contracts and you will see a volume of 1039 in the PNT column. PNT stands for 'Privately Negotiated Transactions' as opposed to the normal open outcry. Notice that this was the only category in the silver with any volume at all. My guess is that for those traders who were inclined to sell their Mar contracts, even they demanded a premium to sell those contracts which is why you saw volume of 1039 and a reduction in OI of only 203.

The data today is extremely bullish in my opinion. It's only a matter of time before silver rockets up. February 8 is the scheduled launch date. Be patient until then and watch it run all the way til March 1st.
WB: comex silver contracts update 27-Jan-11 09:51 am

Here is the latest and boy is it good for silver. It seems that traders are buying front months in silver contracts and selling the back months. As of right now (again this data can change later today), there was an increase of 915 contracts in Mar and 542 contracts in May. The only significant decrease was 698 contracts in Dec 2014.

There can be only one interpretation of this. Traders do not have faith in contracts after May, and are willing to trade back months for front month contracts in silver. They do not trust the Comex contracts past Mar and May.

Look at gold, they are still buying back month contracts. Wait until February.

You ain't seen nothing yet!!!

WB: Low in silver is probably in 27-Jan-11 07:23 pm
I am not a technician like Turd Ferguson and other far more accomplished technical analysts so I'll leave it up to them to interpret the charts from a purely technical viewpoint.

But in my opinion, the low in silver has now been reached. I base this conclusion on the fact that Blythe could not puncture yesterday's low point. Not even close. Gold got blasted right through 1322 like a hot knife through butter yet silver stubbornly clung to the $27 level and was no where close to the $26.50 level. Believe me, if Blythe wanted silver to crack $26, she has the firepower to do it easily.

The reason that she didnt was because she must somehow realize that the people she was selling her Mar contracts to were going to be standing for delivery. Believe me she knows when these people are buying.

Which gets me to my original post. This whole slam down in precious metalsm was all about silver. Gold was just the unfortunate mechanism and instrument by which Blythe worked her magic. She slammed down gold because she knew eventually traders would not be able to stand for delivery in Feb. The gold market is just too big. But you can buy every ounce that the comex CLAIM to have with a mere $2.8 billion. Blythe has access to that type of money in the folds of her couch at The Morgue's HQ.

You can see clearly now why she needs to suppress the price of silver and force traders to cough up the Mar contracts. Once the slam down in gold no longer has the desired effect than it is time to abandon that strategy. My guess (and it is only that for now) is that we have seen the low for silver.

If she is at all competent, then she will be sending the price of silver up by at least $2 by Feb 8 to make it more difficult for hedgies to raid the Comex. But we'll have to see. Either way as long as hedgies and big investors cough up about $5 billion in Feb, then Blythe and The Morgue will be in a world of hurt.

I want to clear up another point. Some people are interpreting that I am predicting a default in March. That is definitely NOT what I am predicting. All I am predicting is that there will be massive contracts that will be standing for delivery and each one of these contracts will be offered a huge premiums which will be settled in cash. You see, it is always more profitable to buy the Mar contracts settle in cash and then buy the May contracts and do it all over again.

It is as if you buy $1 billion worth of silver, sell it for $1.2 billion and buy the exact same position for $1 billion again. You really don't lose anything and someone automatically gives you 20 percent and you get to keep your position exactly as it was before. Well not exactly because the equivalent May contracts are slightly more than the corresponding Mar contracts. It's up to you what you want to do with your money but since it was so easy in December, why not do it again in March and then again in May?

It's as if you show up with 1 ounce of silver, The Morgue pays you 120% of the value of your holding, and you go back into the pits and buy it back at face value. Nothing could be easier and they are defenseless to stop it.

I know for a fact that the silver shorters are desperately trying to come up with physical silver from anywhere they can get it--from the SLV, the US Mint, foreign ETFs, anywhere they can get physical silver. Too bad it still won't be enough.

So watch for February and see how high silver spikes up. This whole slam down was The Morgue trying to get people to stop hoarding silver, so keep buying physical silver and they will fail. Good luck to all physical silver holders. Our time is close at hand.

WB: Comex data reveals why silver might have found a bottom 28-Jan-11 07:32 am

Here is the reason why silver might be at a bottom. Yesterday, there was an increase of 1300 contracts in the Mar OI. Most assuredly, the buyers of these contracts will not have a liquidity issue and can stand for delivery if needed. Look at the massive contractions in the Feb gold contracts. The OI for Feb gold started the week at 213,000 contracts and now has only 54,000 contracts left. How many of these contracts will actually stand for delivery starting on Tues/Wed of next week? Around 10,000 contracts.

The same thing will apply to the Mar OI as we approach March 1st. Right now the Mar OI is 67,413. How many of these contracts will stand for delivery? If we based it on last year's number then only 3,800 will stand for delivery like last Jan 09. If we base it on the last month of Dec 2010, then around 5,200 contracts will stand for delivery. Of course last Jan 09, close to 4,000 contracts were actually delivered while in Dec 2010 only 1845 contracts were delivered. Now do you see the problem?

First of all, like I stated earlier, our group will not be buying until after the first week of February. There are some who said I was inconsistent when I suggested that it was our group who was buying the Mar contracts yesterday. I clearly speculated that Blythe realized that she was selling contracts to "these people" whom she thought would stand for delivey come March. Clearly I was right, as there was an increase of 1,300 contracts in the Mar OI today. I do not know for a fact that "these people" were in fact buying, but by the way the price stopped going down, I suspected as much. continued...

Which gets us back to what will happen as March 1st approaches. The last thing that Blythe wants is for the Comex to show anywhere near 10,000 (or 20,000) contracts standing for delivery come March 1st. Even if she managed to pay enough people off and make physical delivery on a few thousand contracts, it would signal to the world that the Comex had to pay people off because they couldnt deliver the physical. That is what happened in December as Comex started paying people off in order to show only 5,200 contracts standing for delivery instead of a much bigger number. Of course, Comex only delivered on 1,845 contracts, so how would it have looked had 10,000 contracts stood for delivery?

The other way to pay people off is to spike the price of silver as March 1st approach thereby enticing people to sell and making it that much more difficult to raise the cash and stand for delivery.

Which gets us to the financing part of the story. Suppose we want to accumulate enough contracts to raid Comex and we wanted to finance a 1 million ounce purchase (this is a strictly hypothetical illustration). The current price is $27 which means we need $27 million to deposit on March 1st. Suppose a hedge fund had only 5 million and needed to borrow 22 million to finance the purchase. This means that even if the hedgies got silver delivered, it can withstand a 5 dollar decline before it would be forced to liquidate. That is the risk if somehow Blythe found enough silver to deliver 1 million ounces. Now imagine the risk if the price of silver were at $36. The same 1 million ounces would now need $31 million to finance and the risk is much larger should there be delivery. Of course, if Blythe doesnt want the Comex to show a huge number of contracts standing for delivery come March 1st, then she must spike the price of silver to make it more difficult to finance and to accumulate enough contracts to effectively blackmail her.

These are the dynamics that hedge funds will face in Feb as they decide how much and when to accumulate the contracts. Again I will not have much input into these decisions. My purpose is to inform as much of the public as possible about the dire situation at the Comex in particular and silver in general. My financial fortune will be tied to what silver does as March 1st approaches. Good luck to physical silver holders.

Traderflaun: You're confusing me a little with your numbers... You say at $27 it would cost 27M to finance and at $36 it would cost 31M to finance. Did you mean 36M? So the actual cost of financing is based on the net purchase price of the contracts, correct? In other words, if a fund managed to average in around $30 per contract for a total of 1M oz it would cost $30M to purchase, even if they spot price at that time were $40. I think it makes sense what you're saying -- Get the price up before they take too large of a position otherwise you're lowering the costs of completing the transaction and making it more likely they'll stand for delivery.

My question is, why would the funds want the public to know about this? Unless they're hoping to get a bunch of sheep to front run them driving up the price before they take the plunge. And in that case, aren't they making it harder on themselves to stand for delivery as you've been explaining?
Traderflaun: I shouldn't have said "based on the net purchase price" but rather "based on the net strike price."

WB : I guess I was a little unclear. Assume the hedge fund has $5 million in equity, then if silver is at $27, it would need $22 million to finance a 1 million ounce purchase, but if silver was at $36 then it would need $31 million to finance the same purchase (36-5=31).

We need the public to help drain as much physical silver as possible so that the silver shorters can't deliver when we "buy enough". That "buy enough" quantity is going up because Blythe is buying as much physical as she can get her hands on right now. You can see it in the SLV, at the US Mint, and all the large dealers across america. If she doesnt stop us in March, then her problem only exacerbates as we show up again with ever increasing forces.

It really is like a Ponzi scheme. Blythe must come up with physical silver faster than we can come up with cash to blackmail her. The longer it takes her to find physical silver, the more physical she must find in order to hold us off.

Someday this will end if the price of silver goes up high enough so that ordinary investors no longer want to invest in physical silver. Then we cant blackmail her because she can now find physical silver faster than we can buy contracts. Such is the case now with the gold market, but silver is another story.

Blythe in her convoluted thinking was hoping that if she slam the silver price (by slamming the gold price first), small investors would stop buying physical silver. We are here to counteract her efforts with our own. We want to encourage as many people as possible to purchase physical silver.

Our interest are perfectly aligned with your interest.
WB: If you have been paying attention you would know that our group starts buying after Feb 8. The big hedge funds we talk to want to buy when the price is over $31. They would rather buy at $31 then at $24 because they (as well as we) would interpret the price above $31 as indicative of tight supply while a price of $24 as indicative of abundant supply.

They would gladly pay $40 if this indicate how tight the supply is rather than a lower price if this indicates the Morgue somehow was less afraid of a raid. This is a scheme to force a premium from the Comex and the buy in price is really irrelevant if we can be assured that the Comex doesnt have physical to deliver.

The key to this is to see how many Mar contracts are standing for delivery as Mar 1 approaches. The bulk of the buying will occur near the end but the process starts on Feb 8.

The only way this will fail is if Comex and The Morgue can deliver physical silver. Period. The buy-in price is irrelevant. But if they cant deliver the physical, then their only defense is to hike the price.
WB: The Group is operating in the Theater 8-Feb-11 03:24 am
Update to come later

WB: Message to our operatives from The Leader

"Morituri te
Salutamas ese"

WB: We trapped Blythe tonight!!
It was The Leader who took silver up in the middle of the night only to allow Blythe to think that she trapped us with that China interest rate hike.

It was our group who leaked the China interest rate hike story before it was even announced. Blythe fell for the trap and shorted like crazy.

Now witness the destruction of Blythe and The Morgue itself.

Good luck gentlemen!!

WB: Re: The Group is operating in the Theater
The message is not for our traders but for Blythe's traders who are thinking of abandoning her.

This whole operation has been to demoralize the traders who are still at The Morgue and who are now regretting their decisions not to join us in May 2010.

WB: This message was a demonstration of our power to Blythe's traders.

Why don't you check to see when Blythe fired her traders in 2010? It was in June and July.

The Leader kept a record for you to check on (even now) that shows clearly that he was recruiting Blythe's traders in May 2010.

It was his way of showing people like you that he started the recruiting effort far earlier than when Blythe started her firings.

Now her former traders, who made "very interesting career decisions" are back to slaughter her.

Check the history of Wynter's messages. Check the very first one!!

"At last we will reveal ourselves to The Morgue. At last we shall have revenge."--The Leader
WB: The plot thickens 8-Feb-11 10:50 am
Here was the first public notice that Blythe Masters fired her traders. Please note the date, Aug 3, 2010.


The Leader has left a public record that shows definitively that he was recruiting Blythe's traders long before this date.

Blythe knows by now she is finished. We want to make sure that she knows that it was we who did her in.

"At last we will reveal ourselves to The Morgue. At last we shall have revenge."--The Leader
WB: How will this end? 8-Feb-11 02:33 pm
When the comex blows up on its own. We will be accepting hefty cash premiums to let them continue the game. This thread will ilustrate the evolution of our thinking. Initially, we thought about busting the Comex, but then realized it is much more profitable to take the premium until comex busts itself.


You can see in this thread that I mentioned that Wynter Benton is not my real name. It would be like looking up 'Tyler Durden' or 'Turd Ferguson' on google.

You can see that we were preparing for this a long time ago and now we are executing our plan. Of course, our forces are much more formidable now than when I posted on this thread on Oct 1, 2010.

Again, I can't answer direct questions about the logistics of what our traders are doing. I have been tasked by Blythe's former traders to get out the word of the imploding explosion in silver. That is all.

Silverisgold88: " imploding explosion in silver". Now I`m confused, are you now saying that the rise in price of silver will implode (go down)with the action your group is taking?

WB: Sorry about that. That was very inarticulate.

I meant to say impending explosion.

I was also thinking about the implosion at the Comex.

The bottom line is that silver will go much much higher. Sorry about the confusion.

WB: Are there still doubters? 9-Feb-11 08:05 am
Will you join us?
The purpose of 'Wynter Benton' is miuch like the 'Tyler Durden' moniker over at Zero Hedge.

There are a group of us who uses 'Wynter Benton' from time to time to contribute and disseminate relevant info about silver to the public. At other times, some of us uses it as a means to irritate Blythe in a sophomoric manner.

However, it seems that despite yesterday's event which was 'predicted' well in advance has not had the desired effect. A lot of readers still do not believe in our group.

Some of us within the group are seriously thinking of discontinuing this method of communication since we are not achieving the intended results.

WB: We are still going to raid the Comex on Mar 1 come hell or highwater.

We are just not sure if we need to continue with a message chatroom. If after what occurred yesterday did not convince people,then perhaps message board forums can create only so much buzz.

We will continue to do what we planned, it's just that the effectiveness of informing the public does not appear to be that great.

We had thought that this forum can be used to educate people into buying physical silver. I believe that there might be better forums in which to do that now. That's all.

We had figured that if we pulled off what we did yesterday (which was really unprecedented) that more people would get involved. Perhaps we were wrong about that.

WB: You "AIN"t seen nothing yet!! 14-Feb-11 10:39 am
I just wanted to chime in to reassure silver investors that everything is proceeding as we had foreseen it.

I am here to play devil's advocate (or more accurately Louis Cypher's advocate) and document what will happen as we approach $31.

Again, you "AIN"t seen nothing yet.

WB: (in response to SLV comment) It's dangerous because The Morgue is custodian to that idiotic fraud--the SLV etf.

Thus The Morgue has access to the SLV's stock of physical silver and we do not believe that it has anywhere close to the 337 million ounces it claims to have. Our best guess puts the physical somewhere north of 110 million ounces. It is this number plus the Comex number that we must contend with.

ecomm97: Take it over $31. This zerohedge.com article pertains.
The gradual drain of COMEX silver inventories seen in recent months continues and COMEX silver inventories are at 4 year lows. Total dealer inventory is now 42.16 million ounces and total customer inventory is now at 60.68 million ounces, giving a combined total of 102.847 million ounces. The small size of the physical silver market is seen in the fact that at $30 per ounce, the COMEX silver inventories are only worth some $3 billion....Talk of a default on the COMEX is premature but the scale of current investment demand and industrial demand, especially from China, is such that it is important to monitor COMEX warehouse stocks. The possibility of an attempted cornering of the silver market through buying and taking delivery of physical bullion remains real and would likely lead to a massive short squeeze which could see silver surge as it did in the 1970s.

WB : Ecomm,

since you were defining whether we "won" or lost versus blythe last week, I will define what our group considers winning and losing. If by the middle of march or sooner, silver trades above $37, then we consider it a win. If during this timeframe, silver trades between $33-$37, then we consider it a draw. If silver does not trade over $33 during this timeframe, then we will consider this a defeat.

That is our standard definition for a win, a lost, and a draw versus Blythe.

WB: Calling Louis Cypher
Louis Cypher,

Just for fun I did what wanted. Can you figure it out?

You "AIN" t seen nothing yet!!

Do I have to SPELL it out on some other message board for you?



WB: I cant' stand it when you quote a line from a movie wrong!!

"Even YOUR name is a dime STORE joke!"

here at the 3:45 mark of this video


and another relevant quote

"How terrible is wisdom when it brings no profit to the wise..."

Let this not be you with regards to silver

WB: The message is for Louis Cypher to decipher (pun intended).

Louis Cypher should be able to decode my message and enlighten all those here of what I have already predicted about the next up move in silver.

So come on Louis Cypher, you wanted a prediction and I have already given you one. Now decode it for everybody!!

WB: For Louis Cypher
If you are a fan like I am then this should make your day.

The original from the movie (but not from the soundtrack I dont believe)


WB: Congrats Louis Cypher
LC has figured out my message. I think it might be better this time if we reveal the message after the event instead of before the event. Perhaps it will make better theater as they say.

Let's see if things turn out as I have said they should.

Good luck to you, Louis.


Warren James said...

Long read! My view: the disjointed nature of the sequences add much credibility - i.e. it can't be called sophisticated.. there is no evidence of a marketing group behind the scenes (otherwise it would be far more polished). The group seems smaller than I had thought but they never sway from their original intended goals despite possible changes in their strategies. My only disappointment is that the writer definitely seems male! In my mind I had Wynter Benton (aka Amber Reeves from Virginia) as a hot brunette with tight jeans trading options over breakfast in some uptown café. I'm also surprised they don't think that the Bernank Brigade can spoil their game at any time by rushing wheelbarrows full of cash to JPM headquarters (matter of national security don't you know). That was my first read of everything. I do have some thoughts rumbling away and seeing as this room is not crowded I'll put them forward after I digest that.

Anonymous said...

Hi Louis,

It's Wynter (or one us at least one of us). Like I said in a previous post, there are a group of us that posts under the moniker "Wynter Benton" and "Sam Sterns" which explains why the "voices" are different as you have already noticed. Some of the earlier crude/nasty remarks directed at Blythe were from a person who unfortunately had direct contact with her for a time. At other times, some of the posts were designed to irritate and perhaps anger Blythe (which was the purpose of the "body bag" and do-da line). As far as I know, The Leader has never posted any info on line himself. It was always through a surrogate who used less than flattering means to convey his thoughts. The original SamStern666 was discontinued sometime in september when we decided to use Wynter Benton as our main source of dissemination.

Originally, the purpose of the postings were directed at the JPM trading groups to let them know that their former colleagues knew their gameplan and tactics. It was not designed to be taken seriously by the investing public. After all, who would take us seriously? But we knew that the JPM traders knew we were for real. We still have 'friends' at The Morgue.

That is why our "voices" initially were so disjointed and lacked any clear direction or purpose. Since you are doing an expose on us, we wanted to put the context and evolution of our messages in its proper context.

Warren, there was a hot girl that inspired the name Amber Reeves and she was one of the earlier posters. Just a poster, not one of the insiders.

Warren James said...

[[ whispers excitedly to self: Wow, this is way cool!!! Louis, just want to clarify my note that the imperfect evolution of the message trail, (now explained directly by their group), is one of those 'very-difficult-to-fake' things .. it evolved naturally; it wasn't an idea conceived to deceive. Place the timing of the emergence of Turd's blog in the mix of messages is a perfect match for the direction the later posts take. Like what Grundlemaster said - I think more people ought to sit up and take notice of what has been said here ... if this group are the ones single-handedly giving Blythe's shorts an atomic wedgie then this is one of the biggest events in modern financial history). ]]

Anonymous said...


Great work.

Wonder if you might speculate on a couple of things that struck me:

1. The Group spoke about setting a trap for JPM with a planted story about Chinese rate hike, and they also seem to not have any real worries about posting so much information that would certainly raise a worry re legal charges for securities fraud. So my question is, do you think the Group must have some sort of ties to the Chinese?? Or even have a substantial funding from or have members who ARE Chinese? Ted Butler for one has speculated the Chinese are the Big Short, and this would tie many things together.

2.The Group is self described as a bunch of people with like $100 million net worth but NOT billionaires, and also about needing financing at one point. That seems inconsistent with a Group that also, particularly in their farewell post, seems unbelievably confident in the ability to now almost control the market -- setting price targets, saying they may short every so often, a la JPM. To me, this also suggest a group with MUCH deeper pockets that what they claimed. I mean, some could certainly argue that they are taking on the Fed and even the US Government with this scheme. To my humble perspective this also suggest invovlement of an entity like the CHinese, with their wheelbarrows of FRNs.

3. Lastly, the comments of McClure on Turd's blog further makes me wonder just how deep this goes.

Now I, like you am a small potatoe, just trying to catch onto the coattails of the Big Boys. And maybe from our level, all of this doesn't matter. But just wondering YOUR take??

Louis Cypher said...

Hi Wynter,
Good to hear from you. My purpose here is to pull everything together to make it easy for people to make up their own minds. One of the main credibility problems is the Yahoo message board venue and the trollish nature of the first posts.

You know what the clincher would be? Either actionable intelligence or dirt. Some bones from one of the big boys or girls closets.

Warren summed most peoples feelings perfectly so no need for me to add anything to what he said.

At some point the Morgue will take notice and that's when it will become really entertaining.
Now if that jackass Julian ASSange would release his crap the same time as Andrew McGuire (sp?)spills the beans we may have a perfect storm.

As always you have a lot of support out there who wish you guys luck. So don't be a stranger and stop by when you can.


Louis Cypher said...

Hi Cris,
I'll give it some thought but Wynter aka Amber is in the house. Maybe Wynter will address your questions. It's also a long weekend so plenty of time to develop some strategy. Besides it's my daughter birthday today so I'll be signing off for most of the day.


Lot said...

hi amber, WB or whoever you are - hats of for what you have "arranged" in last weeks and months. This is really really a money making machine.

It's just that I'm still puzzled about how many of those aware of the WB story - are still living in the dark and doubting and asking zillions of questions ... while, as you have mentioned, there are no major questions left anymore at this time.

I for my case have drawn my conclusions, already weeks earlier. And up until today these conclusions were spot on - resulting in just a money making machine while the majority out there, still Thomases, are still scratching their head.

My friends - see ya at the next roll, and the next bottom and the next roll and so on.

In the end it doesn't matter who you are - but just what you do. And boy I like what you do.

Louis Cypher said...

You are my homepage BTW. I know I give you a little shit sometimes but it's just in fun.
Anyway, just turn your stinkin' blog back on.

Despising you as always,

sierra_hpbt said...

excellent.. thanks.